Omni Air

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Quote: Is omni working towards KCM access?

HA!!! You are funny. That would cost the company money so they won't do it. It would benefit the pilots, so they won't do it. It's not spelled out in the POS contract, so they won't do it. It would make the pilots happy, so they won't do it. It doesn't benefit the company, so they won't do it.

See the trend of how management does things?
Quote: The Standards Captain is the laughing stock of the training department and is a real tool. The dude likes to try and fart on you when you are in the sim or cockpit. He has no business being the Standards Captain. The Chief Pilot is also a tool and will step on any pilot he can! THANK GOD THE FLEET MANAGERS ARE COMPETENT!

The fleet manager is the only one I trust in that entire office. He's a straight shooter who will go to bat for you, but you have to be straight with him and if you screwed up then admit to it and he will try to help.

The "standards captain" is more emotional and moody then a 13 year old school girl and you are correct about the CP.
I'm guessing this got glossed over in the discussion. Can anyone that works there take a read below and share their thoughts?


Quote: I had an interview scheduled this week but had to cancel it due to being on a contract trip and it got extended. I originally told the HR person at Omni, that would probably happen with this group I was flying. Anyway, they said they didn't have any future interview dates available right now and would cancel this one.

I'm curious what I may have lost out on here. Is the pay scale shown on this site, accurate? First few years in the 50k range? Upgrade over 6 years or so? Thanks for any imput you can provide, just wanting to see if this was a job I would have stayed at or okay to pass by.

For the past 10 years I've been making over a 100k and was ready to take a cut to go somewhere long term, but I wouldn't be able to take a huge cut for more than 2 years unless it was someplace where I could keep contracting to make up the difference for those years. Just contracting, I'm in the 150's now, luckily.

Thoughts from some of the Omni people for someone like me?
Quote: I'm curious what I may have lost out on here. Is the pay scale shown on this site, accurate?

AFAIK, the pay scale is accurate.

Upgrade over 6 years or so?

The current most junior Capt. is about 4 years in seniority.

For the past 10 years I've been making over a 100k and was ready to take a cut to go somewhere long term

Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.

, but I wouldn't be able to take a huge cut for more than 2 years unless it was someplace where I could keep contracting to make up the difference for those years. Just contracting, I'm in the 150's now, luckily.

Most airlines require you to clear any outside flying with them. I've known guys who have done it at another airline, but they were mostly military contractors who flew low hours doing tactical training. Their outside flight time never impacted their weekly, monthly or annual totals.

Thoughts from some of the Omni people for someone like me?
If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM.
Quote: The Standards Captain is the laughing stock of the training department and is a real tool. The dude likes to try and fart on you when you are in the sim or cockpit. He has no business being the Standards Captain. The Chief Pilot is also a tool and will step on any pilot he can! THANK GOD THE FLEET MANAGERS ARE COMPETENT!
Whoa Big Fellow, The current Chief Pilot and I didn't always see eye to eye. He tried to control union pilots when they were acting as union offers doing union work which he had no business doing. He did however make a few things right when the company was trying to stick it to some pilots. He's not a bad guy.

The Standards Captain I have to agree with. You want to get promoted, have a 180nm navigational error and you too could be the Standards Captain. Also he does not like military reservists. I'm in the reserves and has told me in front of witness that he believes that you should pick the military reserves or Omni but not both. And Omni should not have to change your schedule for drill weekends and military duty. I could go on about emails he sent out and unprofessional behavior but I don't feel like typing all day.
Quote: I had an interview scheduled this week but had to cancel it due to being on a contract trip and it got extended. I originally told the HR person at Omni, that would probably happen with this group I was flying. Anyway, they said they didn't have any future interview dates available right now and would get back to me.

I'm curious what I may have lost out on here. Is the pay scale shown on this site, accurate? First few years in the 50k range? Upgrade over 6 years or so? Thanks for any imput you can provide, just wanting to see if this was a job I would have stayed at or okay to pass by.

