Mesa issues warn notice to pilots

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Quote: We will just have to see there Leader of the Babysharks. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But! I own my mistakes. This estimate is based on Mesa manning methodology, and current efficiencies in utilization of pilots. You may think you know what you are talking about, but let’s hear you say the quantity of downgrades and furloughs. Put your money where your mouth is there expert.
Go back and read the thread where I posted a detailed analysis. It's all there. Downgrades and furloughs.
Quote: If ALL the hobby pilots @ Mesa would ask for an LOA, we would be properly staffed, going forward without furloughs.
If the company would offer a reasonable VLOA credit amount more would take it. If this MOU is voted down, that should be our next offering AFTER we ask for a survey of how many would take it. The company didn't bite because of the uncertainty on how many would take it.
Quote: Go back and read the thread where I posted a detailed analysis. It's all there. Downgrades and furloughs.
Yep, fake numbers!

Unless you're management (and I highly doubt that), you don't know $hit.
Quote: If the company would offer a reasonable VLOA credit amount more would take it. If this MOU is voted down, that should be our next offering AFTER we ask for a survey of how many would take it. The company didn't bite because of the uncertainty on how many would take it.
Pangolin, well said. That's exactly what I think will/should happen.

I advocated that many month ago.

I completely agree.
Quote: I’m legit starting to forget where the buttons are😂
Do some chair flying. Some people have had to go through AQP after not flying for 2-3+ months. Better be ready, I heard they’re looking for any and every screw up now.
Quote: Do some chair flying. Some people have had to go through AQP after not flying for 2-3+ months. Better be ready, I heard they’re looking for any and every screw up now.
I figured they would be. I’ve been out 6 months and I’m due. It’s gonna be an awesome time😂
Quote: If the company would offer a reasonable VLOA credit amount more would take it. If this MOU is voted down, that should be our next offering AFTER we ask for a survey of how many would take it. The company didn't bite because of the uncertainty on how many would take it.
I'm tempted to take it right now due to my rapidly deteriorating tolerance of all the COVID theater BS. Increasing VLOA hours from the paltry 20 on offer right now would likely push me over the edge.
Quote: Yep, fake numbers!

Unless you're management (and I highly doubt that), you don't know $hit.
I can show my work. All public info. You don’t believe it but that doesn’t make it false.
Quote: If ALL the hobby pilots @ Mesa would ask for an LOA, we would be properly staffed, going forward without furloughs.
I’ve been doing it for five months now. You’re welcome.

; )
Quote: I'm tempted to take it right now due to my rapidly deteriorating tolerance of all the COVID theater BS. Increasing VLOA hours from the paltry 20 on offer right now would likely push me over the edge.
I don’t see them sweetening the pot on vloa. They still have to pay all those hours and get nothing in return. Even remaining current is voluntary so they will still have training costs when people come back. It would be nice! But don’t count on it..
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