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nimslow 06-19-2012 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by RJ Pilot (Post 1215192)
and take the fat one.

Hey now. Fat girls need love too, but they have to pay!! Giggity, Giggity

Wingtips 06-19-2012 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by flysooner9 (Post 1215142)
ok Debbie downer

well its what it does, it assigns all the flying, gets rid of conflicts, and thus only puts the amount of guys on RSV needed to cover sick calls, 30/7s, and misconnects. The rest go bye bye.

Wingtips 06-19-2012 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by nimslow (Post 1215169)
Just remember, for every Captain you think is a jackass, there is an FO who is just as big of a jackass...

only difference is the Capt doesnt have to flat out accept the colonoscopy, he is the one that has DR on his name tag.

What 06-19-2012 05:44 PM

So today we had pilots who had started the transition training from the ATR to the jets told to pack their bags because they are going back to the ATR due to short staffing, not to mention that ORD CRJ has been running out of reserves for the last 4 days the day before, ha ha

nimslow 06-19-2012 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Wingtips (Post 1215214)
only difference is the Capt doesnt have to flat out accept the colonoscopy, he is the one that has DR on his name tag.

You don't have to flat out accept it either. You have pro-standards. Thing is, a big part of being a good FO, is learning to be a chameleon. Know your stuff, do a good job, and realize there is a big difference between technique, and procedure.

Just because the other guy, or gal might not do it the way you would, doesn't mean they are doing it wrong. As painful as it may be, some of the stories you hear may be good. You might even learn some useful information, no matter what seat you are sitting in.

The pilots you fly with may not have your experiences, but you might be able to learn from them. I make it a priority take something away from every flight, and every one I fly with, Good or bad.

What 06-19-2012 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by nimslow (Post 1215244)
You don't have to flat out accept it either. You have pro-standards. Thing is, a big part of being a good FO, is learning to be a chameleon. Know your stuff, do a good job, and realize there is a big difference between technique, and procedure.

Just because the other guy, or gal might not do it the way you would, doesn't mean they are doing it wrong. As painful as it may be, some of the stories you hear may be good. You might even learn some useful information, no matter what seat you are sitting in.

The pilots you fly with may not have your experiences, but you might be able to learn from them. I make it a priority take something away from every flight, and every one I fly with, Good or bad.

Absolutely agree with this statement, one big problem we have at Eagle is the fact that a lot of our Captains haven't been FO in decades or ever! They forget what is like to be an FO and do what you are saying, and they are set in their ways.

mrmak2 06-19-2012 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by nimslow (Post 1215244)
You don't have to flat out accept it either. You have pro-standards. Thing is, a big part of being a good FO, is learning to be a chameleon. Know your stuff, do a good job, and realize there is a big difference between technique, and procedure.

Just because the other guy, or gal might not do it the way you would, doesn't mean they are doing it wrong. As painful as it may be, some of the stories you hear may be good. You might even learn some useful information, no matter what seat you are sitting in.

The pilots you fly with may not have your experiences, but you might be able to learn from them. I make it a priority take something away from every flight, and every one I fly with, Good or bad.

Very wise statement. And one that should be followed. I always respect the position, if not the person. It certainly is a learning experience

snippercr 06-19-2012 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by What (Post 1215248)
Absolutely agree with this statement, one big problem we have at Eagle is the fact that a lot of our Captains haven't been FO in decades or ever! They forget what is like to be an FO and do what you are saying, and they are set in their ways.

I notice this a lot, that's why I usually prefer trips with younger guys even reserve captains since they just came from being an FO. Although occasionally you get the ones that got abused so bad as an FO for 10+ years, they finished their upgrade class only 5 months previously and suddenly become as humble as a rock.

A lot of it has having the "FO-dar." How the guy in the left seat acts often dictates how I will. He relaxed and likes to chit chat? Cool, I'm game. Guy who does it by the book? I will do it word for word by the book. Micro-manger? I'm cool being Pilot-Monitoring the entire sequence, I like talking on the radios. The-former-instructor? I'll grasp at every word you say wide eyed and notebook and pen in hand. Former marine, it's-my-*******-aircraft-I'll-do-what-ever-I-want-this-is-my-side-that -is-your-side-understood? You will hear nothing but "check list complete" and I will watch the ground (or clouds) go by.

About the only thing I will put a stop to is political talk. I don't care which side they are for or what ever. Politics in the cockpit is a no-no for me. If I sense it is going that way, I will try to chime in "Yeah, I really hate poltics from either side of the aisle. " I'll nod and listen but you won't even get a "yeah" or "Oh really?" from me. Hopefully they will get a hint after their rant is over.

nimslow 06-19-2012 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by mrmak2 (Post 1215159)
...Cross the threshhold at 50ft, Vref, go to idle power and crash land on the 1000' mark, as per AOM Vol 1, and then file an ASAP report for going below glideslope, and then write the plane up for a hard landing. Thats pretty much par for the course with a DFW CA. I'm with you Wingtips

Ok, I'll bite. Other than the ASAP part, Whats wrong with what you wrote? I'll take a firm landing, on centerline, in the touchdown zone all day, every day, over a nice smooth "floater", that touches down 4000' or more down the runway. Even if it's 15K feet long.

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