jetBlue Hiring

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Quote: I interviewed last week and while two of the guys who were in my interview group just received their phase II invites a few hours ago, I am still waiting. This is my 2nd try and of course I'm anxiously waiting to see if I make it. Is it normal for two people who interviewed in my group to get the nod at the same time, while others don't get the phase II until a few days later or more? Or is that a bad sign that I wasn't selected? Thanks everyone.
They say no news is good news. I think that’s complete horse sh!t though. No news is no news. Hope you get the job, but consider it a blessing if you don’t. United, American or Delta will hire you for sure.
Quote: I'm sure I'll get laughed out of the forum for this one...

I got an invite to interview for September. I don't have my ATP. I know the job requires it, but I don't recall ever being asked in the application process. Furthermore, my resume clearly states I only hold a commercial. Did I just slip through the cracks?
It does ask on the app if you have an ATP. The wording is this:
Is your ATP certificate limited to second in command privileges only while operating under 14CFR Part 121 (R-ATP)?

If you typed no then that means you have an unrestricted ATP. If you have an r-atp you should of selected yes.

It's the first question under pilots only additional questions
Juvenile question, I know, but with everything I’ve read the interview sounds extremely relaxed, which begs me to ask the question:

what is it that gets people the TBNT from the interview?

I’m trying to really not screw this 1 up
Quote: Juvenile question, I know, but with everything I’ve read the interview sounds extremely relaxed, which begs me to ask the question:

what is it that gets people the TBNT from the interview?

I’m trying to really not screw this 1 up
Someone else might know better but it really is quite perplexing and I have a hard time figuring it out as well. Best I can tell is they really value the “why JetBlue” question. I didn’t study anymore than what’s on Relax, always smile throughout the entire day, from when you get there to when you leave. Sounds corny but anytime I’ve done that in an interview setting it seems to work.
Definitely talk to the other interviewees as I am sure they they are observing who sits alone looking nervous and sweaty and who can be sociable. It’s not a difficult interview, only 5-7 TMMAT questions so that really makes me think they are looking at your personality and how much you want to be there mostly.
Quick Question:

I'm filling out the paperwork required before the interview. A question asks:

Is there anything in your driving record you would like to disclose that could adversely impact your candidacy?

I had 2 speeding tickets in 2017 that aren't on my record anymore according to the DMV license history I just purchased. Am I good to answer "No" there? as I don't see how it could impact candidacy, but I dont want to "hide" anything either.

Quote: Someone else might know better but it really is quite perplexing and I have a hard time figuring it out as well. Best I can tell is they really value the “why JetBlue” question. I didn’t study anymore than what’s on Relax, always smile throughout the entire day, from when you get there to when you leave. Sounds corny but anytime I’ve done that in an interview setting it seems to work.
Definitely talk to the other interviewees as I am sure they they are observing who sits alone looking nervous and sweaty and who can be sociable. It’s not a difficult interview, only 5-7 TMMAT questions so that really makes me think they are looking at your personality and how much you want to be there mostly.
Thanks for the advice! I was driving myself crazy when I asked initially, but Ive accepted that the extra pressure I put on myself wont do me any favors.

Still wish I knew what it was that's triggering the TBNT for those that show up prepared.
Quote: Quick Question:

I'm filling out the paperwork required before the interview. A question asks:

Is there anything in your driving record you would like to disclose that could adversely impact your candidacy?

I had 2 speeding tickets in 2017 that aren't on my record anymore according to the DMV license history I just purchased. Am I good to answer "No" there? as I don't see how it could impact candidacy, but I dont want to "hide" anything either.

Thanks for the advice! I was driving myself crazy when I asked initially, but Ive accepted that the extra pressure I put on myself wont do me any favors.

Still wish I knew what it was that's triggering the TBNT for those that show up prepared.
list the tickets in case they find them. If they do you just ****ed away a multi million dollar career.
Quote: Quick Question:

I'm filling out the paperwork required before the interview. A question asks:

Is there anything in your driving record you would like to disclose that could adversely impact your candidacy?

I had 2 speeding tickets in 2017 that aren't on my record anymore according to the DMV license history I just purchased. Am I good to answer "No" there? as I don't see how it could impact candidacy, but I dont want to "hide" anything either.

Thanks for the advice! I was driving myself crazy when I asked initially, but Ive accepted that the extra pressure I put on myself wont do me any favors.

Still wish I knew what it was that's triggering the TBNT for those that show up prepared.
I had one speeding ticket from 2014 when I interviewed December 2021. I still disclosed it. The chief laughed when I disclosed it but thanked me for my honesty. I rather have told them and it be a non issue then not say anything then when they do the National Driver Registry it show up.
I received the phase 2 email 2 weeks ago. I have submitted everything for the background checks, but still haven’t heard anything yet for a class date. I know a couple pilots from my interview date have their class scheduled already. Should I reach out to the recruiting team to see about scheduling a class?
Quote: I received the phase 2 email 2 weeks ago. I have submitted everything for the background checks, but still haven’t heard anything yet for a class date. I know a couple pilots from my interview date have their class scheduled already. Should I reach out to the recruiting team to see about scheduling a class?
2 weeks doesn’t even rate on the “should I be worried they forgot me?” scale. Some guys waited 18+ months. Just relax. Besides, it’s best you start learning now that “reaching out” to people in this company is utterly ineffective.
Junior in class
I’ll probably be the most junior in my class. Think I’ll get JFK 320? I don’t want the 190. Would it be smart to do BOS 320 and base trade to JFK if I can’t get JFK initially?

Or LAX 320 and base trade to JFK?
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