Life at Spirit

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Quote: You’re quite welcome.. and curious when sandi asked you why Spirit , what was your response ?
said I was thrilled about multiple yearly operational meltdowns especially the ones that cost 80mm plus in revenue. (per the earnings report) Hired on the spot. Just have to be honest.
Quote: said I was thrilled about multiple yearly operational meltdowns especially the ones that cost 80mm plus in revenue. (per the earnings report) Hired on the spot. Just have to be honest.
ahhh the always popular meltdown argument. Some small shops like American Airlines and southwest Followed us with glorious examples of their own. Ever heard of them ? And your weren’t here for the real meltdown of 2015. Made
last years look like child’s play. And guess what, there will be another someday .. you perhaps were working on your instrument rating back then ? Either way IROPs are hugely embarrassing and discouraging.. but certainly not unique to us .. so if an irop gets you heated then be glad you are a boomer without many years left ..
Quote: You’re quite welcome.. and curious when sandi asked you why Spirit , what was your response ?
you won’t get a serious response. Don’t waste your time.
Quote: 6 year Capt LCKA making a measly 26$ hr can out bid a 20 year Capt.
hmm are you sure your on the Spirit pages and not the Great Lakes pages...I’m pretty sure any Spirit Pilot here is more than $26/hour. But what do I know I’m just a troll.
Sorry new to Airline Pilot Central and can't start a thread. I am interested in working for Spirit! For those of you that are there, what are the pros and cons over southwest or frontier? thanks and sorry for the dumb? I live in FLL
Quote: hmm are you sure your on the Spirit pages and not the Great Lakes pages...I’m pretty sure any Spirit Pilot here is more than $26/hour. But what do I know I’m just a troll.
You are correct the override is 27.50 . My bad
Quote: if you wait 4 hours to be released or get a hold of
someone then the jokes on you. I’ve been re-scheduled once in 4 years.. and been involved in many IROPs and never sat at airport . One time got a day hotel. That’s it. Perhaps karma has gotten ya

All you guys that are jumping down this guys throat have been here for years, and know how spirit is and works. You have to remember most these guys on reserve have been here less then a year and are on probation and don’t know you can just peace out, send an email to scheduling telling them you tried calling, were on hold and for 30 minutes and you bounced, or call the chief pilot or expense report anything. Most of these things have come via emails from the union and if your new, well you never got the emails. Also the last few IROPs we have had have been the worst this airlines ever seen. Except for maybe the one we got sued over. That’s one was pretty bad as well. No regional would ever allow a pilot to do the things spirit allows us to do. You can bad mouth this guy all you want but he is not wrong and if I were new I would have my apps out after seeing how this place is ran.

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Quote: Sorry new to Airline Pilot Central and can't start a thread. I am interested in working for Spirit! For those of you that are there, what are the pros and cons over southwest or frontier? thanks and sorry for the dumb? I live in FLL
You live in FLL. If you intend to stay there that trumps all. Living in base is everything. Frontier intends on having a lot of small bases and that sacrifices flexibility and I think getting into MCO at Southwest is pretty hard not to mention a 3+hr drive each way every week will wear on you fast.
It’s simple, I look at the last 10 years of Spirit and the ups and downs and how much we have progressed as an airline. If the next 10 years continue to change like the last 10 years we are in great shape. Then compare the last 10 years of say American Airlines, or United. It’s kind of like investing, the long game is where people make the money. YMMV, you have to make a decision that is right for you. But a lot of the chatter on this forum is emotional immaturity. If you are bailing from Spirit because of a few meltdowns and a four hour scheduling hold then you are going to have a rough up-and-down career. If however you are leaving because you’ve always wanted to work for a legacy or you live in base or you are young, it’s a great decision. No one in Flight school looks up in the sky and says one day I hope I work for Spirit Airlines. I get it, I didn’t either. But I’m happy to be here and I’ve gone through 9/11 and understood the grass is pretty much always brown. Good luck to everyone bailing, and to those staying, minibrief.

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Quote: It’s simple, I look at the last 10 years of Spirit and the ups and downs and how much we have progressed as an airline. If the next 10 years continue to change like the last 10 years we are in great shape. Then compare the last 10 years of say American Airlines, or United. It’s kind of like investing, the long game is where people make the money. YMMV, you have to make a decision that is right for you. But a lot of the chatter on this forum is emotional immaturity. If you are bailing from Spirit because of a few meltdowns and a four hour scheduling hold then you are going to have a rough up-and-down career. If however you are leaving because you’ve always wanted to work for a legacy or you live in base or you are young, it’s a great decision. No one in Flight school looks up in the sky and says one day I hope I work for Spirit Airlines. I get it, I didn’t either. But I’m happy to be here and I’ve gone through 9/11 and understood the grass is pretty much always brown. Good luck to everyone bailing, and to those staying, minibrief.

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Actually a very fair summation of all of this.
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