How long will it last?

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Disagrees politically so hopes for furlough and bankruptcy on someone else. What a fantastic example of a human.
Quote: Disagrees politically so hopes for furlough and bankruptcy on someone else. What a fantastic example of a human.
Ive been there before, nothing I haven’t experienced in my 30 years in the industry. It doesn’t hurt if you are prepared mentally and financially.
Quote: how would a merger help? Mergers take years and require upfront capital to invest in the merger process. To my knowledge there is not a single airline even close to making money right now (regionals aside) so I doubt much would be gained in a merger right now.

CH11 could happen but there would have to be a rebound in flying so AA can generate the cash flows needed to run the business but not necessarily service it’s debt.
i don’t have any ideas of a merger, my point was most assume the doj won’t allow anymore big mergers, well hopefully that same government won’t let AA liquidate. That’s what I’m worried about, if the recovery is as weak as people think, then we will file next year sometime. I defer to those who know more about finance, but I know our union believes this to be a likely outcome.
probably depends on how many mergers are applied for. A net downsizing of the industry could put several marriage partners out there.
Someone forgot to change their depends...
Hey Hey Hey now, everyone.... people are sounding wayyyyy too worried and panicked even on this thread... Yes, we all know there is this chance of the big ol BK boogieman knockin on Doug Parker's door, and of course many have commented that you can't even chop to profitability AND you need a suitor who actually MAKES a profit to even start to entertain a merger..... but let's all just remember, there is someone out there who knows how to turn a profit even in this climate, and even more relieving, they are somewhat familiar with the operation AND they are in need of 737 bubbas...
Mesa reports $14 million profit in Q2 2020
So please, let's just all calm down. There's someone out there........
of course there is wisdom in tying to anchors and checking for floatation
Quote: Yes, understood but to blame it on the “tweeter and chief” is nonsense when you really need the house and the senate to come together and vote on something. Basically Pelosi is holding this hostage because she wants a substantial amount to go to democratic states and cities that purposely ran themselves into the ground the last several months and are doing it again. Throw in the fact that cities and states controlled by Democrats for decades are totally trashed now. Let’s burn down our neighborhoods and then ask for the fed to bail us out.
plenty of red states face budget shortfalls, it’s not just a blue state problem.
Quote: plenty of red states face budget shortfalls, it’s not just a blue state problem.
True but that doesn’t fit their ‘facts’.
Quote: plenty of red states face budget shortfalls, it’s not just a blue state problem.
I’m sure this article will be met with gaslit projection of some sort.
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