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RAH Representation Election - Write in "RPC"!


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RAH Representation Election - Write in "RPC"!

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Old 05-31-2011, 07:14 AM
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Default RAH Representation Election - Write in "RPC"!

The Representation Election opens this week.

All of us, all of the Republic Pilots, have a choice.

We also only have ONE VOTE! Once you cast your vote in this election, you will not be able to change your vote. You can only request a new vin/pin in writing from the NMB.



The Republic Pilots Council (RPC) is an umbrella joint Council that would be certified by the NMB as the designated bargaining representative for all Republic Airways Holdings pilots under the Single Transportation System if it prevails in the coming election. The RPC members will initially consist of
equal representation from the current FAPA and Local 357 leadership. Underneath the RPC, the pilots flying on the Republic, Shuttle and Chautauqua certificates under the Chautauqua CBA would be
represented by one organization designated by the RPC specific to their needs and of their choosing (Local 357, or an independent); and the pilots flying on the Frontier certificate under the FAPA CBA would be represented by FAPA, as designated by the RPC. It is imperative that all pilots under Republic Airways Holdings work collaboratively and cooperatively towards common goals in a unified manner. However, this can best be accomplished through voluntarily chosen and appropriate representation for the group, NOT by forcing our diverse groups into one group overnight – be it IBT, ALPA or FAPA – that will only continue conflict and division.

Local 357 leadership claims that we all need to work together, but even they have stated that there are different priorities in representation and bargaining between the branded operation and fee-for-departure operation. The greatest chasm between the groups right now is
obviously the SLI. If the RPC is elected, FAPA will take the first step forward in unity by supporting the joint members of the RPC in negotiating successful implementation of the SLI.

Why a Joint Council?

RPC = Republic Pilots representing Republic Pilots. This structure gives both groups what they desire: a common organizational structure for unity and common efforts, as well as a structure that protects the unique priorities and interests of both groups.

The pilots of Frontier Airlines have been very happy with their representation by FAPA. That is who they chose for their representation for the past 13 years and they are very upset about the possibility of
another organization stripping this from them. Recent polling showed that not one Frontier pilot, of the hundreds asked, supported IBT as their bargaining representative. Forcing IBT representation on the
Frontier pilots through the greater number of Republic pilots will create animosity and division – NOT a unified front for RAH pilots’ interests.

On the other hand, we appreciate that there is significant support for the new Local 357 EXCO and that the pilots of Republic/Shuttle America/Chautauqua may be very happy to continue being represented by
those EXCO members and even the IBT. The Republic pilots should therefore be free to maintain their representation as well, rather than have it imposed on them by another group.

This Joint Council will serve the interests of ALL the pilots at Republic Air Holdings.

How will it work?

The RPC will provide a common, unified platform to ensure cooperative efforts between all the pilots at RAH. The RPC will initially consist of equal representation from the current FAPA and Local 357 leadership. Under the RPC, a Bargaining Agent will be designated for Frontier pilots and Republic pilots (e.g. FAPA and Local 357 respectively). Each Bargaining Agent under the RPC will collect and manage its own dues at the rate to be determined by its respective members. The RPC will oversee the objectives of
each group, coordinate communication and cooperation between committees, and ensure all RAH pilots’ interests and actions remained aligned and consistent.

The RPC will make all efforts to:

• Implement the Eischen Award
• Prevent continuous litigation regarding SLI implementation or Duty of Fair representation issues
• Develop joint provisions to prevent “whipsaw” of the two groups by RAH management
• Develop a common basis to address issues such as scope and struck work to allow the pilots of each
group to respect the legitimate rights of the other
• Coordinate the efforts of each organization’s committees for the betterment of the entire pilot group.

How does the RPC benefit the Republic Pilots?

Rather than a national organization with minimal airline experience and widely varying priorities and expenses, the Republic Pilots can benefit from a unique opportunity to be represented by an independent organization of their choosing that is specifically designed for pilots. However, if they want
to keep IBT Local 357 as their Bargaining Agent, they are free to do so.
The RPC structure also gives the Republic Pilots an opportunity to address their unique needs, CBA negotiations, and economic issues cooperatively with the support and experience of FAPA and the Frontier pilots. The Chautauqua CBA has been amendable without resolution for too long and the RPC will work aggressively to move that process forward.

