Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Must have been right after her smoke break... (Cigarette butt by her boot.
huh? I haven't made it to the feet yet.
Quote: Must have been right after her smoke break... (Cigarette butt by her boot.
I was more worried about the tick on her chest......hope she doesn't get Lyme disease.
Quote: Yes, Roadkill. Way to be objective.

The only things even remotely political I've said in the past 3 months has been:

1.) ALL news sources have sucked in regards to their ebola coverage,
2.) Delta's response, and our take on, the immigration plan should not be political, &
3.) In contrast to what was claimed, most people are better off then they were in 2008.
Don't know about the last 90 days, but this was just the last few weeks:

Quote: That always happens. Check and see what happened to Reagan and the R's, in 1986. (It was worse than what happened this year.) And then, who was elected in 1988, after we read his lips?
Quote: Now, the electoral map is a lot different. You can't get anywhere close to 270 by losing the Hispanic vote by more than a 2:1 margin.
Quote: Keep botching the immigration issue and see who keeps winning national elections.
Quote: Buzz's team always loses to my team. And, as long as they keep screwing up the immigration issue, they'll continue to.
Originally posted by newKnow Ok. Here's the Reagan/H.W. Bush tweaks: They pretty much said to Congress, you guys missed these people, I think they are getting screwed, so I'm not going to deport them, until you get it right. That sounds familiar.
Originally posted by newKnowDidn't Arizona already lose this case for Texas?

The governor-elect should know that the Supreme Court has a long history of staying out of stuff like this. It started with Maubury vs. Madison.
There were a lot more, I just ran out of time to edit.

Driving back to Texas in the the family truckster....just east of Tuscaloosa...WHAT'S UP WITH THESE CDAZY DRIVERS!? You'd think there was some sort of football game getting ready to happen...keep flashing the shocker sign at the cars but I think they think its some gang sign from Atlanta...wish my 15 year old son would quit fogging up the windows putting his nose up to the glass while drooling over all the sorority girls....
Quote: FTB, photoshop APC over journalists...

Apparently, the editors at ALPA mag need one too. That MD80 on the cover sure looks like a 717.
And they made that mistake not once, but twice in this issue.
Cool, L&G is on microfiche.
Quote: Don't know about the last 90 days, but this was just the last few weeks:

More to come from the thread that was closed for being too political.

So, instead of conveniently omitting the second half of my post, why not post and address it in it's entirety?
Good luck FTB:

Quote: Apparently, the editors at ALPA mag need one too. That MD80 on the cover sure looks like a 717.
And they made that mistake not once, but twice in this issue.
What does it say on your type rating?
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