All Pilot Groups need to come together

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Quote: I did not compare a Pilot speeding to a pilot trying to crash a plane. I said pilots are just people. We are like anyone else. We are supposed to follow all the rules, yet I’m sure not every rule following pilot follows the state law speed limits as they drive on the highway. We are just people. We try to get away with little things, (just like non-Pilot’s) it’s just human nature. I said that in reference as to why random security checks at KCM are there. They keep us honest. We know there’s a chance we’d get randomly selected and therefore the risk/reward ratio of doing something completely illegal is NOT worth it. I believe that if we never had random checks, there would absolutely be some that take advantage of the trust in us afforded by system and try to get away with some shady things. It’s a not a big deal to go through security. You make it sound as if it is. I find no need to unify Pilot’s into a single list as you suggested, all because of a perceived uptick in random selections at KCM. It’s well, not rational.

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Suggestion of a single list doesn’t stem from the security perspective. It stems from the “ world is changing” position and its time to change with it if you want stronger contracts. You suggest “some that take advantage of the trust…. Shady things.” I used to carry pocket knives, multi tool, corkscrew, etc. before 9/11 and I never crashed a plane into a building. You mean like carrying my personal firecracker stash from LAX to Hong Kong? Or maybe you are referring to us possibly being drug running mules, in which case TSA doesn’t really look for it. It is a big deal because I know first hand random crew member checks have increased severely and they are all complaining about it. We need the optics of it is all you can really say. It has no teeth. Oh, BTW, even if you are randomly selected, you can simply discard whatever “shady” item you’re referring to into the trash bin and carry on with life. I’m thinking you don’t even fly for a living and even if you do you haven’t been around much.
All Pilot Groups need to come together
Quote: Suggestion of a single list doesn’t stem from the security perspective. It stems from the “ world is changing” position and its time to change with it if you want stronger contracts. You suggest “some that take advantage of the trust…. Shady things.” I used to carry pocket knives, multi tool, corkscrew, etc. before 9/11 and I never crashed a plane into a building. You mean like carrying my personal firecracker stash from LAX to Hong Kong? Or maybe you are referring to us possibly being drug running mules, in which case TSA doesn’t really look for it. It is a big deal because I know first hand random crew member checks have increased severely and they are all complaining about it. We need the optics of it is all you can really say. It has no teeth. Oh, BTW, even if you are randomly selected, you can simply discard whatever “shady” item you’re referring to into the trash bin and carry on with life. I’m thinking you don’t even fly for a living and even if you do you haven’t been around much.

I fly for a living, year 6 at a regional, about to flow in a couple months. I have never experienced the inconvenience that you are experiencing. I wonder if you actually fly for a living tbh.

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Quote: Suggestion of a single list doesn’t stem from the security perspective. It stems from the “ world is changing” position and its time to change with it if you want stronger contracts. You suggest “some that take advantage of the trust…. Shady things.” I used to carry pocket knives, multi tool, corkscrew, etc. before 9/11 and I never crashed a plane into a building. You mean like carrying my personal firecracker stash from LAX to Hong Kong? Or maybe you are referring to us possibly being drug running mules, in which case TSA doesn’t really look for it. It is a big deal because I know first hand random crew member checks have increased severely and they are all complaining about it. We need the optics of it is all you can really say. It has no teeth. Oh, BTW, even if you are randomly selected, you can simply discard whatever “shady” item you’re referring to into the trash bin and carry on with life. I’m thinking you don’t even fly for a living and even if you do you haven’t been around much.
Your suggested solution, “single list, national union, standard contract”, in no way conforms to your alleged problem, “too many randoms (it’s actually ‘unpredictables’), no coherent voice to fight The People in Blue”.

Your perceived enemy is not your enemy. The TSOs are executing a methodology assigned to them. If you don’t like the methodology, complain to your Security Committee or your Congressperson. Stop mis-focusing.

A previous poster mentioned the process helped to dissuade carriage of prohibited items, as humans are, well, human, and sometimes try to take advantage. Greatly increase the risk of getting caught, and most people will forgo the reward. Sometimes not.
Case in point, the JB FA at KCM in LAX(?) to non-rev on AA. When selected, she left her shoes and boogied. Her rollaboard contained 70 keys of drugs. She was later caught. How many times did she or others get through before it made sense to load 70 keys in her bag?

