Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Apparently they are having problems with processing the IVDs. I guess they didn't test the software addition.
May not be done but looks like it's moving. My moves went through.
On the plus side, it looks like IT has figured out how to split out Comfort Plus seating in TravelNet. Maybe we are one step closer to solving the DH seating problems.
Quote: Fortunately, there's the arbitration process. It's a System Board that's not a court of law. It's a professional "neutral" that listens to the facts, the circumstances, and the logic to determine if the rules have been broken.

Any pilot with a reasonable response during the investigation such as, "I drove over from Cleveland and stayed at my girlfriend's house for every short call", will then be able to turn the tables: "Prove you called me while on short call and I wasn't available to take the assignment."

CAUTION! Using that turnabout might not work if the company has a time-stamped Periscope video of you screaming in delirious ecstasy at a Justin Bieber concert.
You're exactly right in that this is a case for the system board. The board is typically very employee friendly in matters like this, provided a vigorous defense is presented. The company's case here seems to depend almost completely on circumstantial lack of proof of one's innocence. For the reason they should lose and have to pay a penalty. At the very least, full back pay, reemployment and a clear cut precedent that this type of pathetic big data dump witch hunting will not be allowed to stand.

If the end result is still a handful of dirtbag idiots still sitting SC "from home" a million miles away, then they can come to us we'll see if we can work something out. I'd be all in favor of some kind of location verification system for SC, provided the monthly number of SC's is reduced. Perhaps throw in 4 times a year a normal commuter can use a one flight policy. One of our biggest regionals already has that. We can address their concerns in a way that benefits everyone including them. But establishing BS retroactive criteria where you are guilty if you can't prove your innocence is unacceptable, and the system board will most likely smack that down hard.

And if any pilot is rocking out to the Beibs, they deserve full pay protection while they go to a proper rehabilitation program.
I had the unfortunate pleasure of being a witness during a proceeding for the firing of a pilot. For those who have not had to go through this hell, in any form, be rest assured it is nothing short of a full-blown Court type process.
These guys were extreme gross violators of our contract. As others have pointed out one guy sat 77 Short calls in three years in DTW, he only commuted in for seven of them, the other 70 he was in Minnesota.
Anyone defending this type of behavior is either 1. One of the people that got fired or 2. a violator themselves who's now afraid their *** is going to get back checked for not showing up to work. Making someone else do the trip you were supposed to.
Quote: The company's case here seems to depend almost completely on circumstantial lack of proof of one's innocence.
The 4 pilots (so far) at issue were unable to accept a rotation assigned while on short call because they were out of position. The burden was on them to provide a valid excuse/defense.

As for the audit, how do you know what the company's case depends on? Have you actually seen what was presented to these pilots? Are you claiming that the company handed each of them a sheet and said, "Here are your assigned short calls for the last 36 months where you weren't assigned a rotation. Provide us proof that you were promptly available for each and every one."??? If that is the case, our union has completely abrogated its representation duties.

Somehow though, I suspect that the "circumstantial evidence" you reference was fairly strong and conclusive. FYI, there is direct evidence and circumstantial evidence. An eyewitness looking outside who actually sees snow flakes coming down could offer direct evidence that it was snowing at that time. A person who looked outside just before going to bed and saw green grass in the yard but wakes up to a fluffy white yard would offer a reasonable inference that it snowed sometime during that night and that reasonable inference is called circumstantial evidence.

Once again, if you are on SC from 08:00-20:00 but your ID is used at a KCM in a different terminal at 14:15 and, at 14:30, CASS is accessed to activate you on the jumpseat for a flight from your SC domicile to your iCrew/MyPay listed home of record and then there is a Facebook posting of you and your kid at 19:15 at a local sporting event, that is all circumstantial evidence (unless they get the crew who flew the flight you jumpseated on to testify, there is no direct evidence) but, based on all of that circumstantial evidence, a pretty reasonable inference can be made that you bailed early on your SC and were no longer "promptly available."
Something is definitely amiss with IT and Crew Scheds. There is NOBODY on short call today in my base and category and there are plenty available. Kept waiting for the call and checking my schedule all day yesterday and today. Still no SC assignments. I've never seen that before. Anybody know what's up?
Quote: Something is definitely amiss with IT and Crew Scheds. There is NOBODY on short call today in my base and category and there are plenty available. Kept waiting for the call and checking my schedule all day yesterday and today. Still no SC assignments. I've never seen that before. Anybody know what's up?
Maybe the company has decided not to have any more SCs based on "SC-gate?" 😁
Quote: Something is definitely amiss with IT and Crew Scheds. There is NOBODY on short call today in my base and category and there are plenty available. Kept waiting for the call and checking my schedule all day yesterday and today. Still no SC assignments. I've never seen that before. Anybody know what's up?
I never got the robo-call this AM informing me of my July trip drops. I also didn't have to acknowledge in iCrew. But on iCrew Mobile, they show dropped.
Strange, indeed.
Quote: Maybe the company has decided not to have any more SCs based on "SC-gate?" 😁
Lol. I guess that's one way to solve the problem.
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