Spirit of NKS

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Quote: I've got no desire to call him; he didn't do me the service of a phone call either. Regardless if "Waldo" is him or not, he's guilty of all the charges I've made. He'll read it.

Hey Waldo, why do you feel so threatened?
Good enough I guess. I just put two and two together. You are the midget from boca deal chico, a small man of even smaller caliber.
Quote: Political power is an aphrodisiac. Trust me, I know. One of the hardest things I ever did was to walk away from the MEC Chair.
You, my friend, have said it all. Thanks for making my point.
Many were wondering the same thing: I guess it makes sense why the "union classes" are being held pro bono?
Quote: You, my friend, have said it all. Thanks for making my point.

Nope, I didn't make your point at all. In fact, I'm not sure that you have a point. Be that as it may, letting go of power isn't easy. There's no crime in enjoying the role and responsibility of MEC Chairman, the crime is in abusing the position and I didn't abuse the position. The looming specter of hypertension gave me little choice in continuing, but I confess that being a VIP is hard to walk away from. That was the context of my post as I answered someone else who asked you "why do you feel so threatened".

Take anything you want from that, make it into any point that you want but I think that most reading this understand that you and I are working in different dimensions. You are attempting to protect your power and I'm attempting to show others how to utilize the power bestowed them by the ALPA Constitution and ByLaws. If I were pursuing power, the last thing I'd do would be to train others to access power. I'd offer to be everyone's Champion, to be their shield, to take a bullet for them. I am not making that offer. I'd rather them learn to be their own champion.

Shiftwork, I'm offering to help pilots be effective inside their union. Not one thing I offer is politically specific. Telling pilots to: learn the Constitution/Bylaws/Admin Man, learn the MEC Policy Manual, write Resolutions, network, volunteer and show up for Local meetings ; is nothing more than offering them techniques -techniques that can be used in many ways.

You guys want to , you think you need to, to scare the pilot group with the possibility that I might want to return to power because you hope to energize your base and get out the anti Law voters. In today's divided world, that's probably a good strategy, but it shows that you are more interested in winning than in doing the right thing.

PS, I'm not in line for MEC Chair either. The guys trying to get the 109 Capt Rep recalled have their own team and candidate for Chairman. They realize that the bottom half of the list is tired of old politics.
Is this effort worth the damage it does to what little is left of unity?
Very well:-) I guess the bottom half doesn't know a "class act"; i.e. Frank. If removing him so they can put in a new MEC.. then I guess we know what the motive is.
Why is our ALPA website so out of date?! Hasn't been updated in a year
If G Unit is not satisfied with the representation he has received why not a recall of the FO rep?
Quote: If G Unit is not satisfied with the representation he has received why not a recall of the FO rep?
I think because the FO rep is now a capt and no longer an FO (or rep)
Quote: If G Unit is not satisfied with the representation he has received why not a recall of the FO rep?
Darn good question, but don't forget, in ALPA both seat rep elections are open to the entire LEC. I'll also give you credit for opposing the recalls back in 2006, but in that case an entire LEC voted to recall their own rep only because he voted too often with the other LEC. Go figure
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