For the past 10 years I've been making over a 100k and was ready to take a cut to go somewhere long term, but I wouldn't be able to take a huge cut for more than 2 years unless it was someplace where I could keep contracting to make up the difference for those years. Just contracting, I'm in the 150's now, luckily.

Thoughts from some of the Omni people for someone like me?

Pay Scale is correct , expect $50K plus per-diem. Over time on a day of is $250 plus 3.33 hrs or block which ever is greater. There is no override if you break the 60hr monthly guarantee.

When I left May of last year it was just over 4 years to upgrade. Packrat would know better than I if this has changed as I believe he was hired about the time I left.

Don't know how old you are but I would not look at Omni for the long term. It's not a place to go and stay. Although there are several great pilots that gut stuck there for what ever reason.

Why would you leave a $150K year job to come to Omni. Even as a line Captain the best you will do is $120K on 12th year pay. You would have to work all the time overtime you could get, be an Check airman, Sim instructor or do the IAD flying to break that.

As far as additional flying goes I believe that the Chief Pilot has to approve it per the EPPM (Employee Procedures and Policy Manual). I think thats the name of the manual but if I am wrong someone will be along to correct me.

On the plus side I had a blast there, did things and went places I never get to do again. Made some great friends and ultimately land my dream job because of Omni.
Quote: The fleet manager is the only one I trust in that entire office. He's a straight shooter who will go to bat for you, but you have to be straight with him and if you screwed up then admit to it and he will try to help.

The "standards captain" is more emotional and moody then a 13 year old school girl and you are correct about the CP.
The 767 Flt Mgr is top notch guy. He looks out for the pilots so long as your are honest with him. If you screw up just take your lumps and be done, don't try and bull**** him. He has been this was as long as I've know him. He's level headed and and thinks things thru. He will do well with what ever he does in the future. I would have liked to have worked for him.
Quote: If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM.
Thanks for the info. I may reach out to you for more. Appreciate it.
Quote: Pay Scale is correct , expect $50K plus per-diem. Over time on a day of is $250 plus 3.33 hrs or block which ever is greater. There is no override if you break the 60hr monthly guarantee.

When I left May of last year it was just over 4 years to upgrade. Packrat would know better than I if this has changed as I believe he was hired about the time I left.

Don't know how old you are but I would not look at Omni for the long term. It's not a place to go and stay. Although there are several great pilots that gut stuck there for what ever reason.

Why would you leave a $150K year job to come to Omni. Even as a line Captain the best you will do is $120K on 12th year pay. You would have to work all the time overtime you could get, be an Check airman, Sim instructor or do the IAD flying to break that.

As far as additional flying goes I believe that the Chief Pilot has to approve it per the EPPM (Employee Procedures and Policy Manual). I think thats the name of the manual but if I am wrong someone will be along to correct me.

On the plus side I had a blast there, did things and went places I never get to do again. Made some great friends and ultimately land my dream job because of Omni.
Thanks much for that. I'm 45 and just want to find someplace to finish the rest of the career off at. This doesn't sound like that. I'm in corp. now and that 150k number is by flying contract. I don't work for any particular company.

Contracting is good and bad, but not wanting to do it for the long term. I'm thinking trying to get on with a national or major carrier is really the only way to go after reading the above. Unless a good corp. gig falls in my lap, but corp jobs really come and go and like I said, it's time to settle down and marry a company.

Thanks again.
Omni Phone Interview
I recently completed a phone interview with Omni Air International and wanted to post about my experience in case it might someone else here.
The interviewer was the same HR specialist who I had already been corresponding with via email.
- First, had a couple clarification questions on my resume. One on flight time and one on a current non-flying job.
- Asked what I know about Omni
- Asked why I was interested in Omni. Received real-time positive feedback on my response here...that it was a well thought-out response. IMO, this equates to knowing yourself and what type of flying/QOL you want.
- Asked for 5 words that describe me. Allowed to expand on the words a little.
- Given opportunity to ask 3 questions. I hinted that I had a lot more questions that I could ask, but she did not offer for me to ask more.
- Given feedback immediately that I would be passed on to the Ops Dept. and would be contacted soon for the next step in the process.

Hope this helps you.
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