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Quote: Another cute sidestep of the question. You know I wasn't referring to USAPA representation as my discomfort.

USAPA's fitness should not be your concern, AFAIC, but the US pilots'. By recognized entity, do you mean the US merger committee, possible separate West representation, or both? I can understand why an APA member would love to have their opponents' representation nowhere to be found during arbitration. It would make things so much "easier" for APA, wouldn't it?

Capt H
Your claim of my "sidestep" means nothing to me even if you now label it "cute". Sorry. I couldn't care less about USAPA's fitness toward you, only that they adhere THIS TIME to what they agreed to and considering their repetitive past should be neutralized so as not to delay the process in perpetuity for the benefit of the airline. In that process, I seek no muzzling of you as an East pilot as your present union seeks to do to the West. It certainly would make East pilots representation in the SLI "much easier" if the West representation was nowhere to be found either, eh ?

Oh wait, USAPA already did that. This whole charade is in part meant to solidify that desire. I think you've got selective judgment and thus claiming my inability to satisfy your demands here is of no surprise and so, no further effort will be made to satisfy the misguided and insatiable.
Quote: You unintentionally hit the nail on the head. This is a legal process. USAPA in fact did sign a CONTRACT called the MOU. If it had problems with that contract the proper venue was with the System Board via a grievance, not in Federal Courts. USAPA is trying to get this into Federal Court because that is where their attorney feels the best chance of getting what they signed away back. That is all. Again I predict the Judicial will return it back to the Executive. I don't know anything about this Judge and am not going to research him but the East attorney must feel he might accept this case, or perhaps they are just hoping the delay will make the other side cave in to their demands. Everybody will just have to wait for the answer.
Yes, I mentioned System Board several posts ago. USAPA doesn't want to play by the rules, they want to MAKE the rules.
Quote: You may need God for help, because I don't see many AA folks on here helping you out. Being Captain America(n) is a lonely job, isn't it?
Life is nice and simple for you define everyone on the East who differs from your opinion as a monolithic "Usapian" to fight against for truth, justice, and...yada, yada.

You really feel like you're holding court here, don't you? Starring in your own one-person show?

Let's agree our little convo has outlived its usefulness and save others the bother too. Maybe it'll free you up to handle FBW44's 'complex' answers a few pages back, rather than the standard cutsie sidestep/Usapian/Nic non-sequiturs you toss out. Nothing wrong with long winded posts, so long as you're the one providing the hot air, eh?

The last cutsie word is yours,
Capt H
Actually, I think it will be USAPA that needs divine intervention, but agreed on the futility of interaction with you though. As for 44, you'll note I backed up my claims with proof and fact and he's a liar. I've debated his points, but he attempts to reconstitute them in the hope they somehow become credible, but you have to START with credibility in order to build on it and he's bankrupt there. Thanks for the last "cutsie" word (whatever that means). At least we can agree that it's pointless for US to discuss anything further and needlessly waste forum space. Since nothing I'll ever say will be a valid POV to you and just "cutesiness", it is indeed the best path forward for us.
I think this post accurately sums up the situation. Without question, the APA would benefit from having an equal west voice in front of the arbitrators to spend more time arguing with the east over a SLI that happened seven years ago. (One of the only times in life where two against one isn't a good thing!) The worst thing for the APA would be for the US side to be united in the SLI talks, however even then, this isn't much of a threat because the east pilots voted for the MOU, the MOU dictates USAPA will not be around much longer. APA will finish the SLI (under the threat of a DFR) just like USAPA was attempting to do with the DOH cram down with the west. It seems the APA is very much aware of the DFR threat (especially with the Nicolau hanging out there, somewhere) and will act accordingly to protect the mother ship. I believe Ed James wouldn't have taken on this stance against USAPA without carefully considering the best moves for the APA going forward. By having a divided US group, being in control of the union plus the synopsis presented above by Sewer, it seems the US pilots have the deck stacked against them. But, the east pilots did it to themselves. They fought the Nic all these years, they terminally divided the US pilot group and they voted for the MOU- got big pay raises but now it is time to pay the piper for agreeing to the MOU.
APA's primary goal is avoidance (or minimization) of DFR. APA is indeed aligned with management's interests and their interest above all else is an expeditious path through the integration process and they know that means the MOU needs to be followed. It's no accident the MOU provides for dissolution of USAPA in fairly short order. Parker is more aware then anyone of their caustic, obstructionist tactics and that is the biggest threat to their interests.

