Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Yes I saw that also, more displacements off of the 75/76 in August. That is literally crushing the JR FO's

Ax yourself. Why is it crushing them?
Pay raise? Was reserve on the baby bus. 6% hourly raise on day one, with a reduction in guarantee by 5 hrs. $100 less per month. Commuted before and still do. No better, no worse in that area. Better management? That is up for debate. While Delta puts on a show about a better environment, my observation is they stretch the truth to put it mildly. They tell the pilot group(all employees for that matter) what they want to hear and do something else. Delta employees buy into it (it being the Delta of old which no longer exists). At NWA, imho you always new where you stood with mgmt. Which was that you are a cost to be managed, nothing personal. Prosperity? Again my opinion is without the merger both would have been back in ch11 by late 2009. The combined airline is what kept us out and now is profitable and is better than the two were alone. Happy 4th to all.

Quote: This is not positive at all. I will keep my feelings about the merger and who is better off in the long run, pay raise, no commute, better management, prosperity etc etc.....

I was hoping that we were all above this level of distrust. I respect the POV's but not the attempts at and labeling of people for their observations and view of the facts.

Hoping for a happy fourth for all of my DAL brothers! Now I have to commute for work!
Quote: That being said, there's a huge disconnect from the outstanding work and responses I get from my local reps and the results I see from the organization from on high.
So wouldn't that tell you that there is a lot more to this negotiation thingy than just demanding stuff and folding our arms? Just asking, because if that is all there is to it, then the doughnut holes are right. Let's fire ALPA, demand what we "deserve" and wait a couple of weeks to sign the first big check. It all must be so simple... I wonder why ALPA can't deliver on everybody's nirvana.
regarding the "good faith" basis--

"Note: Such individual circumstances may not be derived solely from the amount of sick leave used by the pilot or the frequency of his sick occurrences."

Translation: the amount and frequency of sick leave use is ALWAYS one of the reasons, it just can't be the ONLY reason.

But theres more. They recently stated that the purpose of a CPO call requiring verification is to "ensure the sick leave benefit is administered consistently, equitably, and in compliance with the PWA." Ughhhh huh.

Right out of the chute they have 4 per-packaged "circumstances" for every pilot on the list: amount and use, and to make sure the benefit is administered consistently (everyone is subject to harassment), equitably, and in compliance with the PWA. Throw in another "circumstance" for good measure and it would nearly impossible to show lack of good faith.

Funny how the company wants to make sure the PWA is being followed in THIS situation. Thanks ALPA! Another win-lose!
Quote: Merging by relative seniority, then applying pull & plug to recognize the potential for future retirements as an equity resulted in "a force that stimulates change." Some have benefitted, others have lost.

A status quo merger by class and category would have been less dynamic.

Pull and plug was intended to represent the equities presented in a dynamic list concept. It had it's effect, and once the Delta retirements kick in will continue to benefit some more than a functioning dynamic list would.

For others (based on historical and projected rates of attrition) it was a 6 year career set back. That was probably more of an effect than the Mediator or either party intended but no one anticipated the amount of consolidation that was coming. Had we known, a lot of us should have moved on to better opportunities (as a 76 lineholder I passed on my FedEx pool opportunity ... total idiot ... about 400 times a day).

The hook, "things will get better next year" keeps us coming back

You can also play that with a capo on the 3rd fret and go with:
Reserve Bidding with Recurrent Question
If bidding reserve in a 30 day month (Aug) with three days scheduled for recurrent, do I use the 27 reserve days available column to figure out the number of X day?

For 30 Res days it shows 12 X days but if I use 27 Res days then I only get 11 X days.

Anything else I should know about regarding bidding reserve with recurrent?

Thanks Scoop
Quote: If bidding reserve in a 30 day month (Aug) with three days scheduled for recurrent, do I use the 27 reserve days available column to figure out the number of X day?

For 30 Res days it shows 12 X days but if I use 27 Res days then I only get 11 X days.

Anything else I should know about regarding bidding reserve with recurrent?

Thanks Scoop

CQ/recurrent events no longer reduce your days off on reserve. That was an SOT change from awhile back. They used to reduce your days off prior to that change.

You will get your full number of "X days" (12).
Quote: CQ/recurrent events no longer reduce your days off on reserve. That was an SOT change from awhile back. They used to reduce your days off prior to that change.

You will get your full number of "X days" (12).

Sounds good! Thanks.

Quote: Sounds good! Thanks.


You're welcome.

That change eliminating the loss of x days due to CQ was most welcome. I always found it a bit absurd that recurrent training was considered an "absence" and reduced your days off considering you were down there doing required company business.
Quote: Thanks for the info. Can you buy the Zeds on the spot? Travel net says there is a 2-3 day wait...

Any good way to check loads on AK?
Go to a ticket counter or service desk and buy the ZED. Go to travelnet and click on the Airline Directory. Follow the instructions closely to get listed on the flight.
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