Atlas Air Hiring

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Quote: Assuming your question about "rotations" refers to schedules, yes they do vary between bases. You can find several posts here which illustrate some of them, but generally speaking, ANC does far and mid east flying. PAE is supposed to do the LCF flying. LAX mostly far east. IAH does SA and Africa. HSV does SA to Europe and Africa. CVG does DHL flying - 747 to the far east and the 767 some far east but mostly domestic. MIA does SA and some Europe. JFK mostly Europe, Africa, and ME.

The recent seniority list has 1142 pilots as of 8/15. In addition, there were 48 ANC 747 NH and 36 CVG 767 NH slots listed. The company does not post vacancy notices. You simply supply them with your preferences and if a vacancy opens for your seniority, you will be awarded the position.

The sizes of the domiciles are listed below with the most junior FO hire date for each one:

ANC 747
CA - 96
FO - 171 (8/15)
CVG 747
CA - 52
FO - 85 (4/15)
CVG 767
CA - 104
FO - 78 (8/15)
HSV 747
CA - 53
FO - 68 (4/15)
IAH 747
CA - 23
FO - 33 (4/14)
JFK 747
CA - 79
FO - 53 (4/13)
JFK 767
CA - 35
FO - 23 (9/14)
LAX 747
CA - 35
FO - 27 (2/15)
MIA 747
CA - 50
FO - 47 (5/14)
PAE 747
CA - 18
FO - 12 (1/15)

Of course, if you have been paying attention to this thread, you'll know that your base has very little to do with where you will be flying...
Thx! That's great info. I'm a lil surprised how small LAX and PAE are. But that's intriguing that the most recent FO got to L.A. after 6 months. I have an interview coming up next week, west coast guy. Looks like ANC is where I'll start out if I get the job, and I actually really like it there so I'm cool with that. Hope to meet you in the flight deck soon
Quote: Logic has NOTHING to do with it as far as management is concerned.

Brace yourself for an ugly truth, because MAG's Orenstein said it best in an interview in the 90's concerning his company's poor pay and working conditions and the ability to attract pilots when there's lots of hiring going on elsewhere. It went something like this;

"As long as we have tons of people applying and showing up for class, I'm paying too much........"
It's cheaper to pay me than to replace me.
Quote: Logic has NOTHING to do with it as far as management is concerned.

Brace yourself for an ugly truth, because MAG's Orenstein said it best in an interview in the 90's concerning his company's poor pay and working conditions and the ability to attract pilots when there's lots of hiring going on elsewhere. It went something like this;

"As long as we have tons of people applying and showing up for class, I'm paying too much........"

Well, I haven't been here very long but I don't think management is stupid enough to realize they are losing all their top guys for that reason....

The reason there are thousands of applicants right now is because it's still a helluva lot better than a regional airline! And right now there are thousands of regional pilots looking for jobs.
Quote: Well, I haven't been here very long but I don't think management is stupid enough to realize they are losing all their top guys for that reason....
Define "top"? The "top" of the seniority list ISN'T going anywhere. And there's a metric poop ton of very qualified guys on the rest of the list that aren't either.

Quote: reason there are thousands of applicants right now is because it's still a helluva lot better than a regional airline! And right now there are thousands of regional pilots looking for jobs.
Really? No crap? Shocker.........
Quote: Well, I haven't been here very long but I don't think management is stupid enough to realize they are losing all their top guys for that reason....

The reason there are thousands of applicants right now is because it's still a helluva lot better than a regional airline! And right now there are thousands of regional pilots looking for jobs.
One truism about this business is that all things are relative. Another is that no matter the situation, we are pilots and we WILL find something to complain about. A quick perusal of the Delta, American, FedEx, UPS boards will show that everyone is up in arms about something. I think the best approach is to find a niche where you enjoy the work and then endeavor to keep adjusting the contract to make it even better.
Quote: One truism about this business is that all things are relative. Another is that no matter the situation, we are pilots and we WILL find something to complain about. .
Well said. Or to paraphrase an old Navy saying, "A biatching pilot is a happy pilot."
Quote: Give away lucrative business to "help with attrition"? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard; oh, wait... Pilotyip had that idea a while back. I'll say it again, don't you think it would be slightly more logical to control the attrition and GROW our pilot group by demanding an INDUSTRY LEADING CONTRACT so that we can keep all our business and add to it as we please?
I never said I believed it. Just posted info that I heard. I'm all for an industry leading contract which we rightfully deserve. Unlike some guys here that think it will be years before we get a new cba, I'm a firm believer that the company will have to do something much sooner if they want to continue to grow and be successful. I'm All In!
Quote: Just thought I'd share a little rumor I heard. We will be ending the LCF contract and Kalitta will be taking it over. We will soon be operating Emirates freighter 777s. Discuss.
K4 is receiving their 10th 400 and they are having a difficult time covering the 9 they presently have. They could not, can not nor will they be able to cover an additional 4 airframes. They are 50 pilots down since they started hiring, I am one of the 50.
As a side note this would be atypical for Kalitta to get into a long term agreement.
They just voted their TA down by 86%, so even at mesa, things are turning around...
Quote: Logic has NOTHING to do with it as far as management is concerned.

Brace yourself for an ugly truth, because MAG's Orenstein said it best in an interview in the 90's concerning his company's poor pay and working conditions and the ability to attract pilots when there's lots of hiring going on elsewhere. It went something like this;

"As long as we have tons of people applying and showing up for class, I'm paying too much........"
Quote: Looks like ANC is where I'll start out if I get the job, and I actually really like it there so I'm cool with that. Hope to meet you in the flight deck soon
Only if assigned to the 747. If assigned to the 767, welcome to CVG! Atlas likes to control aircraft assignment rather than allow new hires to bid equipment.
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