Tracking Regional Outsourcing

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I like the way you think Shiz. Very analytical.
Quote: shiz- notice how the company has drawn down the 50 seaters earlier than required by the contract and has shown intention to operate 76 seaters at below the maximum amount.

We got meager pay increases and gave workrules concessions in exchange for allowing the company to do what it wanted to do anyways. How is that in any way a victory?


Probably not a victory, a stalemate perhaps, but I don't think we had a chance for much of a victory last time around. I am glad we locked in the lower RJ numbers for a bunch of reasons.

Many say the 50 seaters were going away anyway because they were not economical. Probably, but remember we were buying RJs by the hundreds at a time when they were already uneconomical.

And what if the price of oil declines with improved extraction technology (fracking). Under a slower 50 seat drawdown plan could not the company have decided to keep them around longer, maybe a lot longer, with cheap oil?

I agree the 50 seaters were eventually going away (no first class) but I am glad we now have it in writing and it is not subject to management changing the plan if oil goes lower, and I also like the fact that we can not get more of the large RJs until after we are operating the 717s.

Did we bargain for something that was going to happen anyway - probably to some extent but I think we also gained somewhat from this deal.

Was it a great deal - No. Was it a good deal - maybe, but keep in mind we were basically bargaining mostly against ourselves since UAL and AMR were both still under BK contracts.

I think allowing RJs to operate at DCI was one of ALPAs biggest fails. I was furloughed while DCI was hiring hundreds of Pilots - I get it. But I am glad the RJs are in decline and am also glad we held the line at 76 seats.

After a decade of losing ground on Scope in both total seats and seats allowed, we actually made a slight improvement in Scope.

Quote: The Company then gave away over $1.5 BILLION to their pilots over the next 3.5 and they didn't have to, WHAT?

As a shareholder, I'm furious! AMR, UAL, CAL and LCC each made their pilots negotiate for YEARS without new deals, saving their Corps. hundreds of millions, if not BILLIONS of dollars, money that could be used to make my stock worth more...
"Giving" 1.5 Billion to their pilots? It was completely funded by our cuts in profit sharing, and large increases in productivity, etc. That's why Delta management refers to this contract as cost neutral to Delta.

But you knew that.

Quote: I'm pleased they are able to draw down some 50's ahead of plan.

If a Company pays you for 70 widgets and then realizes they only need 40 widgets, AND have to pay you for the 30 widgets they don't want even if they never use them; Who got the better end of the deal?

That means you believe that the Delta Pilots had NO LEVERAGE.

The Company then gave away over $1.5 BILLION to their pilots over the next 3.5 and they didn't have to, WHAT?

As a shareholder, I'm furious! AMR, UAL, CAL and LCC each made their pilots negotiate for YEARS without new deals, saving their Corps. hundreds of millions, if not BILLIONS of dollars, money that could be used to make my stock worth more...
What? How does it mean I believe we had no leverage? It means we didn't use a single bit of the leverage we had. The company gave us what they wanted to do anyways, and we gave them profit sharing and workrules back, too. The company wanted a deal, we had the leverage, and subsequently folded like a lawn chair.

AMR, UAL, CAL, and LCC aren't making record breaking profits... DAL is, despite the 1.5 BILLION!!!!111!! (supposedly- I think it's much closer to cost neutral) So as a shareholder, you should be happy. Think about what we could have gotten had ALPA actually used some leverage?

Every junky thing we got in C2012 was offset by something and was exactly what the company wanted. Park 50 seaters and add 717s? Add a bunch of jumbo RJs (long term viable!) and get ratios far below actual plans . Pay bump? Reduce profit sharing by 33% during a period of record breaking profits. Slight bump in vacation and a below par min day? Work rules concessions and ALV+15. Everything was offset.

We're witnessing the results of this now, too. We are down several hundred captain positions since C2012 was signed. (yeah, we "added" some on the bids, but we aren't replacing what we have lost).
Quote: Show me what ALPA RJ group has seen a benefit from the improved DAL scope clause.
Our new scope clause allows RJ groups to operate 70 additional brand new fuel efficient dual class passenger preferred 76 seat RJ's. Flying more of those is a big benefit to those pilot groups because it breaths new life into the DCI experiment. It does hurt those RJ pilots who want to come here some day though.