If none of this convinces you of the folly of your proposal, then I humbly suggest the theoretical single contract be based on the most consistently profitable airline of the last 50 years, Southwest Airlines. Look at all the great points in that CBA:

One rate for all aircraft (200, 300, 500, 700, 800, MAX8, and prolly MAX7)
NO Codeshare, no regional feed. All flying done by pilots on the MSL
Pay computed by Trip-For-Pay vs Hourly Rate. Hourly is so 1960’s. And learning the variances of TFP only takes 2-3 years.
Lucrative Vacay Drop: upwards of 55 TFP for a single week of vacay on a month-to-month overlap!
Profit Sharing
No Doctor’s notes
Pilot/Aircraft ratio: lean manning means no excess pilots, less chance for furlough in tough times.
Tons of annual block hours
Hot pants and Go-Go boots!

I’m sure you’ll be coming around to this way of thinking. The National Pilot List might take awhile to be implemented, but don’t fret, Southwest is hiring! 😃😄👍
Quote: Your suggested solution, “single list, national union, standard contract”, in no way conforms to your alleged problem, “too many randoms (it’s actually ‘unpredictables’), no coherent voice to fight The People in Blue”.

Your perceived enemy is not your enemy. The TSOs are executing a methodology assigned to them. If you don’t like the methodology, complain to your Security Committee or your Congressperson. Stop mis-focusing.

A previous poster mentioned the process helped to dissuade carriage of prohibited items, as humans are, well, human, and sometimes try to take advantage. Greatly increase the risk of getting caught, and most people will forgo the reward. Sometimes not.
Case in point, the JB FA at KCM in LAX(?) to non-rev on AA. When selected, she left her shoes and boogied. Her rollaboard contained 70 keys of drugs. She was later caught. How many times did she or others get through before it made sense to load 70 keys in her bag?

If none of this convinces you of the folly of your proposal, then I humbly suggest the theoretical single contract be based on the most consistently profitable airline of the last 50 years, Southwest Airlines. Look at all the great points in that CBA:

One rate for all aircraft (200, 300, 500, 700, 800, MAX8, and prolly MAX7)
NO Codeshare, no regional feed. All flying done by pilots on the MSL
Pay computed by Trip-For-Pay vs Hourly Rate. Hourly is so 1960’s. And learning the variances of TFP only takes 2-3 years.
Lucrative Vacay Drop: upwards of 55 TFP for a single week of vacay on a month-to-month overlap!
Profit Sharing
No Doctor’s notes
Pilot/Aircraft ratio: lean manning means no excess pilots, less chance for furlough in tough times.
Tons of annual block hours
Hot pants and Go-Go boots!

I’m sure you’ll be coming around to this way of thinking. The National Pilot List might take awhile to be implemented, but don’t fret, Southwest is hiring! 😃😄👍
Your way of thinking about the Southwest example is at least a start. You said flight attendant. You didn’t say pilots. She was an extreme example. There have been pilots off premises who have done criminal acts. Every group has it. But what I’m saying is KCM/security cannot stop the calculated pilot from bringing something by security. I bring up the point of TSA in this thread, I guess, to simply prove the hypothesis (maybe to myself) that pilots consider themselves extraordinary in their achievement of becoming an airline pilot. Rightfully so. Unfortunately the ego kicks in and suddenly one pilot is better than others. Before 9/11 we had private security. After 9/11 and 20 years later, people in blue uniforms are people you seem to put your trust and faith in. Trust is supposed to run both ways in a society like ours due our system of citizenry. I trust pilots. Period. There may be a few bad apples, but nothing like 9/11 is in my mind conceivable at least as of yet. But let’s open up flight training to al quida again.
You also only see one side of the equation. I know several crew members who upon being sent to random turns out they’ve had prohibited items. Razor blades and leatherman’s mostly; but still it shouldn’t happen at all. A few pilots over the years have been randomed with a firearm that was “accidentally left in their bag from a range day.”
We all know what we can and can’t bring. We were behind a 10 member crew from another carrier the other day and KCM was closed. 3 of 10 (1 pilot) of them had prohibited items removed. That’s pretty poor performance.
should we be exempt? Ask German wings, the JB CA that flipped out in midflight, or the countless other flights where crew members were the problem. How about the crew members smuggling drugs through KCM that get caught every once in a while. They aren’t packing the bag themselves, and they often hand the bag off to the contact later inside security. What is to prevent them from sticking a gun in with the drugs?
catching crew has happened often enough that TSA is just here to stay. Is TSA perfect, far from it; it is however another layer in the Swiss cheese model to catch a problem before it happens.