USAPA is like The Terminator in that it can't be bargained with or reasoned with. The only solution going forward is extermination. Again, that's not to say the same East pilots couldn't be negotiating the SLI (we all know that will fail), just that there will not be any future mechanism for obstruction and/or intransigence and it will go to arbitration without new and creative methods by USAPA to further muck up the show again and again in various points in the MOU process when their demands aren't met.
Quote: Now you are obsessing about how you are not obsessed.

You have been posing as a disinterred objective observer from Eagle flow through, with no reason to have any bias about USAPA and the Nic, yet you are more knowledgeable about the USAPA AOL fight, the lawsuits, and the Nic... more so than most USAir pilots on both sides of the issue.... and strangely you have a very opinionated position on it all.

I frankly don't know jack about the Eagle flow though or the fight with APA over all of that. And I could not care less about it. I don't obsess over reading up on the details of the Eagle/APA fight. I have no passion about the Eagle/APA fight and never will. None.

I am credible and consistent. You obsess about USAPA and the Nic more than you obsess about your own flow through issues. Why? Hmmm. I do not obsess about your flow through.
I've been posting as what I am from the beginning, although some of you choose not to believe it. Your choice. I don't care about the Nic and will be the first to admit I don't know a fraction about THAT conflict as much as many of you. I DO know about making agreements and living up to them. Now that has come around to directly affect me and thus, I am not just an outside observer, but a participant.

The reason you think I obssess about anything, is you fail to READ. Again, I don't care about the Nic. I DO care about USAPA as they are now doing to this SLI what they did to the last and look how that worked out. As for the flow thru, those issues are between flow-thru's and APA and will remain that way for now. I'll certainly agree you're consistent, but all you do now is claim I'm obsessed about things I'm not, so it's tough for ME to take you as credible. Actually UNDERSTAND what I say and perhaps we might get there.

At least you're not an outright liar like 44, so I'll give you some credibility there.
Quote: I didn't say anyone did anything wrong, I just said that East and West did this to themselves.

Don't incorporate me into your East/West BS—this fight has nothing to do with me. I just pop my head in from time to time to refresh the repetitive tail chasing you folks do in this thread.

USAPA does not seem to actually be fighting a case here—they're just stalling. The end game is what matters most.
#1371 is a gem.

Quote: Thank you for your perspectives SewerPipeDvr & GrapeNutes.

I make a point not to share information here that I cannot in person own as fact or opinion. Please go ahead and find all of these posts.

I think everyone on this forum would greatly appreciate reviewing your evidence.

I'll get you some toe floss in the mean time.
No need for toe floss here. Both my toes AND my conscience are clean. Do Usapians even HAVE a conscience ?
Quote: ...
The reason you think I obssess about anything, is you fail to READ.....
You posted eight posts in a row. How do you expect me to READ everything you post.

All I have to do is COUNT and see that you are obsessed.
Quote: You posted eight posts in a row. How do you expect me to READ everything you post.

All I have to do is COUNT and see that you are obsessed.
You can't read what amounts to LESS then the average page in a paperback book ?

Well, if you say so.

It's interesting one of your chums belittles me as being incapable of responding to the long-winded, illogical (and repetitive) arguments of another of your little APC gang of thugs (a proven liar), yet I'm then belittled by you for defending myself from what amounts to a pack of Usapian jackals. Sometimes, multiple responses are required. So in essence, one of your gang attacks me for FAILING to make long or multiple posts, while you then attack me for doing the opposite.

If you don't want to hear my responses (which I know make you uncomfortable because I hit too close to the bone too often), then don't engage me with attack or better yet, put me on ignore. Your ridiculous (and repetitive) claims of obsession are your delusion.
Quote: You can't read what amounts to LESS then the average page in a paperback book ?

Well, if you say so.

It's interesting one of your chums belittles me as being incapable of responding to the long-winded, illogical (and repetitive) arguments of another of your little APC gang of thugs (a proven liar), yet I'm then belittled by you for defending myself from what amounts to a pack of Usapian jackals. Sometimes, multiple responses are required. So in essence, one of your gang attacks me for FAILING to make long or multiple posts, while you then attack me for doing the opposite.

If you don't want to hear my responses (which I know make you uncomfortable because I hit too close to the bone too often), then don't engage me with attack or better yet, put me on ignore. Your ridiculous (and repetitive) claims of obsession are your delusion.
Accusing others of being as obsessed as you are only furthers the argument that you are obsessed.

I posted a disclaimer a long time ago... I cannot respond to all my fan mail. I am flattered. Really. I'll try to make an exception for you but can't promise anything.
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