Spirit of NKS

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Also I think auto bidding is happening I just can't prove it. There is fast and then there is somehow being the fastest on every turn or two day that comes up. It tapers off as the month progresses because said pilot probably has much fewer holes in his schedule to fill.

No it's not illegal per the contract but it's certainly not ethical. At XJT we had a guy who submitted up to 800 requests the second opentime opened. It was crashing the system. He was found out and told to stop but otherwise had no consequences because there was nothing in writing to say he was wrong. Back channels eventually exposed his name and he finally quit for another regional.

I love first come first serve more than any other system especially after lines are awarded by seniority and IOT is by seniority. I lose plenty of trips to junior guys but it's the only shot they have and one day stagnation will happen and junior guys need a way to improve their schedule. That said, the opening needs to be later in the day and auto bidding should not be tolerated. If you're doing it and you think there's nothing wrong with that then your moral compass needs some adjustment.
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this is what happened at Southwest, and changed the whole instant Open time system to the system they have today
I've also noticed that if you use crewtrac to look at open time, it appears minutes before it appears on Flica. This is a problem
Quote: I agree, I think that's what going on more than anything. Guys will throw in a bunch of requests, then filter it later. Sorta like playing a whole bunch of numbers in Roulette and hoping the ball hits one of your numbers.

However, doesn't seem to be an issue this month. There's more Open Time on the CA side in FLL than can be picked up. Maybe the FLL CAs will get a JA! Hope they do!
They can't pickup FLL Open Time, because they can't drop their Domicile trips. LOL,
Quote: I understand what you're saying here, BUT I truly think you have some things wrong. You were elected as the FLL FO Rep, therefore doesn't that mean you should be representing the FLL FOs? I think everyone can appreciate your in a tight spot, but this resolution is wholly supported by FLL captains, and no one else. I know on this issue, you are NOT representing me, since I am against this resolution and I am am definitely against any negotiating effort being put towards it. Daily open time is a first come, first serve basis, everyone knows that. There is no bias or favoritism shown (although some will say the captain who's most upset over this has been shown an extreme amount of favoritism), if you want open time, you put in for it. If your the first person to put in for it, you get it, if you're not, you don't. Until the union scheduling reps come out and say FLICA is biased or people are using automated FLICA apps, I don't believe there is any conspiracy in picking up open time. What I believe people are upset about is because they can't get exactly everything they want, when they want it and how they want it. I Must be clear, one more time, I am against this resolution, and more so I am against ANY discussion of this resolution in any contract negotiation with the company.
I am the vice chairman. The FO rep title is not official. I was an FO who ran for a rep position. I represent both seats of 109. Both seats voted for vice chairman.
This 109 resolution is a complete waste of our time.
It's a waste of time and valuable negotiating capital, only supported by a vocal handful.
Initial open time is a fair opportunity to exercise one's seniority.
Let's all vote it down, and start focusing on real issues.

Contract negotiations are upon us.
I am hearing some negative chatter lately about looooong drawwwn talks, dragged by management.
Anyone has a good take on this?
What is management's motivation in delay tactics?
They enjoy the benefits of a seriously underpaid labor force, but at the risk of rising comps, when new industry contracts bring the averages up.
I expect their optimum timing to be somewhere before these occur.
What is going on with the scheduling wait times? Tough to run things efficiently when waiting 30+ minutes to talk to a scheduler.
Quote: What is going on with the scheduling wait times? Tough to run things efficiently when waiting 30+ minutes to talk to a scheduler.
I believe we had some crew cancelations yesterday, combined with a lot of weather...
Quote: Quick question: Are you still considered a member of LEC 109, or are you a 109 officer with membership/voting status in another base? Just curious as to how that works.
I'll explain it for those who don't know anything about it. So some of this is not for you.

I'm using council bypass. Its an ALPA procedure allotted to airlines with rapid growth or contraction and is intended to retain the status reps so that every 3 months (just throwing that nimber out there) you don't have to go through another election and get another person up to speed, which would constantly be undermining the ability of that position to be represented. So as far as the airline I am a DFW CA. But as far as the union I am a 109 member.

I hope that helps. Lets chat more on the new spiritpilotboard.
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