What's the Latest at ASA/Expressjet?

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Quote: Position Notice 15-02 is out. Showing 4 upgrades, but company says that's a minimum, and it can be more than that.
So maybe 5 upgrades! I don't even get the point of this PO. There's so little vacancy that it seems kind of pointless. But hey, they know what they need I guess
Quote: No, professionalism is being able to discuss something and convey your message without resorting to not just name calling, but excessive personal attacks.

I didn't make any videos. I want a defined contribution plan, much higher per diem, much higher wages, EFB's, etc. I also want LESS flying here (and all regionals), with m ore flying at the majors. But I'm also a realist. I know that just not wages, but massive total compensation increases are fighting an uphill battle. Does this mean I will cave, and take whatever the company will offer? No, I'm willing to fight for better, and even the best. But I know that we will never attain what we want (FO topping out at $70/hr, pensions, etc), but I will work for what we need to make a better life. Not just for myself, but for others, and future aviators that come into this profession.
Great post man!
Quote: No, professionalism is being able to discuss something and convey your message without resorting to not just name calling, but excessive personal attacks.

I didn't make any videos. I want a defined contribution plan, much higher per diem, much higher wages, EFB's, etc. I also want LESS flying here (and all regionals), with m ore flying at the majors. But I'm also a realist. I know that just not wages, but massive total compensation increases are fighting an uphill battle. Does this mean I will cave, and take whatever the company will offer? No, I'm willing to fight for better, and even the best. But I know that we will never attain what we want (FO topping out at $70/hr, pensions, etc), but I will work for what we need to make a better life. Not just for myself, but for others, and future aviators that come into this profession.
What do you care who makes any videos? Did it cost you anything? You don't like it? Don't watch it, really not complicated. I thought they were informative and helped me understand globalization better. Raised some questions and now they've been answered. Just my take.

Agree on all other points.

Quote: What do you care who makes any videos? Did it cost you anything? You don't like it? Don't watch it, really not complicated. I thought they were informative and helped me understand globalization better. Raised some questions and now they've been answered. Just my take.

Agree on all other points.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining about the videos. I was just stating to him that I wasn't the individual who made the videos, nor did I have anything to do with the videos. He seems to make the assumption that the entire ASA side had a part, to make a video to tell them something, in which they already knew because we all made the video.
Quote: Don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining about the videos. I was just stating to him that I wasn't the individual who made the videos, nor did I have anything to do with the videos. He seems to make the assumption that the entire ASA side had a part, to make a video to tell them something, in which they already knew because we all made the video.
Ahh, gotcha.
What's the Latest at ASA/Expressjet?
Quote: I dont think the word compromise exsists in your vocabulary. That's how this works. Everyone gives up a little to gain a little. Thats how negotiations work. You obviously are too thick to understand this. You want to keep everything and want everything your way. You must be a democrat.

Compromise? Let me see, you want the ERJ side to compromise and therefore concede items which in the process improves items on the CRJ side. But you are not willing to keep what you currently enjoy (not concede anything) while the ERJ side does the same by grandfathering pilots and you try to lecture me on compromise?! Why can't you just compromise by just keeping what you have instead of expecting the other side to conceded to improve your lot?!

Quote: What do you care who makes any videos? Did it cost you anything? You don't like it? Don't watch it, really not complicated. I thought they were informative and helped me understand globalization better. Raised some questions and now they've been answered. Just my take.

Agree on all other points.


I dont care if you make banana videos, but there was misinformation on those videos. And we know why, they are obviously bias.
Quote: I dont think the word compromise exsists in your vocabulary. That's how this works. Everyone gives up a little to gain a little. Thats how negotiations work. You obviously are too thick to understand this. You want to keep everything and want everything your way. You must be a democrat.
+57,110,000,000,000,000 and 1.
Quote: Compromise? Let me see, you want the ERJ side to compromise and therefore concede items which in the process improves items on the CRJ side. But you are not willing to keep what you currently enjoy (not concede anything) while the ERJ side does the same by grandfathering pilots and you try to lecture me on compromise?! Why can't you just compromise by just keeping what you have instead of expecting the other side to conceded to improve your lot?!

I dont care if you make banana videos, but there was misinformation on those videos. And we know why, they are obviously bias.
Apparently someone forced you to watch. So sorry. Maybe you should take it up with them?

I can't wait for SmartPref to roll out. It is going to be extremely entertaining to watch how much control the Company is taking from you. And, maybe, with extreme doubt, you'll understand what we've been trying to explain all this time. Good luck to you guys!!

I can't leave this POS airline and this PBS ****y fit fast enough.
Quote: Apparently someone forced you to watch. So sorry. Maybe you should take it up with them?

I can't wait for SmartPref to roll out. It is going to be extremely entertaining to watch how much control the Company is taking from you. And, maybe, with extreme doubt, you'll understand what we've been trying to explain all this time. Good luck to you guys!!


No one forced me to watch it. Like I said, I don't mind them. I'm just saying that there is bad information on them.

As for smartpref itself, maybe you will be right. I don't know. But if you are right that it sucks as bad as you say it does, we will vote it down or go to flight line or stay separate. In any case, you get to keep flight line. So what's the issue?
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