UAL offer street hires classes?

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Quote: Calzone,

Keep your head up. It will be good for a guy like you soon enough. May even get to pick who to go to. Retiring or leaving AD from VT-35?

What's your background? Navy/AF/ANG? What did/do you fly in the military?
I'll be checking my email quite closely since I wasn't on the first round.
flybynuts, Where did you get this info? Are you sure it's valid, I've heard the complete opposite from UAL dudes...
Quote: All,
Hiring is now going to go through the summer. Trying to ramp up to 60 a month vice 48......
Where did you get this information?

It was briefed to me last week about the need for more in one of the meetings I had to attend in Denver. We are even maxing out training to try and accommodate the demand but it is becoming hard to do since we are simulator limited. We even went to a fifth sim period to help. I try and verify again to make sure good word is passed.
Anyone have accurate information on the purpose of the sim and what is evaluated (not the specific tasks like steep turns etc, but rather the overall purpose) during the exercise at the interview ? Example: what would make someone a no-go or successful in that phase?
Quote: Guys,

It was briefed to me last week about the need for more in one of the meetings I had to attend in Denver. We are even maxing out training to try and accommodate the demand but it is becoming hard to do since we are simulator limited. We even went to a fifth sim period to help. I try and verify again to make sure good word is passed.
If you heard it at TK the rule is: "The Opposite Is True"
Quote: FWIW, here's how the March 2013 UA Flight Ops Update describes the sim eval:
A Skills Assessment. This measures a candidate’s ability to learn and recall information and then apply it in an operational environment. In addition, it evaluates the candidates’ CRM skills in a short, line-oriented exercise. Although conducted in a full-flight simulator, the primary skills evaluated in this exercise generally come to pilots naturally. There is little, if any, value to practicing “stick and rudder” work in a simulator before beginning our selection process.
This is very good to see! And it makes sense too! Looks like they are being very smart about the hiring process.
Quote: I'll be checking my email quite closely since I wasn't on the first round.
Make sure you check your junk mail too! That's where mine ended up...Not sure why, since airlineApps is a legitimate email and isn't spam. Plus I've received stuff from them before so it should have recognized it, but it was in there.
Junk mail? That's funny.
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