The RPC would allow FAPA and Republic representatives to work productively together. The FAPA representatives are experienced pilot representatives who have successfully negotiated for pilots. FAPA has developed one of the best quality of life contracts in the industry with a highly flexible open time system, valuable vacation and sick accrual and use provisions, and a rewarding incentive compensation structure. Over the past 4 years, FAPA has signed 65 Letters of Agreement to improve and clarify the contract, including 15 LOA’s in the past year alone (the most recent include improved flexibility in adding open time, more pay for reserves with long duty periods and an improved relief line bidding process). This experience in bargaining for scheduling rules, benefits, compensation, resolving grievances, and all the other issues related to quality of life for a professional pilot is an invaluable asset
that will not likely be available under a forced relationship.

Will IBT Local 357 be designated as the Bargaining Agent for the Republic Pilots?

If the Republic pilots want it to be, it will. If the RPC wins the election by the combined pilot group, the IBT will no longer be the NMB recognized Bargaining Representative for the Republic pilots. However, if the Republic pilots choose to maintain IBT Local 357 as their Bargaining Agent, they are free to choose to do so.

If the Republic Pilots believe an organization other than Local 357 would better represent their interests, the FAPA representatives on the RPC will support that decision and FAPA will commit resources and knowledge to assist in doing so. If the Republic Pilots decide they want to form an independent organization, they could realize between $400,000 and $500,000 in additional dues revenues for their efforts that is currently disappearing into the IBT bank account in Washington DC with minimal return.

This would likely eliminate the need for the assessment being paid by the current IBT membership that is likely to continue for some time. Until the Republic pilots determine their Bargaining Agent, the current EXCO will remain in place on the RPC as experienced and informed leaders.

Will the NMB recognize the RPC?

Yes. This is a legal entity that will be recognized by the NMB as the elected Bargaining Representative. IBT will likely tell the membership that is not the case, but that is misleading and untrue – there are currently structures similar to this in existence in the IBT. (See IBT/HERE Employee Representatives' Council at Gate Gourmet; or the IBT/CWA Association at USAirways.)

Uniting behind this structure is in the best interests of all the pilots at Republic.

Why not IBT for everyone?

Frankly, there is absolutely no support among the Frontier pilots for the IBT or to be absorbed into Local 357. There is probably a similar feeling among many of the Republic Pilots with respect to FAPA. In order to prevent a massively antagonistic chasm from being formed, we believe each group can have the benefits of having their unique interests addressed by their chosen Bargaining Agent under the guidance and cooperation of the RPC.
While we respect the Republic pilots’ option to send a portion of dues to IBT national, the Frontier pilots prefer not to send money to a national organization for minimal return. FAPA has been very successful
keeping all dues in-house for direct representation, and seeking outside counsel and consultants as necessary. IBT, while a large labor organization, generally represents non-pilot workers with limited focus on pilots and the airline industry. While all employees deserve representation, the parent organization should have knowledge, expertise, and focus on the industry in which it is representing. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents more than 1,400,000 workers. The IBT Airline Division claims to represent 75,000 workers. Of those, only 6,621 are pilots. Less than one half of one percent of all IBT members are pilots.

The RPC membership would be 100% pilots from Republic Air Holdings with combined annual revenues of approximately $3,000,000. If IBT were to represent all the pilots at Republic they would siphon off approximately $650,000 of the dues money for the national organization.

Why not FAPA for everyone?

The Republic pilots have legitimate concerns about being represented effectively with FAPA. As we have indicated to the FAPA members and the Local 357 leadership, the FAPA structure is not appropriate to represent the entire group. Contrary to some representations, this is not an issue of FAPA not wanting to represent or work with/for the Republic pilots, it is a problem in that FAPA is not constructed to be able to logistically or financially support such a large group with so many domiciles. The structure of the RPC will be more effective in representing the entire group.
How does this create unity?

Unity is having common goals, common purpose, and common objectives. The RPC structure supports and encourages this by allowing each group to be supportive of the other’s interests, working together on common issues, and providing mutual resources and assistance while maintaining focus on their specific priorities through the individual Bargaining Agents.
Forcing one group of pilots to be represented by an organization they do not support does not create unity; in fact, it will create division and dissension. This is true of forcing Frontier Pilots into IBT as much
as forcing IBT Pilots into FAPA.

How does this benefit the Frontier Pilots?

