GoJet & TSA

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just think - if it wasn't or amr and scope, there would not be a gojets. this verbage/relationship has led to the destruction of tsa.
Quote: just think - if it wasn't or amr and scope, there would not be a gojets. this verbage/relationship has led to the destruction of tsa.
I respectfully disagree.... look at CHQ and Republic. The only reason why GoJets and TSA are on different seniority lists is because the company refused to pay the wages TSA pilots are worth.

Had there not been an AMR scope, I still see the creation of GoJets to get cheaper labor. I don't know, I may be wrong on this one.... I just don't think TSA is a victim of AMR's scope clause. It is simply an excuse for TSA's management.
[QUOTE=BYUFlyr;415112]The only reason why GoJets and TSA are on different seniority lists is because the company refused to pay the wages TSA pilots are worth..[/QUOTE

And now they get paid as much as other CRJ7 operators with a contract. Still TSA managment right?
Actually, that's where you're wrong BURflyer. Their wages are lower than other 70 seat operators who's contracts are years older and in many cases were concessionary in nature immediately after 9/11 and/or ch.11
BURFlyer, you planning on taking a walk on the dark side?
Well, they are hiring after all. That means they're doing better right?
Quote: Actually, that's where you're wrong BURflyer. Their wages are lower than other 70 seat operators who's contracts are years older and in many cases were concessionary in nature immediately after 9/11 and/or ch.11
Every single regional airline out there is flying a/c at wages, work rules, and benefits FAR BELOW the mainline standard (even after mainline concessions). I once flew a F-100 as a FO for 3 times as much as any CRJ900 FO in the US today. FOs toping out at 35 maybe 40 per hour is far less than FOs of the 727s 737s DC9s and F100s that you have replaced. TSA GOJET AE CHQ MESA COMAIR ASA SKYWEST, I don't care who you are, you all have lead to the destruction of the life of the airline pilot. Period!

So all the name-calling is just to make you feel better for the crapy service you provide, and below poverty wages you work for. It's no more than "BIG EGOs, and SMALL PEE-PEEs!" GoJet did not lead to this destruction (nor did it help) any more then MESA or TSA or any other dirt bag regional airline out there.

And you guys are knights in shinning amour claiming "100's" of your friends got furloughed at TSA b/c of GoJet (ps Though FEW furloughs occurred for less than 2 months (no pilots of which returned when recalled) and were b/c TSA lost USAIR flying and TSA mgt was to stupid to realize that need not furlough) where were you when 10,000+ mainline pilots got the axe? Probably running over your buddies to get in a shinny new RJ... Or just going though puberty.

So I don't see how any RJ driver can say any other RJ driver lowering the bar. Unless he admits that he himself is also lowering the bar!!

The way oil is going and the way airlines are moving away from 50 seat rjs. My guess is you probably will not have to worry about MESA, or GoJet by 2010. If more fifty seat flying gets dump by TSA they will go BK. GoJet probably will not be able to support its self with 15 RJs it will be gone too. MESA we all know the story there. Once DELTA gets to dump them they are toast.

OK I have said my part... Enjoy the show of the next 50+ pages of JUNIOR HIGH mud slinging....
Is it lonely on that pedestal all-mighty mainline pilot?

I've seen the payscale for the F-28 at Piedmont in the 80s and yeah, it's disgusting what has happened. However I'd encourage you to remember that regionals wouldn't exist if the mainliners didn't cave on scope. APA was too good for Eagle back in the day.

I'd much rather be flying a plane that doesn't say "express/connection" on the side and on a major's seniority list but I really didn't have much of a say in that. The cycle needs to stop somewhere.
Quote: Actually, that's where you're wrong BURflyer. Their wages are lower than other 70 seat operators who's contracts are years older and in many cases were concessionary in nature immediately after 9/11 and/or ch.11
Well I would checkout the pay rates on this site, including Mesaba that flys the new CRJ900, they get paid the same as GJ that flys 66 seat jets.
Quote: Every single regional airline out there is flying a/c at wages, work rules, and benefits FAR BELOW the mainline standard (even after mainline concessions). I once flew a F-100 as a FO for 3 times as much as any CRJ900 FO in the US today. FOs toping out at 35 maybe 40 per hour is far less than FOs of the 727s 737s DC9s and F100s that you have replaced. TSA GOJET AE CHQ MESA COMAIR ASA SKYWEST, I don't care who you are, you all have lead to the destruction of the life of the airline pilot. Period!

So all the name-calling is just to make you feel better for the crapy service you provide, and below poverty wages you work for. It's no more than "BIG EGOs, and SMALL PEE-PEEs!" GoJet did not lead to this destruction (nor did it help) any more then MESA or TSA or any other dirt bag regional airline out there.

And you guys are knights in shinning amour claiming "100's" of your friends got furloughed at TSA b/c of GoJet (ps Though FEW furloughs occurred for less than 2 months (no pilots of which returned when recalled) and were b/c TSA lost USAIR flying and TSA mgt was to stupid to realize that need not furlough) where were you when 10,000+ mainline pilots got the axe? Probably running over your buddies to get in a shinny new RJ... Or just going though puberty.

So I don't see how any RJ driver can say any other RJ driver lowering the bar. Unless he admits that he himself is also lowering the bar!!

The way oil is going and the way airlines are moving away from 50 seat rjs. My guess is you probably will not have to worry about MESA, or GoJet by 2010. If more fifty seat flying gets dump by TSA they will go BK. GoJet probably will not be able to support its self with 15 RJs it will be gone too. MESA we all know the story there. Once DELTA gets to dump them they are toast.

OK I have said my part... Enjoy the show of the next 50+ pages of JUNIOR HIGH mud slinging....
I agree 100%.
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