Quote: WRONG. You need to contact your rep, whoever has told you that regional pilot groups can limit mainline scope either doesn't understand or is lying to you.
Regional pilots can do exactly that, and you know it. They just did it twice to us. First was after our required "meet and confer" that led to a TA that had benefits for regional pilots in our scope section!

Second is this latest Pinnacle agreement (signed by Moak without our MEC even knowing about it) that requires Delta to perform in a way that's not in our scope section! Making it a defacto part of our scope section.

Quote: Yep, all airline pilots are impacted by the weakness of "independent unions"
Nowhere near as badly impacted by the weakness and backward movement presided over by ALPA. During which time the independent unions at UPS and SWA kept steady increases.

With any luck, Delta will have an independent union soon.

Quote: Clamp,

Probably not a victory, a stalemate perhaps, but I don't think we had a chance for much of a victory last time around. I am glad we locked in the lower RJ numbers for a bunch of reasons.

Many say the 50 seaters were going away anyway because they were not economical. Probably, but remember we were buying RJs by the hundreds at a time when they were already uneconomical.

And what if the price of oil declines with improved extraction technology (fracking). Under a slower 50 seat drawdown plan could not the company have decided to keep them around longer, maybe a lot longer, with cheap oil?

I agree the 50 seaters were eventually going away (no first class) but I am glad we now have it in writing and it is not subject to management changing the plan if oil goes lower, and I also like the fact that we can not get more of the large RJs until after we are operating the 717s.

Did we bargain for something that was going to happen anyway - probably to some extent but I think we also gained somewhat from this deal.

Was it a great deal - No. Was it a good deal - maybe, but keep in mind we were basically bargaining mostly against ourselves since UAL and AMR were both still under BK contracts.

I think allowing RJs to operate at DCI was one of ALPAs biggest fails. I was furloughed while DCI was hiring hundreds of Pilots - I get it. But I am glad the RJs are in decline and am also glad we held the line at 76 seats.

After a decade of losing ground on Scope in both total seats and seats allowed, we actually made a slight improvement in Scope.

Highly doubtful on the 50 seaters. The company overbought them in huge numbers in order to extract pay and workrule concessions from mainline. It's at least a bit ironic that we traded reduced pay increases in C2012 to "help" reduce to more realistic numbers what was used to rape mainline in the first place.

I have a tough time calling it a scope victory still... it's more just letting the company do what it wants to do with perhaps a nod in our direction in a couple places. A true victory would have been locking in more realistic ratios and initiating methods to bring the flying back to mainline.

What's done is done, though...
Quote: *If DAL Inc. would have been a little more patient and waited just a couple more months, they would have been able to use the PNCL acquisition to achieve almost all the DCI shrinkage goals they had on their own, and the Delta Pilots would have had little to no leverage at that point.
And the previous hard cap of 255 large RJ's would still be here, and as we now know, the 717's were coming anyway because of their need to replace the DC-9 and the older A319's and A320's.

Quote: And the previous hard cap of 255 large RJ's would still be here, and as we now know, the 717's were coming anyway because of their need to replace the DC-9 and the older A319's and A320's.

Thank you sir.
All valid points.

However, the best bargaining tactic would be to not take a job that pays peanut wages.

Quote: The problem is that every time this comes up for a vote mainline keeps giving this stuff up for small incremental increases that ultimately get eroded in bankruptcy. You really want a change; take all the flying back, turbo-props included. Swallow the pill and get a national seniority list with standardized pay scales and benefits. Get it in your contract that no flying can be done by pilots not part of what ever union you decide on. Lastly stop pointing the finger at each-others pilot groups as the problem. While you argue and blame each others industry as the problem management laughs all the way to the bank with your pensions, pay, and general quality of life. Ask yourself how many bonus's have handsomely retired your CEO's while you bicker.

alright help me out and make sure these numbers are right. I took them from wikipedia except for Delta which I made based on what the current contract will allow and is transitioning into.
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