Just as we believe the Republic Pilots should be free to choose, the Frontier Pilots will be represented by the organization of their choosing. Being secure in their representation, and having the resources necessary to provide their services, the Frontier Pilots will be in position to be supportive of the pilots at Republic. The Frontier Pilots have a CBA that is not amendable until 2015 and are obligated to comply with its
terms and conditions. Frontier pilots are not free to simply decide to walk off the job in support of other pilots operating under a different CBA. The Joint Council structure allows the Republic Pilots the right to
pursue their legal rights without the Frontier Pilots being forced to engage in what could be construed as illegal work activities. The structure, resources, knowledge, and experience of FAPA would remain available to the Frontier Pilots. In the event of a fragmentation event where Frontier is separated from the RAH companies, maintaining the continuity of representation in the future will be much more easily established.

How does this benefit the Midwest and Lynx Pilots?

When currently furloughed Midwest and Lynx pilots return, they will return under either the FAPA/Frontier CBA or the IBT/Chautauqua CBA. As with the other pilots under the respective CBAs, the RPC structure will allow those pilots to be best represented according to the needs and priorities of the respective CBAs, while enjoying the advantages of the coordination between the Bargaining Agents.

How do I cast my vote for the Republic Pilots Council?

When voting, cast your vote as a write-in vote for “Republic Pilots Council” or “RPC”.

Everyone will be receiving more information from RPC this week, along with your NMB voting information.

Feel free to visit Republic Pilots Council, a new message board for ALL RAH pilots will be going "live" later today for all of us to discuss this TOGETHER in a more open and professional environment than some of the anonymous message boards.

This vote will determine our future as RAH pilots.
Take some time and Educate yourself.
Take time and Vote.
When you vote, choose the following option:

"YES, I vote for any other organization or individual"

then write-in or say


Vote RPC!
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:04 AM
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My sympathy goes out to all Frontier pilots.
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by texaspilot76
My sympathy goes out to all Frontier pilots.
No sympathy is required.

The Frontier pilots were not asked if they wanted to be purchased by RAH.
The Republic pilots were not asked if they wanted RAH to purchase F9 or YX.

None of the involved pilot groups have had a say in the matter, until now.

This is the only "choice" in the election. A vote for the IBT is not a vote for a common goal, it is a hostile takeover that will only result in more division.

A vote for the RPC will not force anything on anyone. The IBT can choose whomever we want as a bargaining unit and the FAPA pilots can choose whomever they want.

This is the FIRST effort toward Unity since 2009 when RAH purchased Midwest and then Frontier/Lynx.

You only have one chance to vote, your vote can't be changed after the fact. Make it count.

Educate yourself. Vote.

Vote RPC.
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:23 AM
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why is there not a single name associated with this organization. entities like this usually require a leader, someone (better yet a group) organizing the effort.

if this was legitimate wouldn't you want to have started to make your case some time before the vote opens. APC doesn't really seem like the proper platform to make this case.
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by mccube5
why is there not a single name associated with this organization. entities like this usually require a leader, someone (better yet a group) organizing the effort.

if this was legitimate wouldn't you want to have started to make your case some time before the vote opens. APC doesn't really seem like the proper platform to make this case.
There will actually be six "leaders". Three FAPA BoD members and three IBT 357 Exco leaders.

The "case" has been made before the vote opens. Every person on the combined list has been mailed information, and the vote doesn't open until tomorrow.

APC seems like a great platform to make this "case". There are numerous, passionate RAH pilots on this board. They can discuss here or at rahpilots.com. Usernames and passwords have already been mailed to everyone and should be arriving via regular mail today or tomorrow depending on your geographical location.

The vote will be open for 27 days.

The IBT wants to rush everyone into voting before we can all learn about alternatives that will represent us ALL, not just the senior IBT members.

Why rush? This vote is critically important, I would question anyone that wanted me to rush my decision.

You have 27 days to ask the RPC anything you want to ask.

Take your time.
Educate yourself.
You only have one vote and you can't change your vote after you use your vin/pin.

Learn about the RPC and you will not be disappointed.

Vote RPC.
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:59 AM
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It looks like the group will be made up of RAH and Frontier pilots who are picked to represent the airline as a whole. Each side continuing to represent those pilots that fly on their side of the company and working together to represent the pilot group as a whole. Internal unions get to keep all the dues and use it for the pilots. How much of the dues for the IBT go to other work groups (truck drivers etc.)? We all need to make an informed decision about who would have our best interests in mind. Who will look out for you a union that has over 1 million members with very few pilots or you and your fellow pilots.
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:07 AM
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deleted because I dont know how to quote properly...
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:11 AM
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Who will look out for you a union that has over 1 million members with very few pilots or you and your fellow pilots.
Just like USAPA right? Because after all USAPA is nothing like the massive group of ALPA. And since day one USAPA has clearly supported the best interest of the not only the East pilots but especially the West pilots right?!?

