Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Lets just change it to 100 hours of PTO and the "abuse" goes away. Problem solved. Next.

Oh, the company can't afford that? Yes, they can. Not my problem. Next.
Before I agree or disagree, what happens to the other 170 hours (for us old guys)? Does it remain verified? Other companies that use PTO have their vacation time built into the PTO...

I would rather ask a dumb question anonymously here than confirm to my mentor and anyone else I am an idiot......

End of sims to IOE (for 7ER at least) is now nearly a month break. And then another 3 to 4 weeks waiting for TOE. I have been told to WS trips between IOE and TOE because even though I have a bid schedule for May, once IOE is done my schedule doesn't matter but I can WS. I have also heard not to WS because the could mess with my TOE scheduling. Lastly I have heard the training pay will stop when I finish IOE.

So my questions 1) if there really is a month break between IOE and TOE does my reserve schedule already assigned just go away because I am not "qualified" to fly it, but I could WS and fly the same trips? 2) Would scheduling WS between IOE and TOE really mess with TOE scheduling or would they just canx the WS? (yes I am former military and do not yet have a full grasp of bidding if I got this wrong) 3) If there is a month break between IOE and TOE and training pay stops at IOE and I don't WS, I not getting paid for a month, right?

I know this is a way jr question for this forum, but it is not new hire or poolie and doesn't deserve its own thread.
Understand the NBA charter deal will comprise of 11 757's.
Quote: I'm surprised it's 64. I would think anyone over 60. What's the Company going to do? Fire them? Please... The Company got what they wanted. No pension, no leash. Unintended consequences go both ways.

I don't care what you do, you will always have a few abusers. I'm just tired of hearing it from DALPA. The *****ing about it ought to be coming from the Company. This is a case of DALPA doing the Company's job. DALPA's job is to represent us. End of discussion.
Where are you hearing it from DALPA. I have not seen a single thing put out from the union and your hearing it all the time?
Quote: I would rather ask a dumb question anonymously here than confirm to my mentor and anyone else I am an idiot......

End of sims to IOE (for 7ER at least) is now nearly a month break. And then another 3 to 4 weeks waiting for TOE. I have been told to WS trips between IOE and TOE because even though I have a bid schedule for May, once IOE is done my schedule doesn't matter but I can WS. I have also heard not to WS because the could mess with my TOE scheduling. Lastly I have heard the training pay will stop when I finish IOE.

So my questions 1) if there really is a month break between IOE and TOE does my reserve schedule already assigned just go away because I am not "qualified" to fly it, but I could WS and fly the same trips? 2) Would scheduling WS between IOE and TOE really mess with TOE scheduling or would they just canx the WS? (yes I am former military and do not yet have a full grasp of bidding if I got this wrong) 3) If there is a month break between IOE and TOE and training pay stops at IOE and I don't WS, I not getting paid for a month, right?

I know this is a way jr question for this forum, but it is not new hire or poolie and doesn't deserve its own thread.
Check your PM's
Quote: Lets just change it to 100 hours of PTO and the "abuse" goes away. Problem solved. Next.

Oh, the company can't afford that? Yes, they can. Not my problem. Next.
Isn't that what we have now? Sounds cost neutral. I like it.
With manning as bad as it is, can the company even afford to fire guys for sick leave abuse, even if they can prove it?
Quote: With manning as bad as it is, can the company even afford to fire guys for sick leave abuse, even if they can prove it?
That's a leverage-able position.
I would be interested to know how many hours of sick leave go unused every year.
Quote: Did he happen to mention anything about fuel hedging abuse?

If I was him, I'd start there and work down. Pilot sick leave "abuse" (is that even provable?) would be about #5,839 on my list of important stuff.
We seriously seriously need to end fuel hedging abuse.
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