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Old 03-21-2024, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by ScrappyCocoa
They don’t. It was a racist and/or sexist comment.
found a DEI pilot ^^^^^
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Old 03-21-2024, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Halon1211
a DEI pilot is a pilot that takes pride in being one. But then gets offended when you get called them one. 🤷‍♂️
At Hawaiian, we’ve had crews that are proudly all women or all Hawaiian. Does that make them DEI hires? Or just proud that they broke the glass ceiling/racial barrier. Should we not celebrate Tuskegee Airmen for their valor AND the overcoming racial discrimination? DEI is a thing (under qualified), but nobody can know who is who.
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Old 03-22-2024, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by PineappleXpres
DEI is a thing (under qualified), but nobody can know who is who.
And that's precisely the problem with DEI today. A minority pilot explained his opposition to DEI very nicely to me. It marginalizes their achievements and puts a shadow of a doubt on their merits... especially today.

We aren't living in 1960's. This is 2024, and the only people who celebrate DEI are either the closet (or open for that matter) white racists who spread white supremacy by insinuating that non-whites need white help to get ahead in life and that they can't do it without white help. That's called racism of low expectations. It's insulting to and shortchanges every woman and every minority who got hired based on their merit.

The other group that pushes DEI are indeed the minorities who fell victim to this "progressive" virtue-signaling white racism. These folks generally lack self-esteem, lack self-worth and self-confidence, and have no real professional pride in their achievements, so they embrace DEI in spite it being a racist program against them which insinuates they aren't as capable as white people on their own, so they need white people's help... Talk about a sick, twisted and sad logic which is unnecessary and diminishes achievements of so many in the past 5-6 decades and casts the unnecessary shade on their merits.

Most minority pilots I know are vehemently opposed to DEI for these reasons. When questioned about whether they felt disadvantaged because of their race or circumstances, the damn near unanimous answer was that their uphill battle was within their respective circles and peer pressures, not this mythical white "privilege" as these "progressive" racists like to claim. I have no reason to doubt them.
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Old 03-22-2024, 06:23 AM
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What a stupid conversation.

"I know a black guy and he agrees with me." Classic.

All those poor white pilots and their multi million dollar retirements, the world is out to get you.
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Old 03-22-2024, 06:32 AM
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Originally Posted by RJSAviator76
And that's precisely the problem with DEI today. A minority pilot explained his opposition to DEI very nicely to me. It marginalizes their achievements and puts a shadow of a doubt on their merits... especially today.

We aren't living in 1960's. This is 2024, and the only people who celebrate DEI are either the closet (or open for that matter) white racists who spread white supremacy by insinuating that non-whites need white help to get ahead in life and that they can't do it without white help. That's called racism of low expectations. It's insulting to and shortchanges every woman and every minority who got hired based on their merit.

The other group that pushes DEI are indeed the minorities who fell victim to this "progressive" virtue-signaling white racism. These folks generally lack self-esteem, lack self-worth and self-confidence, and have no real professional pride in their achievements, so they embrace DEI in spite it being a racist program against them which insinuates they aren't as capable as white people on their own, so they need white people's help... Talk about a sick, twisted and sad logic which is unnecessary and diminishes achievements of so many in the past 5-6 decades and casts the unnecessary shade on their merits.

Most minority pilots I know are vehemently opposed to DEI for these reasons. When questioned about whether they felt disadvantaged because of their race or circumstances, the damn near unanimous answer was that their uphill battle was within their respective circles and peer pressures, not this mythical white "privilege" as these "progressive" racists like to claim. I have no reason to doubt them.

Not arguing against your logic, but to at any point assume someone was a DEI hire is right wing racist since you can objectively know. Food for thought, a year down the road the experience gained on the job may make a DEI and a non DEI indistinguishable skillful wise. Weak pilots will always be weak pilots. We all know that. DEI isn’t relevant in time. Please challenge my logic.
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Old 03-22-2024, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by PineappleXpres
Not arguing against your logic, but to at any point assume someone was a DEI hire is right wing racist since you can objectively know. Food for thought, a year down the road the experience gained on the job may make a DEI and a non DEI indistinguishable skillful wise. Weak pilots will always be weak pilots. We all know that. DEI isn’t relevant in time. Please challenge my logic.
this is just my opinion…

I flown with many great women and minorities and I have no problem with that. But it’s there are two problems.

