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Quote: oh shut up ryan...... cry baby

haha! wow, you are quick! and what's up with you getting attacked in the other forum about gojets?
PS I think you and our other friends in CVG have been hanging out in ops a little too much listen to the grumps whine.....
Quote: Then the pilots get upset because we are sitting on a plane ready to go at 400am and have to wait an hour or longer for whatever we are ferrying. Been there done that, we were almost always waiting on the part of what not to take with us.
Caution: A1 reserve stories to follow. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

A buddy told me "If you want to know how much money this company wastes, all you have to do is sit A1 window for one month".

I found out how true that is a couple years ago. My favorite was flying CVG-MCO to pick up a part the size of a shoebox. And no, they don't have that part in CVG. Then flying MCO-LEX because that's where the part was needed, and back to CVG so the CRJ could go to work at 6:30AM. And no, they couldn't have us fly the part to CVG then have someone drive the part to Lexington. Why bother, only to save a cycle on the aircraft and $600 in fuel?

Of course the good part was leaving CVG...
"Hi Indy Ctr, Comair 9123 is 11,000 climbing 13,000."
"Good morning Comair 9123, Indy Center. Climb maintain FL330, cleared direct Orlando."

My second favorite A1 story: The plan was for us to fly a good CRJ to JFK at 2AM then ferry the bad one back to CVG at 5AM. We get to JFK and ask them "where's the ship we're taking back?" to which they answer "It's not fixed yet. They're waiting on the part. Did you bring it?" Of course nobody in CVG had informed us we had to ferry a plane AND A PART to JFK. So we deadhead back to CVG before we timed out and another crew had to DH with the part to ferry the plane after repairs were made. I bet they timed out too.
ryan r u a commuter from den
Quote: PS I think you and our other friends in CVG have been hanging out in ops a little too much listen to the grumps whine.....
I'll give you that, but then again it's kinda hard to not notice what's going on. Planes leaving, cutting hours, and a merger that's probably going to happen. None of these things gives me a good feeling about anything. It's obvious that after one of these mergers, there are going to be some regionals that aren't going to be around much longer. CVG probably won't be much either... JFK is going to have to have bigger planes... I obviously don't know a whole lot and pray that I'm wrong.
Quote: ryan r u a commuter from den
Nope, living in Burlington.
Quote: haha! wow, you are quick! and what's up with you getting attacked in the other forum about gojets?
I like to see everyone get their panties in a bunch... I asked an honost question and got some hilarious answers.... everyone hear hates me on here.... muahahaha
Quote: I have been given the a1 out of JFK. Never been used, but I've been assinged.
You guys in JFK are lucky. No 3 a.m. readys for you.

Quote: So if there was and A1 available to do it then it shouldnt have been given to you if there wasnt then you would have been the logical choice to use.
Not sure if there were any A1 available.

The use of a reserve your aware you can only be scheduled to 11 hr on any rpt before 0500.
Yup. That was the reason my original trip was a no-go.

Yes, reserve sucks, especially ready reserve. I alway expect 6 of them a month, whether I bid to fly or not. But I don't expect five 3 a.m ready reserves when I bid to fly! Key word "Fly", not sit on my ass for 6 hrs at 3 a.m. when there is nothing going on. I'm not sure what window I will bid for Februray... decisions, decisions....
Quote: I like to see everyone get their panties in a bunch... I asked an honost question and got some hilarious answers.... everyone hear hates me on here.... muahahaha
Haha, yeah, I guess you're actually known in ops.
Im famous...........
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