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FDX 777 pay rate decision


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FDX 777 pay rate decision

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Old 09-09-2010, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by MaydayMark

I (and ALL the "senior" guys like me) spent almost a year taking it up the 4.a.2.b so that poor pitiful you (and your junior buddies) didn't have to collect unemployment. Please spare me your whining about being junior.

Your welcome ...


Your response has to be one of the most pathetic and delusional statements ever made on this forum. You are as well, one of the most whiny airline pilots I have ever read on APC. So, you "and ALL the senior guys like you" took it up the 4a2b so junior guys wouldn't get furloughed? Really? Please CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY describe EXACTLY what it was that you and all senior guys like you personally did that prevented junior people from being furloughed.

1. Did you personally call payroll and ask that your pay be specifically reduced and donated to a furlough prevention fund?
2. Did you call the union and volunteer to have your hours reduced and donated to the junior folks?
3. Did you call the company and ask that the MD-11 specifically have its hours reduced so the 727 RLG/BLG could be increased?... if you did nobody was listening as MD-11 RLG/BLG remained high while the 727 guys were devastated with RLGs in the 50+ range. You don't have the first clue what financial pain felt like during 4a2b. You want an education?, ask a junior 727 SO.

The fact is that there was NOTHING YOU DID that prevented a furlough. Not a da-n thing. The company, and ONLY the company had the power to decide whether to furlough or not. You did absolutely NOTHING. So stop whining and attempting to take credit for something you not only didn't do but had absolutely no ability to affect in any way.

So, you and all senior guys like you took it in the 4a2b so pitiful junior guys wouldn't get furloughed?... At approximately 1:30 AM last Christmas Eve while I was on the crew bus from the AOC to to the Democrat lot, two MD-11 captains (like you) were bragging about how HUGE their month of December had been. One of your senior buddies (like you) said to the other guy, ... "I've had a 137 hour month with over 40 of it being carry-over and draft." The other guy replied, "Sh-t, how come I can't get good deals like that?" I remember it word-for-word because I couldn't believe how selfish, greedy and devoid of any sense of 4a2b these two exhibited. What was most pathetic was how this clown was bragging about it. This was during peak, in the heart of 4a2b, when we as a pilot group could have made a difference accelerating the end to 4a2b. So, are these the "senior guys like you" who you are referring to who deliberately sacrificed during 4a2b in order to save the junior people from being furloughed? As if your stupid and pathetic statement wasn't enough, you have the gall to end your utter nonsense with "you're welcome"? Unbelievable.

Sorry folks for the drift off the topic but this guy's absurd remark had to be addressed.

Last edited by Auger In; 09-09-2010 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 09-09-2010, 10:09 AM
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You ever see a sports team that are a collection of individuals and not really a team. When they lose....it's disgusting. They huff and puff, sulk, then turn and start blaming each other and get defensive. We have all seen that at one time or another.

You look over at them and think "those poor ba$tards will never do well until they learn to work together"......I also know what I think of the petulant behavior and how seriously I take them as a team.

There are other teams, that even in loss, keep their respect and lose well. They insulate, not isolate the ones that performed poorly. They bring them into the fold and work with them. Eventually, they will have a winning season again.

I am not saying I'd rather lose well, than win.....winning is more fun. But I'd rather lose well, than lose poorly. And if you lose.....and throw a fit, I don't think you'll be able to win anytime soon, since you'll not be able analyze your loss without childish emotion.

I think, we are that team right now......and I think we can do better.

Am I disappointed.....yes....have I been angry for a while over our record.....yes. Am I willing to move on and do better? Yes.

A rising tide floats all boats......I believe that even though I am not a socialist.
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Huck
I cannot believe you guys are talking like this on an open forum.

The circular firing squad continues.

To steal from W.F. Buckley, what Fedex negotiators have to fear is a unified, disciplined pilot force that speaks 100% through their negotiating committee.

Which means they have little to fear.

Maybe we can get APC to establish an E Grid to keep those management clowns from learning our most secret thoughts.

6 letters come to mind whenever I hear this criticism. FDA LOA.

1 Pay scale or 10, anything else is socialism. Remember you didn't criticize the other guy when he said it about one and my comment is no less logical.
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:27 AM
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Auger In,

Wow! It appears maybe your wife forgot to give you your medication this morning? Anger like that deserves some intensive therapy. After that diatribe I can only assume that you must be VERY JUNIOR and VERY UNGRATEFUL to have a 4a2b that protected your job?

Maybe some of us senior guys were junior once? Maybe we worked for airlines that went bust (another form of furlough!) while you were still in Junior High? At least you had a really good job that paid 50 hours a month (there were numerous times that I wished that I did). Want to trade with me?

