New UPS Hiring Rumor

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UPS has used full motion sims for interviews for years and I doubt they’ll change that anytime soon. (767pilot was the exception to the rule because he's sooo good that the HR only pretended to give him a sim eval. – Everyone knows Microsoft simulator is used on all superior pilots... )

Back then they took us over to an FBO at Bowman Field where they had an ATC XXX simulator. It was sort of like a twin engine mooney, although I know that doesn't exist. The prfile was pretty straight forward although I do recall that they had you fly an NDB bearing while climbing through a canyon (no visuals) where the NDB sat up on top of the land. I guess that they didn't want you getting off course much <G>.

Anyway, I couldn't have blown that one as bad as I did at Trump Shuttle where they used a shorts 360 sim, which I was actually typed in! How embarrassing is that?!?!
[QUOTE=bifff15;419476]Source, proof?

Your kidding , right? The person would shut up like a clam if I wrote out the name. Everything around hear is subject to change anyway. But this is the latest intel.
I stopped by HR as well last week about a separate issue. Word from them is that will be hiring from the pool.

I guess more will be known after the July 14th numbers are known.
To further move this off topic...there was a twin mooney prototype. It didn't get very far. I could not get the picture to attach.

Mooney Models
Back in the fall of 2004, after two and a half years in the pool, I was called and offered the chance to "Reinterview" as enough time had passed that they wanted to get a fresh look at us. Brand new interview+new sim check= the most stable job in the business right now.
They do reserve the right to do what ever they want in whatever sim they want,

just pointing out that they have reevaluated folks before,..... and its worth it.

Heard from Maint that within the next 18 months we are going to bring a total of 11 DC-8's out from hibernation.......FWIW
Any rumors where the rest of the uplift will be ?

Aside of contracting it out...
Quote: [COLOR=black]UPS has used full motion sims for interviews for years and I doubt they’ll change that anytime soon. (767pilot was the exception to the rule because he's sooo good that the HR only pretended to give him a sim eval. – Everyone knows Microsoft simulator is used on all superior pilots... )[/FONT]
Not exactly true AV8OR. I interviewed in late 2006, and they threw my butt in the MD-11 FTD (no motion or visual).

You're right though....they are going to need that 727 sim for interviews, because the training department is going to be up to its ass in alligators after this displacement bid comes out.
Had the DC8 FAA guy on the airplane last month, He said 13 coming back on line. Also, have heard from several sources that the 777F is coming. 20 orders. We'll see. Still fliping the coin for ONT/ANC?
As for the -8's, seeing what condition some of them were in at KROW, it will take a while to get them back to airworthy status. Many have been picked over for various parts. It will be cool if we could get that thing back flying more.
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