Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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I'm waiting for the youtube video where someone says "My life was in shambles. I thought the world would be better off if I was dead. Then I read the Latest & Greatest About Delta thread and I realized that at least I don't work there. So I looked in the mirror and said to myself, suicide is never the answer little trooper. And all was better. Wow, it's amazing what some scope relief can do for someone standing on the edge!"
Where's my two dollars? I want my two dollars!

I realize I'm kind of opening a pandora's box here. Or in layman's terms, I'm a cat that's accidentally walked into the bar at a Holiday Inn south of Cleveland where all the SWA pilots are getting half off beer specials.

But, I wanted to see years of service for various places on the seniority list.

Please ignore the NWA/DAL differences because it's a different topic but if I didn't do both then it wouldn't have been accurate and someone would've corrected it.

BTW, 11 years of seniority barely, by two numbers, holds a weekends off line on ATLM88B.
Holy moley the complaining has gone through the roof today. Sheesh. I need to go cuddle with my dog and cry for a few.

At the risk of getting displaced off the airbus... here's some nice flying video in and out of some definitely not US destinations:

For those of you wondering why there is another negative-ish bid coming up, as well as little positive news from JG today... have some freaking perspective!!!


Don't let it get to you... I swear you'd think most of the people here haven't been through a section 6 before. It is how it goes. Just roll your eyes and move on.
Quote: God that is depressing.
And that's the sanitized, "don't offend anyone" version...

Quote: For those of you wondering why there is another negative-ish bid coming up, as well as little positive news from JG today... have some freaking perspective!!!


Don't let it get to you... I swear you'd think most of the people here haven't been through a section 6 before. It is how it goes. Just roll your eyes and move on.


What I found weird is one of the guys I know flying large metal under contract had a e-mail telling him that DAL is looking for applicants. I have not seen the e-mail and questioned him what he read, so I asked him to forward it to me when he gets out of Africa. They may just want everyone to update, which of course he did.
Quote: * Delta can't obtain a 100 seat jet while unsure of its operational cost.

BB Comment / Opinion: We have 255 100 seat jets in operation already. We are the World expert on the subject. Further, Bombardier will guarantee the cost of the airplanes and sustain performance guarantees. The uncertainty management has is who will fly those airplanes.

The scope gap will make upgauging LGA difficult. A 15% increase in capacity is "too much." Yet, upgauging from GoJets to Delta metal would be a 100% increase. Frankly, I just do not believe we will upgauge much of anything.
I will be amazed if we see up-gauging back to previous NB aircraft. I do expect ALPA to rationalize why we didn't by trotting out and dusting off the tried and true "look what happened to AMR" and "look at that great PS check"

What is really frightening is management thinks there is uncertainty on who will fly those airplanes. I wonder whatever gave them that idea?


We have a Department that collects and reviews applications. As long as Delta pays them they they will solicit and review applications. Kind of like the way Vegas runs off the Hoover Dam. If people disappear, the slot machines would likely run until the lake goes dry.

What 80 misses in the doom and gloom of Section 6, is that Management is dressing up in clown suits and serving cake (really). They are not at all doom and gloom. They are rather pleased with themselves. Delta's doing very well. (and I'm grateful too )

Don't know how to break it to you guys... The regional pilots recognize this for what it is ... we're getting whipsawed by all the outsourcing we have allowed. When management tells you ... "oh Jeez, you're the best but we just don't know what it would cost here..." That is whipsaw. Our competition in LGA is GoJets. That's nauseating.

While much is made of the billion dollars worth of upgrades our fleet is getting, it pales to the 7.4 Billion spent on 255 jets with 90 to 100 seat capacity.
While much is made of the billion dollars worth of upgrades our fleet is getting, it pales to the 7.4 Billion spent on 255 jets with 90 to 100 seat capacity.

Fantastic point and question to ask Bar.

And depressing too! I still think we need to pay for these billboards:

BTW, if APCF is a crack pipe then there is a big fat J with Labrador going around...

Where's B-U-double-Z? He's LAX based, he'd know how to fix this.
Speaking of big fat J's...

By the way, there is no need to jump. We got profit sharing, we still have a chance of something in C2012 and best of all...


Bar?!? Don't jump. It's never the way.
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