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Balder 03-09-2013 03:03 PM

You didn't, I respect your post. That reference was meant as food for thought for some of the other posters on this thread.

NedsKid 03-09-2013 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Normann (Post 1368249)
The only problem they will run into with this bid is the required X days off before training. I don't remember how many days it is, but I think it is more than 3. The first upgrade is scheduled for the 11th. It is the 9th already. But would you refuse to show up for your upgrade because of that?

And that's the issue, right there. Spirit ALPA is always put in a position where they either demand contract compliance - in this case, it might delay the upgrades of 4 guys, and, in theory, everyone in the history of the company after them - and get labeled as 'against the pilots', just like they were they enforced the JA limitation in the contract, or they waive the contract (again, this wouldn't be the first time upgrade training was done with less than required notice - DFW opening), and get labeled by the pilots as 'selectively enforcing the contract'.

captscott26 03-09-2013 10:32 PM

FYI, all upgrades were given their 5 days notice and 4 days free from duty required by the CBA.

Normann 03-10-2013 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by NedsKid (Post 1368643)
And that's the issue, right there. Spirit ALPA is always put in a position where they either demand contract compliance - in this case, it might delay the upgrades of 4 guys, and, in theory, everyone in the history of the company after them - and get labeled as 'against the pilots', just like they were they enforced the JA limitation in the contract, or they waive the contract (again, this wouldn't be the first time upgrade training was done with less than required notice - DFW opening), and get labeled by the pilots as 'selectively enforcing the contract'.

That is the same in every aspect of life. You take the problems as they come, and solve them the best you can, so they have the least impact and hopefully the most favorable outcome for majority. The contract, and what we want from it is ideology. Enforcing it is practical.

Every pilot will be critical of the MEC at one point, because the decisions at times will not serve their individual interest. The time will come when they will not be part of the "majority". The bottom line for me, here at NK, was getting to know the individuals running the MEC and then also getting to know the opposition. There are a handful of people that are fun to fly with in the opposition. But for the most part, they are the dumbest and least coherent bunch I have ever seen operating an airliner. And what is even more important, the opposition sold those 125 of us furloughed out. The sold us down the river, every day, over and over again. That I will never forget when I will vote next time an election is coming.

NedsKid 03-10-2013 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by captscott26 (Post 1368756)
FYI, all upgrades were given their 5 days notice and 4 days free from duty required by the CBA.

Ok, good to hear. Thanks for the info.

Originally Posted by Normann (Post 1368764)
There are a handful of people that are fun to fly with in the opposition. But for the most part, they are the dumbest and least coherent bunch I have ever seen operating an airliner. And what is even more important, the opposition sold those 125 of us furloughed out. The sold us down the river, every day, over and over again. That I will never forget when I will vote next time an election is coming.

Many of the most vocal members of the 'opposition' to the current MEC leadership are guys who were part of those 125 pilots, so your observation is interesting. I've found the majority of the 'opposition' to be FO's, which means many of them weren't even on property at the time of the strike.

None the less, I like that an opposition does exist, if only to keep everyone honest.

Normann 03-11-2013 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by NedsKid (Post 1368832)
Ok, good to hear. Thanks for the info.

Many of the most vocal members of the 'opposition' to the current MEC leadership are guys who were part of those 125 pilots, so your observation is interesting. I've found the majority of the 'opposition' to be FO's, which means many of them weren't even on property at the time of the strike.

None the less, I like that an opposition does exist, if only to keep everyone honest.

As usual. The seniority range we know the least is our own seniority. You are probably in the left seat.

It is ok to be in opposition as long you have a plan, and are able to explain me how we will get from A to B as a group. So far I have yet to meet anyone who was able to do that. I was critical about the contract as well. It takes time to get the full story. It takes time to end up paired together with the players who were involved and get their personal vintage point and reasoning and make your own judgement about their character. As far as honesty. Yeah, honesty is clearly not a problem of the MEC but the problem of the opposition. Just remember the mud throwing that went on and is still going on.

NedsKid 03-11-2013 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Normann (Post 1369356)
It takes time to get the full story. It takes time to end up paired together with the players who were involved and get their personal vintage point and reasoning and make your own judgement about their character.

