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Quote: I also was told that it takes into account how many you are down the list vs how many were in class. For example: Dec 3rd class had 9 CQFOs therefore the company will go down the standing bid list with the top 9 bypassed upgrades, in seniority order, who had their bid in prior to the start of class and they will receive the bypass pay starting Feb 3rd. I am not sure when the next class started but my understanding is that is how the company looks at it.
As of the January 1st seniority list, there were over 20 CQFOs in class. Last I checked on the standing bid, there were less than on the list. So, to the guy who got bypassed, even if the company is using that as a term "bypassed," at the very latest you'll have your pay two weeks later.
Quote: To anyone at TSA still considering ADI, please DO YOUR RESEARCH. A little google searching would have save a few people who have already left. Please spread the word to the crew room trolls and save a career.

Youngstown News, Feds say airline not fit to provide Chicago flights from Youngstown
Not surprised but feel bad for the guys that followed the pied piper and are going to get caught up in this disaster. Just goes to show if it sounds too good to be probably is.....
Quote: Not surprised but feel bad for the guys that followed the pied piper and are going to get caught up in this disaster. Just goes to show if it sounds too good to be probably is.....
It never even sounded good.
Quote: Not surprised but feel bad for the guys that followed the pied piper and are going to get caught up in this disaster. Just goes to show if it sounds too good to be probably is.....
I feel like we were blasted for saying this all before. All the information was out there in the beginning. Which I believe you also pointed out.

I do feel bad for the guys that followed him out the door. On the other hand, they should have done their research in the first place.
Quote: Not surprised but feel bad for the guys that followed the pied piper and are going to get caught up in this disaster. Just goes to show if it sounds too good to be probably is.....
Being on reserve not flying really does cloud your judgment. It's really tempting to go elsewhere.
Quote: Being on reserve not flying really does cloud your judgment. It's really tempting to go elsewhere.
That part I get. The part I don't get is, with the new flying, that time for those guys would soon be over. Plus the upgrade would be right around the corner. It just blows my mind that some of those FO's would leave here for a place with basically the same, or less, reward, yet tons more risk. Pilots are typically conservative by nature, and it just doesn't make sense too me to take that huge risk.

I can maybe see it from the Captain's perspective if you had the chance to live at home for relatively the same pay, but still..
Quote: Not surprised but feel bad for the guys that followed the pied piper and are going to get caught up in this disaster. Just goes to show if it sounds too good to be probably is.....
Wow that article. Sure sounds like the FAA has a hard on for ADI. I mean "lack of managerial competence"? Sounds like back in the day when the FAA denied Lorenz an air carrier certificate for lack of moral fiber.

Does not look like the FAA wants this guy in the aviation business.
Quote: As of the January 1st seniority list, there were over 20 CQFOs in class. Last I checked on the standing bid, there were less than on the list. So, to the guy who got bypassed, even if the company is using that as a term "bypassed," at the very latest you'll have your pay two weeks later.
Also heard from ALPA that you can't just put your upgrade in for STL or ORD. You have to put your bid in across the board. This is because TSA is not hiring CQFOs into any base other than IAD. Therefore, if you only have your bid in for STL you are not being by-passed because CQFOs are not being placed in STL.
Quote: I think he is talking about the D checks. Just as thorough as the CRJ.
Are the D checks a 90 day disassemble of the entire wing? Cause I have heard about the 200 and how that wing check is basically a tombstone, but the EMB doesn't have that wing issue from what I have heard.
Quote: Are the D checks a 90 day disassemble of the entire wing? Cause I have heard about the 200 and how that wing check is basically a tombstone, but the EMB doesn't have that wing issue from what I have heard.
I could have sworn last year we had a few airplanes in D checks.
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