Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Well I agree, but that also assumes this is common knowledge to someone looking for a job. The relationship between DALPA and OHALPA was not something I looked at when doing research and I would guess that most other people are them same (I very well could be wrong). All I knew is I would be required to resign my seniority number (Mesaba was the same way, so I didn't think much of it at the time as it was my first airline gig). Live and Learn

Anyways last post on the subject for me as this topic has hi-jacked the thread. Best of Luck
These threads wander in many directions - if the current topic does not interest you just wait a day and a new topic will be front and center. I agree, we have pretty much covered this topic, but remember a fellow pilot asked about the recent history between the DAL and Comair unions, so why is a dicussion about that "hijacking the tread?" It seems to me this thread has been, and always will be about all things DAL. A lot of guys seemed to appreciate the information and thats what the forums are about - spreading information.

[QUOTE=Superpilot92;651771]how about we get back to the juicy rumors? anyone?
There are no rumors this board has turned into a *****ing and finger pointing forum !
Quote: holy EGO batman!

I have no bone in this, but sometimes a little class and modesty can do wonders for your respectability.
LMFAO!!!!!! Why would anyone want to do that??? That would not be the Delta way.

Actually, I think by far and away the majority of the Delta pilots are great. Just like EVERY other place, there always are and will be a few tools.

The old Comair MEC was a pile of dirty rotten scoundrels. I WILL name call since I started working for Comair in '02. There are reasons none of those rats are in the MEC anymore.

My understanding as to why Comair management(JOKE) was not willing to hire DL furloughs was the training costs they would incur had there been a quick recall. Unfortunately, the MEC did not come to the pilot group for opinions or positions on much, hence one of many issues.

Just check out hire dates before you judge. Some of us are okay guys and gals.
Wow I leave for a day or two, and you guys get all jerkish.

Lets get back to the latest and greatest.
Quote: Wow I leave for a day or two, and you guys get all jerkish.

Lets get back to the latest and greatest.

Welcome back, we missed you. Any updates?
Quote: Something must be afoot... Anybody else notice the conspicuously absent ACL?
Something is.

Quote: Just check out hire dates before you judge. Some of us are okay guys and gals.
Actually, most of you are.
Quote: How about any intel on when the next round of displacement is coming out?
First two weeks of Aug.
FWIW, there are a few things coming up with a lot of DCI carriers that will change a lot of these contracts.
It should be fun to watch.
Quote: Welcome back, we missed you. Any updates?
Plenty, but most of it is QT.
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