1. Hiring someone specifically because of what boxes they check over their merits or experience. To me that is called discrimination. But I guess discrimination is only a one-way street these days.

2. the other thing is when they blabber on Instagram about “look at me!” “ look at me!” I’m a female pilot, or I check this box. They have no problem flouting their diversity.

but then, when a non-DEI person identifies them as that way, they get all upset.

for example on Instagram one time I saw a post by a female doctor that said “please stop calling me a female doctor, I’m just a doctor”

but if you go to many of these female doctor influencer pages, they called themselves “female doctors”

so we’re just calling you by what you want to be called.
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Old 03-22-2024, 07:19 AM
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Nobody becomes an airline pilot without help and luck. Born into a rich family. Born into a poor family that was loving and encouraging. Born into a ****ty family, but had exceptional genetics. Born non-white or non-male but was able to take advantage of DEI or whatever. It’s 90 percent luck whatever you are. Everyone likes a good ego stroke about the challenges they overcame to make it, but the reality is most of it comes down to luck.
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Old 03-22-2024, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Lakeaffect
Nobody becomes an airline pilot without help and luck. Born into a rich family. Born into a poor family that was loving and encouraging. Born into a ****ty family, but had exceptional genetics. Born non-white or non-male but was able to take advantage of DEI or whatever. It’s 90 percent luck whatever you are. Everyone likes a good ego stroke about the challenges they overcame to make it, but the reality is most of it comes down to luck.
Luck can certainly ease your path, but if you weren't born into airlines, money, or both, it's going to take some plane old hard work (pun intended). That's what we call "making your own luck".

Reliance on luck, Inshallah, etc is just a rationalization to not try.
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Old 03-22-2024, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by PineappleXpres
Not arguing against your logic, but to at any point assume someone was a DEI hire is right wing racist since you can objectively know. Food for thought, a year down the road the experience gained on the job may make a DEI and a non DEI indistinguishable skillful wise. Weak pilots will always be weak pilots. We all know that. DEI isn’t relevant in time. Please challenge my logic.
See, that's the beauty of this "progressive" white racism. It's pure evil genius.

So we know it's the "liberal/progressive" people pushing DEI, i.e. racism/sexism of low expectations and they're doing it as loudly as possible. In doing so, they are literally marginalizing every woman and every minority in professions where one's merit is all that matters. But not only that, they also laid out a trap to marginalize anyone should they ever question this practice by applying the label "racist" for anyone doubting them. Now enter the true racists... they know that as a nation, we are sensitive to racism, so they know that this is the easiest way to manipulate large groups of people because it will always elicit an emotional response, not the one based on facts. Why do you think the liberal/progressive debate tactic or counter to any argument is an accusation of racism? Notice the complete and deliberate deviation from discussing merits and complete focus on one's skin color. That's literally been the pure evil genius of the modern-day left wing. Need proof? Turn on MSNBC and watch a few shows and count how many times "white supremacy" and the word "racist" get mentioned.

Now, I don't know about you, but most of us Gen X'ers, Millenials, Gen Z'ers weren't products of a racist society. In fact, I'd argue just the opposite. We were all raised believing that our country is a melting pot of all different races, ethnic backgrounds, nationalties, etc. and we viewed it as our country's strength. Prior to DEI, I never thought twice about seeing a minority or female doctor, pilot, etc. Why? Because they'd had to overcome the same barriers as anyone else. Their race was about as relevant as their eye color. In fact, we truly believed it was all about "the content of one's character, not the color of one's skin" and these people clearly showed the content of their character via their merits. As a society, we embraced it.

