Any "Latest & Greatest" about Endeavor?

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That means they will have to reinstall and put the lifevest back on the aircraft to make them qualified for overwater operations.

Quote: In other news...additional 200's halted. Preparing for more 900's (from unknown source) to be operated out of ATL (yes...Caribbean pairings included). No confirmation on 700/900 dual class. At present, only thing on the table will be more 900's/flying out of the new ATL base.
Quote: In other news...additional 200's halted. Preparing for more 900's (from unknown source) to be operated out of ATL (yes...Caribbean pairings included). No confirmation on 700/900 dual class. At present, only thing on the table will be more 900's/flying out of the new ATL base.
Source? About 9 in my new hire class want to get to ATL as soon as possible, and we chose the 200 because of that.
Quote: Source? About 9 in my new hire class want to get to ATL as soon as possible, and we chose the 200 because of that.
I think the source for all these posts is the previous post with additional hopes and dreams. That or they "talked to a LCP" during a sit in the crew room. I haven't seen any official news so I'm taking it all with a grain of salt much like the 700s and 170s of last year.
Quote: Anyone want to talk about the raid of sleeping in the crew lounges last week? Guess they happend at 4:30am , last week. In NYC, it's a homeless shelter, and people are abusing the sleeproom. I heard, these raids will continue to be random , and I saw no threating signs up in any other bases beside NYC. This company thinks that minneapolis is a "big city" so, they understand a "big city". Sadly, What they fail at comprehending is a coastal elite city like NYC,heavily irop, with 50% commuters. I mean we had 2 pilots living in the sleep room and 2 flight attendants. Which that is 4chairs out of 8chairs, and for us that "miss a commute", it sucked. But, why not talk to the people abusing it?!

DTW has had signs up for at least a month.
Quote: I don't know why anyone would let it lapse to a class 2. Just because you can don't mean you shouldn't. If I can't hold a class 1 for any reason I want to know as early as possible. You get a medical stipend of $100 iirc.
Just want to make sure I'm not leaving money on the table. You're being reimbursed by insurance, right? Contract says its on the pilot.
Quote: Just want to make sure I'm not leaving money on the table. You're being reimbursed by insurance, right? Contract says its on the pilot.
If you elect the HRA option the company reimburses you $100. I think the check comes in January, its separate from the pay check.
Quote: Anyone want to talk about the raid of sleeping in the crew lounges last week? Guess they happend at 4:30am , last week. In NYC, it's a homeless shelter, and people are abusing the sleeproom. I heard, these raids will continue to be random , and I saw no threating signs up in any other bases beside NYC. This company thinks that minneapolis is a "big city" so, they understand a "big city". Sadly, What they fail at comprehending is a coastal elite city like NYC,heavily irop, with 50% commuters. I mean we had 2 pilots living in the sleep room and 2 flight attendants. Which that is 4chairs out of 8chairs, and for us that "miss a commute", it sucked. But, why not talk to the people abusing it?!

It's one thing if you get in super late and have to commute out 4 hours later.... but using the crew room for a crash pad is not ok. If only passengers knew their pilots were sleeping on a recliner..........PAY UP! Time for a major reset.
Quote: If you elect the HRA option the company reimburses you $100. I think the check comes in January, its separate from the pay check.
Ok. Thats what I thought. No company insurance for me. Cheaper for me and the kids on the wifes plan than just me with our insurance.
Quote: Ok. Thats what I thought. No company insurance for me. Cheaper for me and the kids on the wifes plan than just me with our insurance.
Any chance you want to adopt me and my family?
The wife made some smart career choices. Somebody had to balance out my decade in the right seat.
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