Delta: Buy video games instead of union dues.

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Quote: DALFA....wouldn’t that still put AA $3000 behind Delta FA at 80 hours month? It seems you conveniently pick data that is 2 years old and doesn’t include PS, while the company picks current data dated at a customary (albeit, very convenient) end of year.

You seem to think the company is “nefarious” in their do you categorize your portrayal of “the burdens endured” by the Delta FA’s ?
I don’t “conveniently” pick anything. I picked the most recent data provided by a truly neutral institution.

If you think that base hourly pay + profit sharing = all your wages for crews then I can see how you have such an incorrect understanding of things.

The base hourly rate, purser pay, international pay, vacation pay etc is all higher at AA. Certainly you understand that right? AA also has a superior health insurance product and has a program in place that causes a FA to not lose income in the event of an OJI whereas at Delta a FA on OJI gets $0 for the first week and then only 2/3 pay beyond that.
Quote: I think the most recent MIT data is two years old, and is about the only truly neutral data out there.

Which would be my guess as to why DALFA posted it.
Correct. The 2018 data will be out in the next 60 days.
Quote: The 2018 IFS OAL Total Compensation shows:

DAL: $71.4K
UAL: $66.6K
AAL: $65.1K

Includes Top pay rate at 80 hrs/month, + profit sharing + shared rewards.
PS needs to be removed from the calculation imho
Quote: PS needs to be removed from the calculation imho
Why? If it's not income....send the check to me. I consider my PS to be a huge part of my ancillary pay package... even the woefully inadequate health coverage has monetary value
Quote: Why? If it's not income....send the check to me. I consider my PS to be a huge part of my ancillary pay package... even the woefully inadequate health coverage has monetary value
yes it's pay right now, but it can't be counted on every year. It should be counted as a bonus. When comparing pay packages it's not smart to used assumed bonuses imho.

PS has been paying out the whole time i've been here which I've been very fortunate for, but how many years was it in our PWA and not paying anything?
Quote: The 2018 IFS OAL Total Compensation shows:

DAL: $71.4K
UAL: $66.6K
AAL: $65.1K

Includes Top pay rate at 80 hrs/month, + profit sharing + shared rewards.
Am I the only one that thinks that all 3 here are much higher than I would’ve expected? Not trying to knock FAs, but that’s some pretty stout compensation for what that job requires. I'm impressed.
Quote: I think the most recent MIT data is two years old, and is about the only truly neutral data out there.

Which would be my guess as to why DALFA posted it.

And that's the only reason? Hopefully you use a car buying service for automobile purchases. Tell ya what.....let's revisit theis in "the next 60 days" when the new MIT data is out....the one that shows DAL PS at about 15%.(their new PS plan)
.the one that outshines UAL by 10% and AA by 12%.......those are pretty powerful numbers and not to be treated lightly as some on here are wont to do.
Quote: Am I the only one that thinks that all 3 here are much higher than I would’ve expected? Not trying to knock FAs, but that’s some pretty stout compensation for what that job requires. I'm impressed.
Prolly not a discussion you can win. It's not always what you are worth it's what you can negotiate...thus DALFA on here trying to enlist our support....guess what?..... I still don't get to vote on their union issue....but they can enlist "feel good points" for our empathy.

My compensation is pretty stout too....more than a 4 star general....more than members of congress( warranted because I actually do something)...even more than the POTUS.....more than most doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.

But here's the rub....I make in line of other legacy pilots at a commensurate level of years of do the FA's. If a pity party is to be had....I'll bring the blanket....I just want to make sure it's warranted. If the argument was we need a union to protect us.....I would be more receptive...but when the argument is ...."we need a union because we are underpaid compared to our contemporaries" ....well that now becomes quantifiable.....and the numbers appear to be biased(at least to me) I'll patiently wait for the new MIT numbers in 60 days and reserve judgment till then......but I still won't get to vote

Peace Out
Quote: And that's the only reason? Hopefully you use a car buying service for automobile purchases. Tell ya what.....let's revisit theis in "the next 60 days" when the new MIT data is out....the one that shows DAL PS at about 15%.(their new PS plan)
.the one that outshines UAL by 10% and AA by 12%.......those are pretty powerful numbers and not to be treated lightly as some on here are wont to do.
The difference will actually only be a 3% raise received in October by the FAs. Meanwhile both AA and UA had their raise for a larger portion of the year. So if I had to guess you’ll see DL FAs falling even further back.

Also, something that isn’t monetized is a grievance and arbitration process available to both UA & AA flight attendants that DL FAs don’t have access to. What’s the value of that?
Quote: The difference will actually only be a 3% raise received in October by the FAs. Meanwhile both AA and UA had their raise for a larger portion of the year. So if I had to guess you’ll see DL FAs falling even further back.

Also, something that isn’t monetized is a grievance and arbitration process available to both UA & AA flight attendants that DL FAs don’t have access to. What’s the value of that?
And as many on here keenly announce, it's not only about pay. Those numbers don't quantify QOL protections, retirement, vacation and sick time. Someone not long ago said the FAs don't even have vacation/sick, but PTO.

There are RJ captains that made more than me last year. They had to work all but 8 days a month for it and I averaged 18 says off a month. Doesn't mean their contract is better.
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