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Hey Sniper,

You're one of my favorites to read on here. I've been getting answers to my questions from you for years, and I always carefully consider your words because over time I've realized you generally know what you're talking about.

You recommend I go to HI to get more PIC, but I don't want to

And because I don't want to I'm not going to!

I've got 1120 TPIC and that's enough for me. Did I just say that out-loud? Anathema! .

We live and die by our decisions, and I know this. I have always taken full responsibility for my lot in life, and always will. Whether I'm homeless someday, or a FED EX Captain. In either case I will have put myself there.

Life isn't fair. I've known this from age 3, and I've always accepted it.

I'm married with two little ones and a stay-at-home wife. We're exceedingly happy together, and since I didn't buy the SUV, but instead cram everyone into the old Accord, we CAN exist on Mesa's 36K. Sometimes I think I'm breaking even with my CA wages after taxes. Well, not really, but denial is a beautiful thing.

Do I want more? Sure. Will I sacrifice time with my children and wife to get it? Well if the past is any indication of the future the answer is no. And I'm ok with that, whatever happens.

I will never let my career, or job define me. Although I confess it plays a huge roll in happiness, it is only one part of the equation. We speak of intelligence a lot on this board. But not often of wisdom. I will soak up every day and focus on the important things whether or not I'm daydreaming of my family in an Airbus, or a CRJ.

(this next paragraph is not directed toward you personally, but to the community at large - including myself)

Every individual is different, every person has a different set of priorities, and for people to come on these boards and either look up on down their noses on anyone else based on text from a keyboard is the epitome of stupidity. Weird isn't it because we all know that pilots are the most intelligent people on the planet.

In short - I gotta be me!

Keep up the good work on here - again you're a great contributor!
Buddy interviewed over phone get class date 2 days later
Quote: Buddy interviewed over phone get class date 2 days later
I've heard this too. A short phone call and you're hired.
Quote: I used to feel like you. I then got married and had kids. Turns out this job is hard on the kids if the wife does not stay at home. I then became a sole income source. I quickly realized with my first kid that an apartment was too small. Ended up having to buy a house. I then realized my wife can't be driving around a beater car with my kids while I'm at work. I then bought her an SUV. All of the sudden, I need six figures a year to just comfortably support my family. Throw in medical bills, and I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I would be just fine on just a few grand per month. My family not so much.
Sorry, family and kids just aren't my thing. I would sell everything in a heartbeat if something unexpected happened. And my life would now be his/her life. But I take certain measures to avoid that. Thanks for being so concerned for my feelings though, I appreciate that.
Quote: Buddy interviewed over phone get class date 2 days later

Nothing changes over there! In 2007, 3 out of the 11 in my class were telephone interviews! I miss my crews there, the company not so much!
April 15th class
Lol. is that real life? Phone interview, get a job?
April 15th class
5 days to resign your current job, pick up and be in PHX
Quote: Nothing changes over there! In 2007, 3 out of the 11 in my class were telephone interviews! I miss my crews there, the company not so much!
I was hired in 2007 by handing in a resume at a job fair. No interview whatsoever.
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