Atlas Air Hiring

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Does anyone have an idea as to how deep the pool is, and what the method to number pulling is for classes?
Feb 16 interview, still swimming. Still hoping for a spot....
Herc is not exactly a King Air, or a Brasilia, so I'd think you are in the zone.

Just heard we hired a guy recently that had NO fixed-wing time...just Helicopter time in the Army.
When I interviewed a year ago April there was a MIL guy with only C-130 time and his only pure jet time was in a tweet...... he was picked up.
Quote: When I interviewed a year ago April there was a MIL guy with only C-130 time and his only pure jet time was in a tweet...... he was picked up.
That's all good to hear, since my only pure jet time is from a Tweet as well!
Quote: Cool, Thanks Wasp, who knows then? Sounds similar to what Ive been doing for the last 10 years. Atlas just gets there a lot faster with less vibration, and more often with four engines still operable. What's seventeen days among friends? I just found it curoius that Hercs were not even an option to check on the applicant questionaire regarding previous aircraft flown.
From what I've seen here and from what I've heard from those I interviewed with, you are called based upon your entire resume, not just flight times and equipment. Mil/civ, college, oceanic crossings, heavy time, international experience, previous 121, youth, furlough, etc, etc. all probably carry some sort of point value that they plug into whatever formula they use to qualify pilots. Internal recommendations weigh heavily and unless your name is near the top of the stack when they start calling, you'll be out of luck. It took me nine months of resume submissions to get the first call.

Also, the list of planes on their PAQ in very short. Not sure why. None of the five planes I have significant turbine time in were listed there.

On the other hand, SWA lists them all; including the space shuttle.

Unofficial, next interview dates will be week of June 15. FWIW
Thanks 8, I saw that on SWA too I wonder if space shuttle time is more valuable than internal ref? LOL
The reason a C130 is not listed is because it is less of an airplane than a C172
Quote: The reason a C130 is not listed is because it is less of an airplane than a C172
Well Im not sure about a 172,, but I certainly enjoy my rv 7 more than the herc!
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