As for anybody that worked over 100 hours during 4a2b, I agree with you ... GREEDY SELFISH B-STARDS! (Not me by the way, not senior enough). We could have squeezed the company by the balls during peak (like the junior ANC guys did during contract negotiations ... good job junior guys!).

I'll email my union reps and express that the junior guys that 4a2b kept working REALLY seem to resent the program and maybe we should reword that section to protect BLG for the guys NOT FURLOUGHED (after all, why should I give up 15-20 hours/month during the holidays if the junior guys don't even appreciate it?).

I'm done discussing the subject in public. If you need to discuss it further, please PM me after having your psychiatrist approve it for a sanity check.

Best Regards ... Mark
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Auger In
Your response has to be one of the most pathetic and delusional statements ever made on this forum.
New to these forums huh?
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:49 PM
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Cool Showing his true colors?

Originally Posted by MaydayMark
As for anybody that worked over 100 hours during 4a2b, I agree with you ... GREEDY SELFISH B-STARDS! (Not me by the way, not senior enough).
Doesn't claim that he's not equally greedy and selfish, just that he's NOT SENIOR ENOUGH to work the system better.... But I digress. A non-team-player can take many forms.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:09 PM
...Whatever It Is!
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Originally Posted by Laughing_Jakal
Which means we'd all have taken 6 Vacations this year already........I likey!
And have significantly reduced our golf handicaps!
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by MaydayMark
Auger In,

Wow! It appears maybe your wife forgot to give you your medication this morning? Anger like that deserves some intensive therapy. After that diatribe I can only assume that you must be VERY JUNIOR and VERY UNGRATEFUL to have a 4a2b that protected your job?

Maybe some of us senior guys were junior once? Maybe we worked for airlines that went bust (another form of furlough!) while you were still in Junior High? At least you had a really good job that paid 50 hours a month (there were numerous times that I wished that I did). Want to trade with me?

As for anybody that worked over 100 hours during 4a2b, I agree with you ... GREEDY SELFISH B-STARDS! (Not me by the way, not senior enough). We could have squeezed the company by the balls during peak (like the junior ANC guys did during contract negotiations ... good job junior guys!).

I'll email my union reps and express that the junior guys that 4a2b kept working REALLY seem to resent the program and maybe we should reword that section to protect BLG for the guys NOT FURLOUGHED (after all, why should I give up 15-20 hours/month during the holidays if the junior guys don't even appreciate it?).

I'm done discussing the subject in public. If you need to discuss it further, please PM me after having your psychiatrist approve it for a sanity check.

Best Regards ... Mark
Turn off your computer and take a prozac. Your nonsensical babbling once again, indicates how truly clueless you are. Where in my post did I indicate that the purpose behind 4a2b was not valid? Where in my post did I even remotely allude to the fact that I was ungrateful that the original intent of 4a2b was to prevent a furlough? You clearly have difficulty comprehending what you read... a serious flaw for a pilot. Maybe you should choose another profession. You need to slow down and pay attention. My post clearly and obviously, to anyone with even the most basic reading comprehension skills, addressed your outrageous claims that you somehow had anything to do with a furlough not taking place. You had nothing to do with it. Do you understand?

You were at an airline that went bust or furloughed while I was in High School? How did you come to that conclusion? Your assumptions are equally pathetic as you are clueless. I was junior too once... several times. I was furloughed from a legacy airline and spent 5 years on the street. So, you like assumptions? Here's one: I was flying combat missions off an aircraft carrier while you were most likely still whining, sniveling and complaining about how tough you especially have it while your cohorts gutted it out. Do you like that assumption? Oh, and by the way: YOU'RE welcome.

You are correct, you are done with this conversation. Normally, I would not waste my time responding to your pathetic assumptions and outrageous claims, but putting you in your place is necessary if not a little amusing. Do us all a favor and stop complaining.

Last edited by Auger In; 09-09-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by NightBusDriver
Doesn't claim that he's not equally greedy and selfish, just that he's NOT SENIOR ENOUGH to work the system better.... But I digress. A non-team-player can take many forms.
Whether MaydayMark is senior enough to be greedy or not is not the point, he's not much more senior to me, and while a "junior" crewmember may see him, or me, as senior (I was <90% decreasing to 96% in my seat), the reality is we could only hold reserve or VTO converted to reserve for most of 4a2b. The "seniority" to be greedy was spread through out the seniority list - top to bottom - it was by aircraft and by seat. A "non-team-player" can come from all levels of the seniority list!
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:24 PM
...Whatever It Is!
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Originally Posted by Auger In
You don't have the first clue what financial pain felt like during 4a2b. You want an education?, ask a junior 727 SO.
I think that was his whole point, he does know! He was furloughed from Pan Am.

BTW - Prosaic - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Last edited by MD11Fr8Dog; 09-09-2010 at 01:37 PM.
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