Today's LUAL SLI Presentation?

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Quote: Dude....grow up. People read your posts and label all of us as idiots.

If you can't say something somewhat constructive why don't you take a break from the board?

In fact, why can't ALL of us be a little nicer to each other? NONE of us have ANY say in the outcome...why be "dicks"?
Thanks for the post..................
Quote: Ok, Council 12, my bad, in print, blast mail... I honestly feel there will be no Unity here... The prejudice on both sides is too deeply engrained in both our cultures... Mixing it is like oil and vinegar... We all have different views... I'll look for Ben's blastmail.... Was it in response to ORDC12 shot over the bow? Well anyway if you fire a shot across the bow,expect three in the hull.... At least for now.... I wonder if all the councils both sides have a plan to get the groups together... The SLI is only to put numbers together, what will bring the people together in our careers? Anyone have any ideas?
Deleted to promote Unity -
Quote: . You'll get no pass from me.
Knowing this, I don't know if I'll be able to continue living.....

Troll bait.....
Quote: You talk about unity? Did you see the CAL proposed staple job of 2,500 UAL pilots? We just don't react we'll to scab-like behavior.
The above quote to me is equivalent to the BEHAVIOR that you don't react to well to!!! You seem to throw the "scab like" behavior term around to easily! To me being "mad or disagree" about an issue has no place in the same conversation!! I'm sure if you told us about your history in aviation, there are some things or beliefs that you have that would be considered " scab like"! (If we could all put our own definitions on them!!)
Quote: Knowing this, I don't know if I'll be able to continue living.....

Troll bait.....
I'll repeat:

Quote: Trying to hide your true stature with an avatar of the gentle giant. I remember you attacking Wendy Morse, not because of deeds but because of her gender - as I recall you never apologized to her or the other fine lady pilots at United. You'll get no pass from me. You do the real Hoss a disservice by displaying his picture as if it really represents your true character.
You'll get no pass from me.
And I'll repeat

Knowing this, I don't know if I'll be able to continue living.....

Troll bait.....
I guess we could play this game all day long troll. But I've got one better for you, welcome to my ignore list troll. I suggest the rest of you do the same. If you don't feed the Troll they soon starve from lack of attention and go away. There is only one thing this idiot strives for and that is attention. What a pathetic sorry little life she must live.
Quote: Knowing this, I don't know if I'll be able to continue living.....

Troll bait.....

I guess we can play this game all day long troll..
You can't admit you were wrong and apologize to the lady pilots of United but yet you want to call names. All UAL and cal pilots should call you on this disrespect to our lady pilots. With almost 2,000 post you should know better.
Quote: ............ And, what about the CAL post that said all 2005 pilots were captains? .........
You've got to admit, this was pretty DEMEANING! I mean, what a massive effort to put the UAL pilots down............ LOL. You're kidding, right? Slamming the pilots is one thing, but exaggerating a comment is a bit overboard in my opinion.......... Lighten up.
not a rouse
Quote: It looks like all the Councils like to cheer for their members, look no further than Ben's blast mail to the guys in Houston. When called on it on another forum, Ben explained it away as saying that it was only intended to rouse up his guys in Houston.

I think that's a bit of a stretch. Every word I pushed was intended to DEFEND my Pilots, and I stand by every word of it. The unfortunate truth is that is is extremely difficult to express 3 years of experience in a single page. I would NEVER do anything to rouse the CAL guys against the UAL guys; if fact, my history has indicated just the opposite. One point that wish I had included was that the VAST MAJORITY of UAL guys on CAL property have been great to work with; the very few bad apples, have been BAD. The former guys, actually called to inquire about the misconstrued mistake that I have deviated from my previous unity stance. There has been no diversion from my belief in the potential for the unified groups. However, I remain a Union Representative, and have witnessed disrespect and maneuvering on BOTH sides. There's only so many times that I'll be willing to hear my guys, some of whom were full-term strikers disrespected and insulted before I say "enough is enough". There are many things that will open eyes whenever Flying the Line 3 is printed. Until then, try to understand that many things occurring don't make their way to the forums.

Now I know there were many zingers in my com, I have not and won't apologize for what I wrote; I just wish as much attention had been paid to my closing paragraph,
I take being your Representative very seriously. I remain very optimistic about working with L-UAL and L-CAL Pilots in order to make our airline the best of the best. I have just as many friends on the United MEC as I have on the CAL MEC, though my allegiance rest with the Houston Pilots first and foremost. I believe in Pilots, I believe in the human condition. I believe in manners and humble decorum. Arrogantly, I feel that I am the best Pilot at this Airline, and I expect each and every one of you to feel the same way about yourselves. WE can make it through this, but we have to make a conscience effort to treat and respect each other better.

I do acknowledge that it's hard to accept reason after a few punches have been throw, and that I did throw those punches.
I'll be out of pocket until next week. I plan on doing some crew room time then to talk about this for all who want to listen.


Quote: Lee:

I would NEVER do anything to rouse the CAL guys against the UAL guys; if fact, my history has indicated just the opposite.

"we have 2006 Captain’s, you have 1998 furloughs. We’ve welcomed you into our ranks and offered our rations and water to you as we engage our common enemy. One would surmise that welcoming the United Pilots into Continental cockpits would elicit some form of gratitude or willingness to work together. It appears that those expectations did not arise. Instead of a willingness to work together, some of our recently acquired brothers feel that those shared rations are rightfully theirs. Now you’re in my foxhole, sharing my water, eating my rations and telling me that my water is your entitlement. "

There's always a first for everything.
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