Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Big shoes to fill...but if this weekend is kind of nasty, do they get a pass?
They actually have really, really little shoes to fill. Doesn't mean they won't blow it.

Just as long as that pansy ass SoCal high school guy isn't making game deciding decisions....along with that longstanding official moron Phil Luckett....can it be any worse?
Fire, aim, ready

Quote: Yep, much ado about nothing. Looks like full access is back.
Quote: What are you willing to give up for it?
I'll give up DPA!!! Choose me! Please teacher, choose me!!! (Insert 9 year old son squeaky voice...and don't tell him I said his voice is squeaky. You get the idea.)
Quote: When the subscription began a limitation to one device at a time I made my decision to not renew. For the price they should be adding features not taking away features.

I can totally relate to the open time crack addiction though.

Wish there was a way to just get a pop up when a new trip is added to the pot.
Yep, the per device is annoying...and will probably cost them in the future. I'd buy a second subscription for my wife's iPad but the whole idea is grating.
Quote: IMO, DPA cards signalled a dissatisfaction with the DALPA business (non-disclosure agreements, good ole boy network, keep the rank and file in the dark, play I've got a secret, sales jobs, etc.) and the gross ineffectiveness of ALPA national. In some apparent ways, DPA has changed DALPA for the better (I'm still not a fan of NDA's).

However, I think DPA has become irrelevant as a new collective bargaining agent, but retains some relevance as a voice for the permanently disgruntled. If DPA wants real relevance, they need to mobilize their supporters to sway DALPA internals because they are spinning their wheels as a new wannabe union. In that regard, they are irrelevant.

I agree. They're losing steam fast.
Quote: IMO, DPA cards signalled a dissatisfaction with the DALPA business (non-disclosure agreements, good ole boy network, keep the rank and file in the dark, play I've got a secret, sales jobs, etc.) and the gross ineffectiveness of ALPA national. In some apparent ways, DPA has changed DALPA for the better (I'm still not a fan of NDA's).

However, I think DPA has become irrelevant as a new collective bargaining agent, but retains some relevance as a voice for the permanently disgruntled. If DPA wants real relevance, they need to mobilize their supporters to sway DALPA internals because they are spinning their wheels as a new wannabe union. In that regard, they are irrelevant.
Right on, Scambo. I sent my card in initially. It has expired because I see a lame ass effort and most of the communications from DPA seem amateurish. If they are indeed serious and sincere, I need more than tabloid media attempts. I can play that game. I'm a vet, in some regards. Right now, they're not doing it for me.
Quote: IMO, DPA cards signalled a dissatisfaction with the DALPA business (non-disclosure agreements, good ole boy network, keep the rank and file in the dark, play I've got a secret, sales jobs, etc.) and the gross ineffectiveness of ALPA national. In some apparent ways, DPA has changed DALPA for the better (I'm still not a fan of NDA's).

However, I think DPA has become irrelevant as a new collective bargaining agent, but retains some relevance as a voice for the permanently disgruntled. If DPA wants real relevance, they need to mobilize their supporters to sway DALPA internals because they are spinning their wheels as a new wannabe union. In that regard, they are irrelevant.
Ironic thing is that even if DPA gets enough cards to run a vote, I seriously don't see it even having a chance of passing.

The whole ALPA forced abortion talk killed it for me.
Quote: I agree. They're losing steam fast.
Grammer sheriff:

There loosing
Quote: Grammer sheriff:

There loosing
Due to my consumption of a New Holland Dragon's Milk, I almost fell for that.
Quote: Ironic thing is that even if DPA gets enough cards to run a vote, I seriously don't see it even having a chance of passing.

The whole ALPA forced abortion talk killed it for me.
Bingo DH. That's among the truly amateurish communication strategies that turned me off completely. Somebody at DPA needs to have a better handle on social media. So far, it's been amazingly lacking. I'm not saying Buzz H. is the greatest either. Really, lacking on both sides.
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