Read the latest NC update

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I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that these boards were only meant to sing kumbaya.
Quote: GlobeMaster has a valid point. The constant this airline or that airline has this or that is nonsense. You have to look at a contract as a whole. Why don’t you and all the other constant whiners post all the things we have that they don’t? I am all for making improvements, but acting as if or saying we are industry bottom (like posters have said) is ridiculous and untruthful. Like he said, if it is so bad then see you later. Many airlines are hiring.
If globe can see a future in which delta furloughs in one year, his point would be valid.

As for the contract, for what we do, I do believe we should be industry leading in every section of the contract. Do you not believe that?

Lastly, you guys with this, if you complain then leave, mentality, need to get that out of your head. It’s the people who point out the weaknesses in the contract that get improvements. Just imagine that the survey results had no replies from those who complain about certain sections of the contract. The mec would take that as nothing needs changing. So please get rid of that mentality and thank us instead.
Quote: GlobeMaster has a valid point. The constant this airline or that airline has this or that is nonsense. You have to look at a contract as a whole. Why don’t you and all the other constant whiners post all the things we have that they don’t? I am all for making improvements, but acting as if or saying we are industry bottom (like posters have said) is ridiculous and untruthful. Like he said, if it is so bad then see you later. Many airlines are hiring.
The "happy to be here" purple kool-aide drinking crowd is more of a threat to this pilot group than the "whiners" will ever be. "Whiners" create and promote meaningful change, we call like we see it. Actually, instead of whiners, let's call them what they really are... pragmatists. The "H2BH" crowd just beats the same tired drum... take a big deep breath and scream what you've all been taught "WE HAVE THE BEST VACATION AND NO PBS."
Quote: How do you expect anything to get fixed if every time someone brings up a legitimate gripe about the company or our contract you tell them ‘If you don’t like it, leave!’?
I think you’ve got a reading comprehension problem.
When are the next meeting dates? I didn't see anything about another meeting on the calendar in the last NC Update email.
Quote: When are the next meeting dates? I didn't see anything about another meeting on the calendar in the last NC Update email.
There aren't any. We are awaiting words from the mediator to determine if we're going to have more dates to negotiate or have an impasse declared to a 60-day cooling off period.
Quote: There aren't any. We are awaiting words from the mediator to determine if we're going to have more dates to negotiate or have an impasse declared to a 60-day cooling off period.
You are skipping a few steps. If the mediator feels there is an impasse, he will proffer binding arbitration. If either side refuses then you go to a 30 day cooling off period. After 30 days the parties can exercise self help. Or the president can create a PEB, which has 30 days to issue its recommendation, and at 30 days of the recommendation being issued, the parties can exercise self help. Lastly, congress can intervene.
Let’s just get on with it already.
The worst part is, when some passable rates are finally TAed, everyone will vote yeah and slap each other on the back, grinning and thinking “we got em” when really the company locked in concessions that we didn’t need actually need to give in order to get a new contract. We got played.
We have been giving away concessions for pay rates for the last several contracts.

It is time we stopped doing that.

It is not our job to give the company a cost neutral contract.

No concessions!

If there are concessions, vote NO!
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