Originally Posted by CaptCoolHand
Total WAG and napkin math stirred in with some PCRB old ass info and ADG, I'd say we're looking at a minimum of 10% and that's probably low.. JMO.
I think the company discretion 150% premium FCFS window, RSA, and VDA will take care of much of the additional staffing needs. Especially since PTOSB isn't going to be as good of an income supplement as it is now, guys will resort to picking more stuff up, especially at premium, or flying over VAC. Furthermore, I imagine our industry leading pairing construction rules will likely make our trips more efficient, flying more per day, which could further drive down the need for more bodies. Hope I'm wrong and this requires several hundred more bodies. Interested to see more details on Thurs/Fri and go to a roadshow. But things like bidding/pickup patterns and vacation patterns (and flying over it) can't be truly evaluated until it plays out for a while.