Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Originally Posted by cfitstew View Post
Personally, I think DCI shrinking is a good thing. The less airplanes that say "Express", "Connection", or "----Link" flying around out there the better it will be for the profession. In the end, less regional flying will ultimately lead to more mainline flying and I'm all for that. And I work at a DCI carrier.
Anyone remember Eastern Metro? Same economic model applies here. Much of the reason DCI is being cut is:
(1) Mainline is shrinking, and DCI is as much as 60% of "Delta" departures
(2) Delta isn't making money on the DCI operation
(3) Delta can rationalize and align the DCI network without waiting for SOC.

A "Delta block hour" is a Delta block hour. Management does not see these as exclusive block hours that belong to Comair, SkyWest, or an MD88. Frankly, we don't need to make that distinction either.

The distinction we should focus on is what is happening to mainline flying. It is too easy to be distracted by seeing how the pain is distributed and use that as an excuse that we did well, when in fact, we've continued to outsource to larger RJ's.
Quote: How about this, The company has publicly stated, as recent as yesterdays DTW base visit that they are happy with the amount of 76 seat jets they have and do not see ordering anymore.
I believe that it was EB at the latest investors conference that stated DAL's goal is to have approx 250 seventy-six seat jets in the fleet.
I get the whole reasoning for the unified front with a 100% yes vote. I am not sure that is even where the issue lies.
I think that the MEC should vote 100% when it is what all of them think. I think the issue starts long before the vote is even cast. It starts with communication to the rank and file.
Many of the joe blow punch the clock and go home pilots just want to know that their concerns and fears are 1) heard and 2) being addressed by the people they elected to many the front while they live their lives. The total lack of communication, that we have let to much flying go, we need to erect something greater than a line in the sand to stop the slide and we hear your concerns and they are OUR concerns would get a ton of millage.
The redirect, accuse, or otherwise undermine the initial argument does nothing to make the Voters(rank and file pilots) feel anything but contempt for those who are representing them. Funny thing is that if the communication was there, maybe there would not be a bunch of single issue DOLTS pushing for change.
After all it was taxation, representation, and religious freedom that started our own revolution.
Quote: Advance entitlement are run first. THen the displacements. Some pilots could be awarded a advance entitlement and then lose the slot when displacments are run. I learned this the hard way when I was on a aircraft that was going away and the entire category was shut down. I did not even look at my advance entitlement page because I assumed displacements were run first. Big mistake on my part and resulted in a extra trip to Virginia Ave for 6 weeks.
Good to know. At least you got the six weeks. There has been enough churn now that I'll be able to do the short course (three sims and a check ride) on any one of six different aircraft (MD88, MD90, 737-700, 800, 757, 767) glad that I'm so smart and can keep all those in my head, so come September all I have to do is a recurrent course and go fly.
Quote: I believe that it was EB at the latest investors conference that stated DAL's goal is to have approx 250 seventy-six seat jets in the fleet.
And yesterday they stated that they were happy with what they had. I have heard it before but some of the people in DTW can back up that they are happy with what they have and plan not to order any more of them.

Point was that if this is the current thinking that they are telling the pilots, make them put it in the contract, where we will not get dinged by the next CEO who thinks that 76 ERJ's can replace 757 flying.
Quote: Good to know. At least you got the six weeks. There has been enough churn now that I'll be able to do the short course (three sims and a check ride) on any one of six different aircraft (MD88, MD90, 737-700, 800, 757, 767) glad that I'm so smart and can keep all those in my head, so come September all I have to do is a recurrent course and go fly.
Good for them, but not for you.
Quote: The JFK operation is an embarassment. They put our DC9 on a hardstand, as a result we left late because they bussed the pax out to us (embarassing) & it's a flat out Charlie Foxtrot. What a joke. OK, I'm done venting.
Embarassing because they bussed them, or embarassing because they bussed them to a DC-9?

Don't worry: that was a rethorical. I've heard the 9 's are fine inside. I know the same cannot be said for JFK terminals 2 & 3. And as for the JFK operation... it's a "Zen" thing: they treat every day like their first day, and their last day.
Quote: And yesterday they stated that they were happy with what they had. I have heard it before but some of the people in DTW can back up that they are happy with what they have and plan not to order any more of them.

Point was that if this is the current thinking that they are telling the pilots, make them put it in the contract, where we will not get dinged by the next CEO who thinks that 76 ERJ's can replace 757 flying.
If that is what they are saying, that is great and I agree completely with your second statement.
Quote: The JFK operation is an embarassment. They put our DC9 on a hardstand, as a result we left late because they bussed the pax out to us (embarassing) & it's a flat out Charlie Foxtrot. What a joke.

OK, I'm done venting.
I couldn't agree with you more Johnso. I hate that place because its ALWAYS a Charlie Foxtrot. I was in there about two weeks ago and the ramp got all hot and bothered with us for throwing on some last minute bags after we pushed. He said "well, there's your delay." Like every other thousand times I've been in there we haven't been delayed due to their screwed up operation. DAL management needs to go up there on a weekend, check it out, and start firing some people. Its a joke.
Quote: I get the whole reasoning for the unified front with a 100% yes vote. I am not sure that is even where the issue lies.
When various councils all pass resolutions asking for study and action on scope restoration and the MEC collectively and by acclimation votes to ignore those resolutions it sends a message to management, and members, that the MEC acts illegitimately and does not represent the membership.

I deleted the post, but earlier today I asked, why would someone would give this MEC strike authorization? Usually I advocate giving the MEC all the power you can, but in this case, they make a point of letting the membership know that it can pound. The Representatives arrogantly refuse to take action on resolutions from the members.

Does anyone understand what their representational duties are? IMHO if Moak wants "votes by acclimation" some Rep needs to hold out and say "restore some flying to mainline THEN you get my vote."

I'm all for the smokescreen, but if in that position I'd make them buy my cooperation. A reps duty is to his pilots, even if it makes it uncomfortable in the hospitality room. I like politicians who command the respect of the party apparatus.
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