Affirmative action in the airlines?

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Forigive my spelling. I type fast. Yes I think I can spell. I lead troops I hope I can spell. WHat do you do?
Not all airline pilots were regional CA's, you are correct. Some went military. But why would a minority want to go that route, with all the uncertainty, getting shot at, ect? Oh, I forgot. The military is racist as well.

Taking full advantage of AA would get them to a major faster with less potential for harship anyway.

I know you aren't talking to me personally here, but I have to respond. I was an enlisted ground-pounder in the Army. I jumped out of planes, hung out of blackhawks on ropes and all that gung-ho stuff. I even wanted to be a Ranger, but my body was not cut out for it. I was on active duty for the Conflict in Panama and the first Gulf War. I wanted nothing more than to be a Naval Aviator. Nothing. However, by the time I got my degree I was to old as the cut off back then was twenty-six and a half and I was twenty-seven and a half when I received my degree because of the active duty time I served. I never wanted to fly for the airlines. I wanted to be a Navy pilot for life ... I can't lie, I'm a bit jealous of the tail-hookers and I always will be.

I don't know what to make of your getting shot at statement. While I, being in a head quarters company, was never shot at my buddies in the forward companies were. I'm talking taking rounds on a C130 as they came in for landing. It was the real deal so, with all do respect, spare me and others the "getting shot at" sissy garbage. I've served my time, my dad did 23 years, and I know countless others that have served as well in all aspects of military service. I've never been in combat. Have you?

Not all airline pilots were regional CA's, you are correct. Some went military. But why would a minority want to go that route, with all the uncertainty, getting shot at, ect? Oh, I forgot. The military is racist as well.

Taking full advantage of AA would get them to a major faster with less potential for harship anyway.

I know you aren't talking to me personally here, but I have to respond. I was an enlisted ground-pounder in the Army. I jumped out of planes, hung out of blackhawks on ropes and all that gung-ho stuff. I even wanted to be a Ranger, but my body was not cut out for it. I was on active duty for the Conflict in Panama and the first Gulf War. I wanted nothing more than to be a Naval Aviator. Nothing. However, by the time I got my degree I was to old as the cut off back then was twenty-six and a half and I was twenty-seven and a half when I received my degree because of the active duty time I served. I never wanted to fly for the airlines. I wanted to be a Navy pilot for life ... I can't lie, I'm a bit jealous of the tail-hookers and I always will be.

I don't know what to make of your getting shot at statement. While I, being in a head quarters company, was never shot at my buddies in the forward companies were. I'm talking taking rounds on a C130 as they came in for landing. It was the real deal so, with all do respect, spare me and others the "getting shot at" sissy garbage. I've served my time, my dad did 23 years, and I know countless others that have served as well in all aspects of military service. I've never been in combat. Have you?

Quote: Forigive my spelling. I type fast. Yes I think I can spell. I lead troops I hope I can spell. WHat do you do?

Keep your head down in Iraq. I applaud and thank you for your service to this Counry. I'll buy you dinner when you make it back stateside. Thanks again for your years of service. That goes to all Veterans. Thank you.

Quote: Forigive my spelling. I type fast. Yes I think I can spell. I lead troops I hope I can spell. WHat do you do?
I'm an airline pilot. And I have seen some screwed up hiring practices take place in the last seven years, thanks to AA. I have seen a lot good jobs go to people who were not nearly as comptetive as other's who were actually good people and paid their dues.

I thank you and admire your service to our country. However, if you want to pull the "I'm in the military and lead troops" thing to prove you have a bigger penus than me and argue your point about AA an airline hiring practices, try again. Not even the same sport.

I wouldn't try to argue with you about how to lead men in combat, since I have no experience. You have no first hand experience (that you speak of) in the airlines, nor their hirig practices.
Quote: Dojet,

I know you aren't talking to me personally here, but I have to respond. I was an enlisted ground-pounder in the Army. I jumped out of planes, hung out of blackhawks on ropes and all that gung-ho stuff. I even wanted to be a Ranger, but my body was not cut out for it. I was on active duty for the Conflict in Panama and the first Gulf War. I wanted nothing more than to be a Naval Aviator. Nothing. However, by the time I got my degree I was to old as the cut off back then was twenty-six and a half and I was twenty-seven and a half when I received my degree because of the active duty time I served. I never wanted to fly for the airlines. I wanted to be a Navy pilot for life ... I can't lie, I'm a bit jealous of the tail-hookers and I always will be.

I don't know what to make of your getting shot at statement. While I, being in a head quarters company, was never shot at my buddies in the forward companies were. I'm talking taking rounds on a C130 as they came in for landing. It was the real deal so, with all do respect, spare me and others the "getting shot at" sissy garbage. I've served my time, my dad did 23 years, and I know countless others that have served as well in all aspects of military service. I've never been in combat. Have you?

Also, thank you for your service to our country. I never claimed to be in combat. You misrread what I wrote. I wrote that going into the military has alot things unique to it. In other words, uncertainty. Moving frequently, being assinged a job you may not have wanted to do, and the one you misread, being shot at. Read what I wrote again, put your knee jerk reaction aside, and tell me if you still feel the same way about what I said.
Quote: Excuse me. But i do not thik the military is racist. That was very offensive. I have been inthe military for 18 years. I just returned from Iraq in JUn and I wasnt a jet jock flying over and returning to a nice Air Force base. I am an Infantry Officer. That means a ground combat soldier. I lost 9 persoanl friends oveer there so I am really not interested in your comments about the molitary.

Actually, I encourage people to go into the military to fly ( I promote the AF and the Navy) Its a great career.
It was sarcasm, you failed to get it.
Quote: Keep your head down in Iraq. I applaud and thank you for your service to this Counry. I'll buy you dinner when you make it back stateside. Thanks again for your years of service. That goes to all Veterans. Thank you.

I said I WAS in Iraq. I got back last June. My National Guard unit was deployed for a year and a half. I am like you. My original goal was to be an Air Force pilot and General Officer. I grew up in the Air Force as a kid. But my vision knocked me out of it. I had gone to a military college after high schol and somehow fell in withthe army and my secondlove was Infantry. SO I joined the army went to jump school. nfantry school and all that. Now at the age of 37 I am in my 18th year in the Guard ( I had some active duty time as well in HAwaii) I have been deployed twice (Bosnia and Iraq) and I am looking for something new. I cant fly inthe militaey so I have been thinking about law enforcement. I thought about transfering my commission to the Air National Guard and getting into security forces. I still want to fly civilian though
Quote: It was sarcasm, you failed to get it.
Sorry I missed.
Quote: I wouldn't try to argue with you about how to lead men in combat, since I have no experience. You have no first hand experience (that you speak of) in the airlines, nor their hirig practices.
Nope. And I wouldnt try to argue with you about it. In fact, I would probably seek your advice. My conversation is about Affirmative Action and why I think its neccessarry in todays world. I used to be like you though and didntlikeit but as I get older and see things I realize why now Thats all. You are still cool with me. You arent one of the negative people on this board that discourage folks from their dreams.
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