What's the Latest at ASA/Expressjet?

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Quote: Funny how the two people asking for me to be removed have admitted they work for XJT and are new APC members. Seems to me the XJT MEC finally figured out how to use the interwebs. ASA pilots, if they want me out this badly, sounds likr they're losing. And they can talk unity all they want, what I've seen them do behind closed doors sure ain't unity. The ASA MEC represents the interests of the ASA pilots. NOT the joint group. We are separate MECs and will be for the foreseeable future.
I'm a reader not a poster. Been at XJT since 2006. I joined APC in 2011 and if that is "new" to you then thats fine. I have no affiliation with the MEC. The only union work I do is new hire mentorship which is a volunteer position.

There is blame to go around on both sides. It's definitely is not all one or the others MEC's fault. It's a shared responsibility. But I must say we do not have members of our NC on APC blaming and belittling other pilots and saying this kind of things CA tony says. It just does not look good and is not the right thing to do. The only good thing is that all ExpressJet pilots can see what the ASA's NC's true colors are.

Where are the normal line ASA pilots? Why do you not put and end to this? I would be embarrassed and outraged if one of our union leaders where doing what CA tony is doing. Do you care? Please provide feedback.

(Dude, it's APC. You know, an anonymous message board... where people go to spread rumors, and entertain themselves... you must really be a hoot on an overnight).
Quote: I'm a reader not a poster. Been at XJT since 2006. I joined APC in 2011 and if that is "new" to you then thats fine. I have no affiliation with the MEC. The only union work I do is new hire mentorship which is a volunteer position.

There is blame to go around on both sides. It's definitely is not all one or the others MEC's fault. It's a shared responsibility. But I must say we do not have members of our NC on APC blaming and belittling other pilots and saying this kind of things CA tony says. It just does not look good and is not the right thing to do. The only good thing is that all ExpressJet pilots can see what the ASA's NC's true colors are.

Where are the normal line ASA pilots? Why do you not put and end to this? I would be embarrassed and outraged if one of our union leaders where doing what CA tony is doing. Do you care? Please provide feedback.
I'm a normal line ASA pilot and I talk to many normal line ASA pilots. CA Tony is only echoing what many of us feel. The whole PBS thing has many of us really fed up with your side. We like our system and you don't seem to really even know how it works yet you think you know better than we do. That doesn't sit well with this normal line ASA pilot.
Quote: I'm a normal line ASA pilot and I talk to many normal line ASA pilots. CA Tony is only echoing what many of us feel. The whole PBS thing has many of us really fed up with your side. We like our system and you don't seem to really even know how it works yet you think you know better than we do. That doesn't sit well with this normal line ASA pilot.
We have a PBS transition in place that will allow you to use your PBS for the duration of the next contract. The contact after that we would get to compare our PBS systems and make educated decisions about which system we want to keep. What is wrong with that? How is that not a great compromise that both sides can live with?

Also, our line bidding allows us a great QOL and excellent work rules. We are going to protect that QOL fiercely with rules in SmartPerf. Why not at least see what we can come up with? You never know it might be better than your current system
Quote: Well put! ASA guys take action! By removing this guy and others like him we just might see some progress.... Progress that benefits BOTH sides. You MUST get this guy off of your negotiating team..
We are. You just don't like it.
Quote: No different than you trying to force FlightLine on us. The last TA actually had a fare agreement for PBS for both sides. If we were going to "shove" anything it would be Line Bidding..

Remove Capt. Tony ASA folks! We need unity!
And there was an agreement by DA that if we held off for 45 days on a arbitration on PBS that he would have an answer whether you will continue work on SP. A week after the agreement DA said that he had no intent to honor the agreement.

So what were those words of unity you were using?
Quote: You need to mind your own business. What the ASA pilots do now is none of your business. Your pilot group has attached it's future to a misguided and dysfunctional XJT MEC. Keep playing with your little SmartPref project and keep your resume updated...Let us worry about Capt Tony and our MEC...Thanks for your concern...
LOL.... Quite funny coming from you and all your negative attacks on the XJT side.
Quote: We have a PBS transition in place that will allow you to use your PBS for the duration of the next contract. The contact after that we would get to compare our PBS systems and make educated decisions about which system we want to keep. What is wrong with that? How is that not a great compromise that both sides can live with?

Also, our line bidding allows us a great QOL and excellent work rules. We are going to protect that QOL fiercely with rules in SmartPerf. Why not at least see what we can come up with? You never know it might be better than your current system
Yeah. And what's better, the XJT side asked the ASA side to help pay for it! Pay for a PBS system for YOU to use that we have no interest in!!!!!! Seriously!
That's why you're seeing all these attacks. We told them we're not paying for it today. Didn't go over too well. Apparently they want someone at the table who will cave instead of sticking up for the ASA pilot group.
Quote: That's why you're seeing all these attacks. We told them we're not paying for it today. Didn't go over too well. Apparently they want someone at the table who will cave instead of sticking up for the ASA pilot group.
They really expected us to pay for their little globalized experiment that nobody has ever used? Really? What planet do these guys live on? Do tell more....
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