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Quote: voting ends in a few hours. Could be interesting....
When will the results be known?
Quote: When will the results be known?
I believe by 8-9pm tonight.
Quote: voting ends in a few hours. Could be interesting....
I don't know how interesting it will be. Most people I've talked to about it who aren't big on reading forums are yes voters. The only opposition I've seen is on the forums, which the majority of the pilot group doesn't read. I think it will pass easy.
Quote: I don't know how interesting it will be. Most people I've talked to about it who aren't big on reading forums are yes voters. The only opposition I've seen is on the forums, which the majority of the pilot group doesn't read. I think it will pass easy.
sad to hear.
You're probably right. The polling on the forums hardly ever matches the actual vote. It's usually significantly different.
Quote: Tickettoride,
I don't think you will sit reserve in ORD for more then one year. It's not that senior and there is plenty of movement.
Don't ever commute, and LAX,SFO are very expensive. I would take the CRJ in ORD

There isn't nearly as much movement as the company kool-aid drinkers would like you to believe.

Yes there's hiring at the majors, yes there is more movement in the last year than the previous few years, but it's insignificant in respect to the size of our pilot group.

I'm not even a 50% line holder out of Chicago, and have been employed for 6 years and change.

What's going to happen in the future...Barely any upgrades for first officers that have been here 5-6 years, they'll be going to the lifers that have been riding shotgun in SLC/LAX/DEN. That will take a couple years before they're through, then the jet upgrades will go to the latter half of 2007 new hires (which would make them 8-9 full years on property to upgrade).

Tickettoride, if you do come here, plan on reserve for a while and zero chance to upgrade.
Approved the pile of garbage smoke and mirrors pay package by 68%, I'm ashamed of this pilot group.
I think there will be a lot of movement in a few years. My worry is it will be backwards with many 50 seaters getting parked and flying going to other lower cost regional airlines.
Quote: Approved the pile of garbage smoke and mirrors pay package by 68%, I'm ashamed of this pilot group.
It's a 1 year deal... Talks for a long term deal can start in a few months. If this was a long term, 3 years plus many of the "yes" voters would have prob voted no. I'm more surprised by voter turn out
Quote: It's a 1 year deal... Talks for a long term deal can start in a few months. If this was a long term, 3 years plus many of the "yes" voters would have prob voted no. I'm more surprised by voter turn out
For a group of professionals that hold a skill set that less than 1% of the population has, I can't believe how pussified pilots are. Management got everything they wanted without giving anything. SkyWest pilots squandered an opportunity to make a difference in this profession.

Keep drinking the kool-aid and enjoy watching Chip and Jerry take larger bonuses this year.
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