DAL Poolie Info

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so no calls today? (as far as we know, anyway)
Why would there be a July 6th class instead of June 29th?
Quote: Why would there be a July 6th class instead of June 29th?

Nobody seems to know for sure. From what I've heard the schedule isn't necessarily fixed at every two weeks. I suppose we'll know by the end of next week if anyone gets a call for the earlier date. If they skip that week and fill 7/6 with a lot of Compass/Endeavor guys the off-the-street wait might be increasing to 90 days for some.
The latest Compass flows started yesterday. The next group is going to ATL on 7/6. I would assume they wouldn't have a 6/29 class and over lap with the Compass people the next week but I hope I am wrong.
Quote: The latest Compass flows started yesterday. The next group is going to ATL on 7/6. I would assume they wouldn't have a 6/29 class and over lap with the Compass people the next week but I hope I am wrong.
Any idea how many flows there are or how big the class will be?
Quote: Any idea how many flows there are or how big the class will be?
No just that 20 physical people will be in class ( April DOH I believe) and 20 will be placed on the seniority list and then start their 90 day hold back.
Quote: Why would there be a July 6th class instead of June 29th?
Because there isn't going to be anybody on campus leading up to the 4th.
Quote: The latest Compass flows started yesterday. The next group is going to ATL on 7/6. I would assume they wouldn't have a 6/29 class and over lap with the Compass people the next week but I hope I am wrong.
No, I wouldn't think they'd run a 6/29 if 7/6 is confirmed for the Compass guys. I guess that settles that.
If 7/6 is filled with flows, then I'm guessing I'll be pushing 90 days. April 23rd CJO
Are the new hire classes officially down to 100 per month (40 and 60) or are they 120 (60 & 60)? Either way both are very good but the wait..........oh the wait.
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