Atlas Air Hiring

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Quote: I know a third hand story of an ex-pat working overseas who passed the interview. He was called for a class date and asked for a delay because of a significant contract penalty if he quit without sufficient notice. So, Atlas kicked him out of the pool.

Of course I know of folks who asked to delay class and were allowed to do so. The above example may be the exception.
I was an expat working overseas when Atlas called. I simply couldn't get packed up and out of the country in the three weeks they gave me, I was home in the States at the time. HR was great and said they'd "try and give me another class date but no promises." A few days later they called and gave me a class roughly four weeks later than the first....This was in 2010...
I've got a buddy working there. Loves it.
I love working here. My perspective may be different than others having come from a mil background. But this place is just like AMC flying without the political BS and the excessively stupid ground training requirements. 95% of my job is showing up on time, ready to fly. I ALMOST feel guilty calling this a job. My family was used to the odd schedules and potential for missing holidays. If you can make it work I recommend it. I hope it lasts. It seems too good to be true at times.
nobody's heard anything? I put my stuff in earlier this year as well and nada.
Does Atlas ever go to Job fairs? They were supposed to go to one with ORD but they dropped out.
Quote: Does Atlas ever go to Job fairs? They were supposed to go to one with ORD but they dropped out.
i doubt you'll see Atlas at a job fair or expect to hear anything until the pilot app window reopens. Sounds like slow going next year, as they hire fron the pool to cover attrition.
Quote: i doubt you'll see Atlas at a job fair or expect to hear anything until the pilot app window reopens. Sounds like slow going next year, as they hire fron the pool to cover attrition.

Atlas is listed in the Exhibitor Directory for WAI. Is the recruitment team not going to be there?

thanks in advance for clarifying
The WAI yearly event is not a job fair. It is a conference.
Quote: The WAI yearly event is not a job fair. It is a conference.
ahhhh I see
Quote: Atlas is listed in the Exhibitor Directory for WAI. Is the recruitment team not going to be there?
Atlas has participated in years past, but WAI must have taken Atlas out of the line-up because I don't see them listed in this year's exhibitors directory anymore.

That said, things WILL change between now and March 6 when the conference starts so Atlas may decide to attend if they need more resumes (and want a quick trip to Florida during spring break)

UPS is listed, however (even though they aren't hiring) ...

2014 Annual International WAI Conference - Exhibitors

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