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And I am not shocked one bit!! Hopefully Bendo took care of that the on 1 of the 4 days of the week he actually occupies his office!!! Why can't I work from home like he does on long call!!!
Another screw job to the Comair employees. Someone's head should roll for this.
Interesting factoid.

According to the January 2012 Seniority list:

79.8% of First Officers are maxed out on the pay scale (8+ years).

72.4% of Captains are maxed out on the pay scale (18+ years).
Quote: Another screw job to the Comair employees. Someone's head should roll for this.
It seem that the problem is in the state of KY only. So I would't call it a Comair screw job.
Yesterday in DTW I saw one of our previous 700 with the GoJet logo on the nose. I almost puked.
Quote: Yesterday in DTW I saw one of our previous 700 with the GoJet logo on the nose. I almost puked.
Always remember that it's a Delta plane. Think how their pilots feel walking DTW B&C concourse.
Quote: Think how their pilots feel walking DTW B&C concourse.
Their pilots don't feel sh!t! Must suck for them to constantly get blocked on the radio in DTW and having to repeat themselves. Those scumbags can go to hell, yes, even if you are ex-Comair and went to that mickey mouse operation.
Quote: Their pilots don't feel sh!t! Must suck for them to constantly get blocked on the radio in DTW and having to repeat themselves. Those scumbags can go to hell, yes, even if you are ex-Comair and went to that mickey mouse operation.
How very dare you spoilers! For that you get 10 hail Deltas and 1 walk around with your hat on in August.
Chow I know they are DL planes, but at least have the decency to hide where you got them from and slap another N number on it. Btw, how the hell are you doing?.
Quote: Chow I know they are DL planes, but at least have the decency to hide where you got them from and slap another N number on it. Btw, how the hell are you doing?.

I'm doing well. But I think I'm cursed as American is now in bankruptcy and Eagle's future is uncertain.

Hope you are doing well.

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