Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Several things about this stink to high heaven. I am getting pinged that D-ALPA had nothing to do with this. If true, are we then going to allow other MEC's to start cutting deals with Delta management for pilot employment? Then why not their own scope deals?

If President Moak signs an agreement which allows a regional airline MEC to bind Delta it will signal the end of the exclusive representational arrangement between Delta and the Delta MEC.
Quote: So they all got a refund this year? I really don't know if the coffers are separate or not but sure thought they were for the most part.
if that were the case, who would be paying for that shiny magazine?

And from what I am told by union leaders, most of the regionals ALPA stuff is subsidized by the Majors. Hard to survive on 1.95% of 40,000 times 1500 pilots It is spreading the dues around....
Sounds like a social wellfare program.
Quote: if that were the case, who would be paying for that shiny magazine?

And from what I am told by union leaders, most of the regionals ALPA stuff is subsidized by the Majors. Hard to survive on 1.95% of 40,000 times 1500 pilots It is spreading the dues around....
Kinda depends on the carriers. The majors have had more than their fair share of legal disputes that ALPA has ended up having to resolve. Two of the biggest being the Pan Am plaintiffs and the United retirement settlement of 44 million which I think was paid last year.
Quote: So is ATL 767 closing on the next AE for sure or over subsequent AEs?

And if we were to be getting more A32#s, sure seems odd to displace from the jet.

Which is a bummer.
I emailed crew resources and they said that it is closing on the next bid. Also said we are quite a bit overstaffed on ATL 7ER, so a lot of those guys won't be going to ER or if they do there will be a lot of displacements off of the ER. Basically means more backwards movement for a lot of FO's in ATL.
Quote: I emailed crew resources and they said that it is closing on the next bid. Also said we are quite a bit overstaffed on ATL 7ER, so a lot of those guys won't be going to ER or if they do there will be a lot of displacements off of the ER. Basically means more backwards movement for a lot of FO's in ATL.
Awesome. So much for my plan to go back to the 767 if the 320 continues to be completely stagnant. Or will I even be able to hang onto it?

We'll see when the bid comes out.... I used to look forward to bids with some anticipation, now it feels more like going to the dentist.
I am 100 % against flow through agreements; I think they are a carrot that management uses to drive down pilot wages. However, I would be in favor of guaranteed interview, only because I don’t want to wait ten years to flow, I would rather take my chances now rather than wait around. I am just over 31 years old and was hired at Pinnacle when I was 24, my career clock is ticking. I have over 8000 hours, a college degree, a line check airman and a clean record. I NEED to get out of this place ASAP, or change careers; I cannot wait around for a flow. It’s mostly my fault that I am still here, I have not applied anywhere else besides Northwest Airlines and Delta, I always said I would never commute out of MSP for a airline job, but now I see that is just a pipe dream.
Quote: Awesome. So much for my plan to go back to the 767 if the 320 continues to be completely stagnant. Or will I even be able to hang onto it?

We'll see when the bid comes out.... I used to look forward to bids with some anticipation, now it feels more like going to the dentist.
Well I guess I might have to give up my seat in ATL...oh wait probably not. I forgot everyone is fiercely afraid of all that black smoke and steam.
Quote: Awesome. So much for my plan to go back to the 767 if the 320 continues to be completely stagnant. Or will I even be able to hang onto it?

We'll see when the bid comes out.... I used to look forward to bids with some anticipation, now it feels more like going to the dentist.
I'm wondering where those Captains are going. They could really create a lot of pin action which would presumably be mostly absorbed in the left seat of the 717.

My guess is that ATL 7ER FO will probably end up about even with the left seat of the 88 in MSP or New York. Wish we were doing our share of transatlantic flying to make up some of those seats.
Quote: I am 100 % against flow through agreements; I think they are a carrot that management uses to drive down pilot wages. However, I would be in favor of guaranteed interview, only because I don’t want to wait ten years to flow, I would rather take my chances now rather than wait around. I am just over 31 years old and was hired at Pinnacle when I was 24, my career clock is ticking. I have over 8000 hours, a college degree, a line check airman and a clean record. I NEED to get out of this place ASAP, or change careers; I cannot wait around for a flow. It’s mostly my fault that I am still here, I have not applied anywhere else besides Northwest Airlines and Delta, I always said I would never commute out of MSP for a airline job, but now I see that is just a pipe dream.
Yeah even if you get that interview and the job it will be a while before you can hold MSP on anything. Every bid seems to have less seats there too so...
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