All I can say is be very careful boys and girls. Its a big vote for sure. And from my understanding the IBT/FAPA boys are really not getting along well at all now. So how would it all of a sudden change?[/QUOTE]
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by terryhflyer
It looks like the group will be made up of RAH and Frontier pilots who are picked to represent the airline as a whole. Each side continuing to represent those pilots that fly on their side of the company and working together to represent the pilot group as a whole. Internal unions get to keep all the dues and use it for the pilots. How much of the dues for the IBT go to other work groups (truck drivers etc.)? We all need to make an informed decision about who would have our best interests in mind. Who will look out for you a union that has over 1 million members with very few pilots or you and your fellow pilots.
You make several great points Terry.

Before I continue I want to establish one criteria to posting on this thread.

All claims must be substantiated with a source. If you can't back up your info with a public document you should not post it here.

This thread is about education. The vote is about our Future as a group of 3000 pilots.

Terry asked the following;

" How much of the dues for the IBT go to other work groups"?

The IBT dues structure is very competitive with other unions. The dues rate is 1.56% of month guarantee. Unfortunately, all of that money doesn't stay in-house and once you get past the attractive dues percentage and take a closer look you might not like what you find....

Of that 1.56%, .22% is immediately siphoned off to IBT National. In 2010, that .22% equaled approximately $424,000 (Source: 2010 LM-2, Statement B, Line 36). That is a huge amount of money to lose annually, while getting nothing in return.

It gets worse, after you give away a half million dollars, you still have to pay your business agents and IBT staff. The Local 357 paid their IBT staff approximately $230,000 in 2010. On top of the salary, the IBT Local 357 paid approximately $37,000 for the health benefits, pension, and 401k of their staff (Source: 2010 LM-2, Schedule 11, 12, 20).

Most IBT members and all IBT staff receive a pension. IBT Truck drivers also receive a pension (in fact the UPS truck drivers pension is so large they separated their pension from the rest of the IBT Central States Pension. The Local 357 Staff members are participants in the Central States Pension fund.)The pilots in 357 are making pension contributions for their staff members, but they are not participants in the fund themselves.

When you combine the $430,000 loss to National, the $230,000 staff salary, and the $37,000 pension and benefit payment, you have almost $700,000 disappearing in 2010 alone. $700k annually with NOTHING to show for it.

One of the greatest attributes of the RPC is the following.

If the current IBT pilots want to remain IBT, they are free to do as they choose. The RPC is about CHOICE. Nothing is being forced upon anyone.

Take your time to get educate.

Take your time to learn about the RPC.

Vote RPC. 3000 pilots FINALLY working together. Common Goals. Common Interest.
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by SUX4U
Just like USAPA right? Because after all USAPA is nothing like the massive group of ALPA. And since day one USAPA has clearly supported the best interest of the not only the East pilots but especially the West pilots right?!?

All I can say is be very careful boys and girls. Its a big vote for sure. And from my understanding the IBT/FAPA boys are really not getting along well at all now. So how would it all of a sudden change?

The USAPA comparison is similar to what the IBT 357 is doing today. They are attempting to control the destiny of some of the pilots on the list simply because they outnumber that group.

Here is the big difference between the RPC and Local 357.

The IBT is demanding everything and offering NOTHING in return.

RPC is offering everything and asking for nothing in return.

RPC structure allows the IBT members to remain IBT if they choose. The RPC will also combine several committees, making them more effective and more cost efficient for both parties. Ironically, the genesis for the "Council" structure is originally an IBT concept. This council structure is already in place in two other IBT properties.

The RPC has already pledged to do the following;

"• Implement the Eischen Award
• Prevent continuous litigation regarding SLI implementation or Duty of Fair representation issues
• Develop joint provisions to prevent “whipsaw” of the two groups by RAH management
• Develop a common basis to address issues such as scope and struck work to allow the pilots of each
group to respect the legitimate rights of the other
• Coordinate the efforts of each organization’s committees for the betterment of the entire pilot group."

The IBT Local 357 is attempting a hostile takeover. We already have enough hostility at RAH.

This is really a Win/Win for all 3000 pilots.

Take your time and learn about the RPC.

Keep asking questions.
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