Spirit, the multi million dollar mistake!

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Quote: Yep! Like a cow in front of a mirror.
Some compelling arguments you and Smails have brought forth. You guys are good. Nothing needs to be changed.

Here's a really compelling argument though, your Airbus rates are dragging down the rest of the industry. That sure is funny.
Quote: Some compelling arguments you and Smails have brought forth. You guys are good. Nothing needs to be changed.

Here's a really compelling argument though, your Airbus rates are dragging down the rest of the industry. That sure is funny.
We ain't saying a new contract with increased pay rates and retirement while holding on to our QOL rules isn't what we want. I'm saying their going about it the wrong way. And how do you mean we're dragging down the rest of the industry? How about the other carriers who don't have four days off between pairings, or transition conflict, or line bidding or sweet vacation rules, or nice inexpensive insurance? Huh? Are they dragging down the industry? How about those pilot groups who have given up scope, allowed code sharing, a and b plans, etc, they dragging down the industry? Please, you gotta be a special kind of stupid if you think the legacies are sitting looking across the negotiating table quoting Spirit's rates to its pilots.
Quote: We ain't saying a new contract with increased pay rates and retirement while holding on to our QOL rules isn't what we want. I'm saying their going about it the wrong way. And how do you mean we're dragging down the rest of the industry? How about the other carriers who don't have four days off between pairings, or transition conflict, or line bidding or sweet vacation rules, or nice inexpensive insurance? Huh? Are they dragging down the industry? How about those pilot groups who have given up scope, allowed code sharing, a and b plans, etc, they dragging down the industry? Please, you gotta be a special kind of stupid if you think the legacies are sitting looking across the negotiating table quoting Spirit's rates to its pilots.
No but you were brought in to our peer set at JetBlue on our last "contract" and directly brought down our rates because of that. That is a fact. But that is fine as long as you can recognize that that is a problem for everyone. The original poster, your colleague, brought up some good points about things that needed to be fixed. He was met by what I assume are fellow Spirit pilots with comments of, "why don't you quit". That's bogus.

Also your 4 days off between pairings is a red herring in my opinion. I'm sick of hearing about it because it leaves out anyone that doesn't want to fly 3-4-5 and I think you have 6 day trips.
You guys don't pay any attention to that Ptu guy or that nerf person!

Ben, Jyri and I were just talking about how awesome we're going to make your contract. James called from Boise (first class was full, so we couldn't fly him in) and we ran through how fantastic this group of guys and gals is!! We have come up with some super things for you guys - just to show how much you're worth. The only problem is......... It might take a couple of years to "finesse"....

James says that you guys don't mind and seeing that we don't see any tangible evidence of an angry group, hell we'll just keep on printing those Benjamins!!

High five guys!
Quote: No but you were brought in to our peer set at JetBlue on our last "contract" and directly brought down our rates because of that. That is a fact. But that is fine as long as you can recognize that that is a problem for everyone. The original poster, your colleague, brought up some good points about things that needed to be fixed. He was met by what I assume are fellow Spirit pilots with comments of, "why don't you quit". That's bogus.

Also your 4 days off between pairings is a red herring in my opinion. I'm sick of hearing about it because it leaves out anyone that doesn't want to fly 3-4-5 and I think you have 6 day trips.
++++1! Spot on!
Spirit, the multi million dollar mistake!
Quote: No but you were brought in to our peer set at JetBlue on our last "contract" and directly brought down our rates because of that. That is a fact. But that is fine as long as you can recognize that that is a problem for everyone. The original poster, your colleague, brought up some good points about things that needed to be fixed. He was met by what I assume are fellow Spirit pilots with comments of, "why don't you quit". That's bogus.

Also your 4 days off between pairings is a red herring in my opinion. I'm sick of hearing about it because it leaves out anyone that doesn't want to fly 3-4-5 and I think you have 6 day trips.

Oh here we go....blue juicers like you give other JB guys a bad rep. So you say our rates dragged down yours...fine...how do you think your stellar FAR 117 duty rules, your "health insurance" and PBS are going to affect our goals? Oh, I forgot to mention your amazing reserve rules too.
Go get 'em Judge!

Spirit rocks!!

Free smiles guys!
Quote: Go get 'em Judge!

Spirit rocks!!

Free smiles guys!
High fives for all! Double rainbow and Judge miss the point. Yes we bring the industry down! Fact #2, we have no leverage! There is no reason for BiminiBendo to give us a TA... Why are guys leaving here for blue? Why do guys want to be here? When the hiring well dries up, then we will have leverage. We've already lowered our pic mins...
Spirit pilot vs spirit pilot and Alpa (spirit) pilot vs alpa (JetBlue) pilot. Really productive guys.

Btw the OP has some real points and perhaps getting out some truths might help inform a few candidates that don't have all sides of the story. Anything that puts a choke on recruiting only helps the cause. Anyone that takes it personally needs to get a grip. I never understood why some pilots get insulted when others bag on their airline or why anyone would bag on another's. It's a name on a paycheck and who you work for doesn't define you as pilot. If you are a union pilot you are good in my book. I have to assume we are all trying to improve and raise the bar. If not, then get out of way.
Quote: go get 'em judge!

Spirit rocks!!

Free smiles guys!
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