It’s not a union issue at all.
Quote: You also only see one side of the equation. I know several crew members who upon being sent to random turns out they’ve had prohibited items. Razor blades and leatherman’s mostly; but still it shouldn’t happen at all. A few pilots over the years have been randomed with a firearm that was “accidentally left in their bag from a range day.”
We all know what we can and can’t bring. We were behind a 10 member crew from another carrier the other day and KCM was closed. 3 of 10 (1 pilot) of them had prohibited items removed. That’s pretty poor performance.
should we be exempt? Ask German wings, the JB CA that flipped out in midflight, or the countless other flights where crew members were the problem. How about the crew members smuggling drugs through KCM that get caught every once in a while. They aren’t packing the bag themselves, and they often hand the bag off to the contact later inside security. What is to prevent them from sticking a gun in with the drugs?
catching crew has happened often enough that TSA is just here to stay. Is TSA perfect, far from it; it is however another layer in the Swiss cheese model to catch a problem before it happens.

It’s not a union issue at all.
Were they trying to kill people with their razor blades, leather mans and guns? Somehow a so called prohibited item makes you a criminal. If a pilot goes into a cockpit how hard is it for him/her to crash the airplane. Can an FSDO or police office go bonkers and kill everyone, or are they to pure for that? You trust your government in this day and age? The one that just gave billions in arms to the taliban. I believe the crazy ones are you that believe “trust but verify” is the best answer.

im done with this thread. Looking for the day when automation takes over and there are no pilots to fly. Sooner than you think.

do you only trust uniformed cops or
Quote: Were they trying to kill people with their razor blades, leather mans and guns? Somehow a so called prohibited item makes you a criminal. If a pilot goes into a cockpit how hard is it for him/her to crash the airplane. Can an FSDO or police office go bonkers and kill everyone, or are they to pure for that? You trust your government in this day and age? The one that just gave billions in arms to the taliban. I believe the crazy ones are you that believe “trust but verify” is the best answer.

im done with this thread. Looking for the day when automation takes over and there are no pilots to fly. Sooner than you think.

do you only trust uniformed cops or
FSDO offices went bonkers a while ago.
Quote: Were they trying to kill people with their razor blades, leather mans and guns? Somehow a so called prohibited item makes you a criminal. If a pilot goes into a cockpit how hard is it for him/her to crash the airplane. Can an FSDO or police office go bonkers and kill everyone, or are they to pure for that? You trust your government in this day and age? The one that just gave billions in arms to the taliban. I believe the crazy ones are you that believe “trust but verify” is the best answer.

im done with this thread. Looking for the day when automation takes over and there are no pilots to fly. Sooner than you think.

do you only trust uniformed cops or
Sooner or later? Show me one OS that doesn't freeze or goes bonkers. Even (airplane) software has it's moment. Sorry.
Quote: Were they trying to kill people with their razor blades, leather mans and guns? Somehow a so called prohibited item makes you a criminal. If a pilot goes into a cockpit how hard is it for him/her to crash the airplane. Can an FSDO or police office go bonkers and kill everyone, or are they to pure for that? You trust your government in this day and age? The one that just gave billions in arms to the taliban. I believe the crazy ones are you that believe “trust but verify” is the best answer.

im done with this thread. Looking for the day when automation takes over and there are no pilots to fly. Sooner than you think.

do you only trust uniformed cops or

It’s not just about preventing crew members from “trying to kill people”. If it comes up again in class tell your classmates that it’s much more than that. You see when one gains more perspective from actually working in the airline industry they will likely see that people are not to be trusted. Security is a good thing. We can keep our industry safer AND reduce the amount of shady behavior all while allowing crew members to get to their airplanes quicker in the morning instead of waiting a few extra minutes of screening. Everyone in the industry gets this. You will too if you decide to go into this career someday.

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Quote: FSDO offices went bonkers a while ago.
Mean't FFDO. Sorry.
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