Mesa issues warn notice to pilots

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Quote: pretty sure I started this thread. If anyone needs to leave, it’s you. However, I encourage you to stay so I can keep jabbing you. It’s hilarious. How many checkrides have you failed? Nervous about not finding a job outside of Mesa?
I'm living for you right now. Please, don't leave 🤣
Quote: Just because you are voting yes, doesn’t mean you can trash the “no” guys there CNN news. Pump the brakes, no one is stealing. This is a democracy, we know you are voting for socialism, but some of us know our worth.
so you’re ok with 400 pilots losing their jobs and 190 captains getting their pay cut in half just so you can keep that extra 8 hours? Also, do you actually know what socialism is?
Quote: pretty sure I started this thread. If anyone needs to leave, it’s you. However, I encourage you to stay so I can keep jabbing you. It’s hilarious. How many checkrides have you failed? Nervous about not finding a job outside of Mesa?
0, I’m here because it’s the only place I wouldn’t have to commute to for any length of time.
Quote: so you’re ok with 400 pilots losing their jobs and 190 captains getting their pay cut in half just so you can keep that extra 8 hours? Also, do you actually know what socialism is?
he’s just a brain dead Fox News viewer walking around in his red (made in China) hat. Thinking he’s actually supporting American jobs by supporting the man who can’t even bring himself to pay an American worker to make his hat. In other words, he’s completely oblivious to truth and only believes the propaganda that has been spoon fed to him.
Quote: I'm living for you right now. Please, don't leave 🤣
Thanks! I do it for you guys 😜
Quote: he’s just a brain dead Fox News viewer walking around in his red (made in China) hat. Thinking he’s actually supporting American jobs by supporting the man who can’t even bring himself to pay an American worker to make his hat. In other words, he’s completely oblivious to truth and only believes the propaganda that has been spoon fed to him.
he honestly sounds like a young captain who’s a little too big for his britches. Someone who’s never really had to work for anything, stays entitled. But we don’t know him right?
Quote: he’s just a brain dead Fox News viewer walking around in his red (made in China) hat. Thinking he’s actually supporting American jobs by supporting the man who can’t even bring himself to pay an American worker to make his hat. In other words, he’s completely oblivious to truth and only believes the propaganda that has been spoon fed to him.
Dude, you realize you are the minority on here right? Crewroom is always Fox News.

I knew you were a dirty democ RAT !
CNN! I can smell your type a mile away.

Always wanting the handouts.
Quote: Dude, you realize you are the minority on here right? Crewroom is always Fox News.

I knew you were a dirty democ RAT !
CNN! I can smell your type a mile away.

Always wanting the handouts.
Aww, did I trigger the precious little snowflake? Poor guy. Don’t worry, Tucker will be whispering racist sweet nothings in your ears soon enough. It’ll be ok.
Quote: he honestly sounds like a young captain who’s a little too big for his britches. Someone who’s never really had to work for anything, stays entitled. But we don’t know him right?
Agreed. I’m an FO and I’ll hold the line. How many years ago was a 76-79 seat plane considered Mainline? Pilots keep letting the companies get away more and more. We need to protect our way of life, which includes not taking concessions. Concessions is a slippery slope. MOU should be called

“Concessions before the next contract”

Walking in Day 1 of the new contract negotiations....

Negotiating Committee: We would like to purpose we have 76 hours guarantee and not extend the MOU any longer.

JO: Well I suppose I could do that, but we won’t be able to raise the pay rates. We just financed a bunch of new flying so you guys will be flying more hours.

Negotiating Committee to the pilots: Good news we have more flying coming soon.

2021 Quarterly Earnings per share $0.25
The numbers don't add up

If 11% concession is what management is willing to accept, where did 490 furloughs (38%) come from?
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