Now here come the true racists with the mindset of "we can't have women and minorities succeeding on their own. We can't have them think they're equals. They need to feel oppressed and we need to fuel their rage in order to push our agenda. We're now gonna sow division by creating programs favoring one race over another, allow race to trump merit, and disguise it all in catchy and innocent-sounding slogan such as "Affirmative Action" back then, and today, Diversity and Inclusion... Equity is a tougher sell, but we'll spin it so should anyone ever question this practice, we will easily labeled them as right wing racists.... "

So for example, when a major airline CEO makes loud public statements that he wants a disproportionate number of certain racial or sex demographic, what message does that send and what is the net effect on those demographics? The answer is indeed that it marginalizes their achievements, but not because everyone else is somehow a right wing racist. It's because you loudly proclaimed that your emphasis was not merit or the content of one's character, but rather the color of one's skin (or their sex). And that's the problem.... You're absolutely correct when you say weak pilots will always be weak pilots, but why cut the women and minorities at the knees by treating them as if they are somehow handicapped on account of their race or sex? We all know it's not true and the implication is and should be offensive to everyone.

There is big money is race-peddling. If the idea was to get rid of racism, we wouldn't inject race, sex or anything of the sort into everything, and if you notice, it's not the right wing pushing this. This is squarely the left wing ideology, and it's true racism, pure and simple.
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Old 03-22-2024, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by RJSAviator76
See, that's the beauty of this "progressive" white racism. It's pure evil genius.

So we know it's the "liberal/progressive" people pushing DEI, i.e. racism/sexism of low expectations and they're doing it as loudly as possible. In doing so, they are literally marginalizing every woman and every minority in professions where one's merit is all that matters. But not only that, they also laid out a trap to marginalize anyone should they ever question this practice by applying the label "racist" for anyone doubting them. Now enter the true racists... they know that as a nation, we are sensitive to racism, so they know that this is the easiest way to manipulate large groups of people because it will always elicit an emotional response, not the one based on facts. Why do you think the liberal/progressive debate tactic or counter to any argument is an accusation of racism? Notice the complete and deliberate deviation from discussing merits and complete focus on one's skin color. That's literally been the pure evil genius of the modern-day left wing. Need proof? Turn on MSNBC and watch a few shows and count how many times "white supremacy" and the word "racist" get mentioned.

Now, I don't know about you, but most of us Gen X'ers, Millenials, Gen Z'ers weren't products of a racist society. In fact, I'd argue just the opposite. We were all raised believing that our country is a melting pot of all different races, ethnic backgrounds, nationalties, etc. and we viewed it as our country's strength. Prior to DEI, I never thought twice about seeing a minority or female doctor, pilot, etc. Why? Because they'd had to overcome the same barriers as anyone else. Their race was about as relevant as their eye color. In fact, we truly believed it was all about "the content of one's character, not the color of one's skin" and these people clearly showed the content of their character via their merits. As a society, we embraced it.

Now here come the true racists with the mindset of "we can't have women and minorities succeeding on their own. We can't have them think they're equals. They need to feel oppressed and we need to fuel their rage in order to push our agenda. We're now gonna sow division by creating programs favoring one race over another, allow race to trump merit, and disguise it all in catchy and innocent-sounding slogan such as "Affirmative Action" back then, and today, Diversity and Inclusion... Equity is a tougher sell, but we'll spin it so should anyone ever question this practice, we will easily labeled them as right wing racists.... "

So for example, when a major airline CEO makes loud public statements that he wants a disproportionate number of certain racial or sex demographic, what message does that send and what is the net effect on those demographics? The answer is indeed that it marginalizes their achievements, but not because everyone else is somehow a right wing racist. It's because you loudly proclaimed that your emphasis was not merit or the content of one's character, but rather the color of one's skin (or their sex). And that's the problem.... You're absolutely correct when you say weak pilots will always be weak pilots, but why cut the women and minorities at the knees by treating them as if they are somehow handicapped on account of their race or sex? We all know it's not true and the implication is and should be offensive to everyone.

There is big money is race-peddling. If the idea was to get rid of racism, we wouldn't inject race, sex or anything of the sort into everything, and if you notice, it's not the right wing pushing this. This is squarely the left wing ideology, and it's true racism, pure and simple.
So DEI isn’t Dale Earnhardt Incorporated?
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