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Lastly, before anyone starts calling me a hater let me say I don't hate my job. What aggravates me to no end is having to explain to people like clear right what is going one at HIS OWN AIRLINE.

As a pilot you are perceived to have a certain level of intelligence. Most pilots fall into the category of "type A". This character trait does suggest you would take a greater or active interest in your career. Unfortunately too many of our pilots do not.

During the first JBPA campaign Jetblue told us we were industry standard even suggesting we were above in many areas. PCRB report proved that to be a fallacy. During the initial phase of the ALPA campaign Jetblue stated that we were industry standard again. After ALPA's pay and compensation review began being disseminated it was proven, as all the charts above indicate, we are not industry standard and in most cases we are well behind our peers.

This is where the ALPA/Teamsters/Inhouse/CBA arguments comes into play. With respect to retirement ERISA laws prevent us from being separated from other employee groups. Jetblue legally cannot unless we have a CBA. Jetblue claims there is a work around but when pressed for the answer the truth came out. Nothing. While not required for a separate insurance, work rules, vacation, sick bank or merger protection a CBA would give us greater flexibility and ultimately the ability to negotiate. We have no ability to negotiate. The DR supporter will suggest we have committees that are working for us. What these same supporters fail to tell you is Jetblue appoints 1/3 of the members to each one of these pilot committees. So in reality is it truly a pilot committee?

To summarize we are behind in pay, retirement, LTD/STD/LOL, insurance benefits. Any merger/acquisition representation is paid for out of our own pockets. We have little control over our committees. This is reality.

Aside from all this Jetblue is a pleasant place to work unfortunately not a career destination. Like I said before I've been here a long time. I've been fighting for this pilot group a long time. Clearly I have failed as not much has changed. Clear right take a greater interest in your career.
I see your logical point/s, however, as long as we keep on bringing humanity back to air travel everything will be A-OK right?
Clear Right has already confirmed Jet Blue pilots will soon be better compensated then Delta pilots (which means UAL, AA and U too), so what's the concern ?

The cyber-CEO has spoken and that's that.
I don't want to bang on clear right. All am saying is he's the perfect example of the Jetblue 1193 pilots who voted no. You have to read the 10-K reports. You have to read the documents you are voting for. You have to look at both sides of the argument. You can't just take managements word for it. You can't just take the unions word for it.
Jetblue pilots take managements word for it and our 5 documents are the perfect example of that. Unprotected.
Quote: I don't want to bang on clear right. All am saying is he's the perfect example of the Jetblue 1193 pilots who voted no. You have to read the 10-K reports. You have to look at both sides of the argument. You can't just take managements word for it. You can't just take the unions word for it. In our case the union side of the argument is actually correct.
Your reality is in the right place. The bottom line is that Jet Blue is an employer and pilots are still just employees. Management will act solely in the corporations best interest.

Anyone who has deluded themselves differently is in denial.
Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner.
[QUOTE=lake alice;1121099]Lastly, before anyone starts calling me a hater let me say I don't hate my job. What aggravates me to no end is having to explain to people like clear right what is going one at HIS OWN AIRLINE.

As a pilot you are perceived to have a certain level of intelligence. Most pilots fall into the category of "type A". This character trait does suggest you would take a greater or active interest in your career. Unfortunately too many of our pilots do not.

Lake Alice
You have articulated your point and your opinion well, accept when you demean others for not agreeing that yours is the Correct opinion. I believe many pilots myself included take a very active interest in our careers and we do know what is going on at our own airline. We just have a different opinion on how to go about improving it. Your message is lost when you insinuate we are uneducated about what is happening and do not see your point.
You may or may not agree with anything I say and thats fine. Just know the facts. Don't lecture me about "culture" and cost control when you have no clue how management is awarding itself millions in stock diluting grants. Jetblue leadership has convinced the clear rights that accepting less or not standing up for yourself is somehow preserving culture. Every profitable major airline is unionized. They have learned to work together. Yet if jetblue becomes unionized there goes the airline? It's a pathetic argument from pilots who have failed to read the information in front of them.Educate yourself and then come lecture me.

I see your point and I am insinuating a lack of education if you don't see what is happening. It clear, it's in writing. If you disagree with how to go about it, well, thats your right.
Quote: Lake Alice
You have articulated your point and your opinion well, accept when you demean others for not agreeing that yours is the Correct opinion. I believe many pilots myself included take a very active interest in our careers and we do know what is going on at our own airline. We just have a different opinion on how to go about improving it. Your message is lost when you insinuate we are uneducated about what is happening and do not see your point.
I think the best way to de-bunk someone's information is to post your own proof of another way to improve the insurance, retirement, etc shortfalls that we can all agree upon. How can we fix the problems?
Quote: I think the best way to de-bunk someone's information is to post your own proof of another way to improve the insurance, retirement, etc shortfalls that we can all agree upon. How can we fix the problems?
It is not the information I was referring too. Indeed I found myself agreeing with many points. It is when the debate turns to insinuations and demeaning others that I become turned off. The same holds true for the other side of the argument.
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