I know most of the players, and enjoy a cold beverage with some of the biggest proponents of each, mainly Captains (who don't seem to be the firebrands that some of the FO's are on the other board - hence my feeling that the most vocal opposition is in the right seat). Both have their points, and I try to always listen with an open mind. Lincoln's cabinet included all of his rivals in his party, and Obama's Sec. of State was his major rival - differing opinions, provided they can unite behind a common goal, will yield superior solutions.

As far as honesty. Yeah, honesty is clearly not a problem of the MEC but the problem of the opposition. Just remember the mud throwing that went on and is still going on.
I'm uncomfortable labeling those who don't agree with our leadership's current direction as having problems with 'honesty' or 'character'. These labels prevent the discussion from remaining civil, professional, and, most importantly, productive.

punchdrunk 03-11-2013 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Excel (Post 1363786)
Questions RE Reserve:

I understand the basics, its line bidding for a specific RAP for the month, 12/13 days off not including conflicts... But I have a few specific questions...

How long do they wait to assign open time flying to reserves (Noon the previous day for example??)

If you are awarded an R3 for the month (on call 3am-5pm), are you stuck commuting in the day prior for the entire month, or are you able to make a deal with scheduling to move up your initial callout time on the first day, making it commutable?

Can someone sitting reserve pickup opentime (within 24-48hrs of show time)? I understand you can preference a trip but Im wondering if you can actually pick something out of the pot

Are you able to get an early release on any particular day if you call scheduling and there is enough coverage?

For line holders, can you do partial adds/drops (drop the first turn of your pairing to make the trip commutable for example) if the reserve grid is green? Is there any way to add/drop partial pairings?

Any other advice or specific info about reserve life would be helpfull, thanks!


Saw this posted a few pages back without any responses, I am also curious about reserve at Spirit, hope to get some input!...

Normann 03-11-2013 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by NedsKid (Post 1369617)
I'm uncomfortable labeling those who don't agree with our leadership's current direction as having problems with 'honesty' or 'character'. These labels prevent the discussion from remaining civil, professional, and, most importantly, productive.

Ohh I am very comfortable calling people what they are. But make a note that I did not call anyone dishonest just because they disagree with the MEC. I call them dishonest because they have been making false accusations. They threw mud on good people, labeled them all kinds of things. And that they certainly did and still do. And no, not everyone in the opposition did that. But a good chunk did it for sure. And that is my own, first hand experience.

Normann 03-11-2013 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Excel (Post 1363786)
Questions RE Reserve:

I understand the basics, its line bidding for a specific RAP for the month, 12/13 days off not including conflicts... But I have a few specific questions...

How long do they wait to assign open time flying to reserves (Noon the previous day for example??)

If you are awarded an R3 for the month (on call 3am-5pm), are you stuck commuting in the day prior for the entire month, or are you able to make a deal with scheduling to move up your initial callout time on the first day, making it commutable?

Can someone sitting reserve pickup opentime (within 24-48hrs of show time)? I understand you can preference a trip but Im wondering if you can actually pick something out of the pot

Are you able to get an early release on any particular day if you call scheduling and there is enough coverage?

For line holders, can you do partial adds/drops (drop the first turn of your pairing to make the trip commutable for example) if the reserve grid is green? Is there any way to add/drop partial pairings?

Any other advice or specific info about reserve life would be helpfull, thanks!

I only know a few of these as I have not been reserve for a good while.

They used to give me stuff a day before and also last minute.
If you get r3 yes you are stuck most likely. I doubt they will let you work a deal unless they assign you something for your first day that starts somewhat late. I have never tried this though.

You can get OT assigned on your days of if you are on reserve but it has to be within two calendar days and other rules must be followed. I understand it is not happening much anymore. You can ask for certain trips that might get assigned to you anyhow, so yes you can preference trips but they don't have to give it to you.

You get automatic early release on your last day at a certain time. I want to say 6 hours before your release time. You don't need to call. Other than that I don't think they will release you on a day other than the last. Even if you can't fly much, they still want the notification option available.

You can't do partial drops through FLICA. I am not sure if they would do it if you would call them. You can do jetbridge trades though. That is about as close as I can think we have partial drops/trades.

I guess that was not all that useful. Sorry. Perhaps other will chime in.

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