American interviews and class dates

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Quote: It's currently running 4-6 weeks. It's like waiting for one of those mail in rebates!)
4-6 weeks sounds like the perfect wait time. Not so soon that you have to scramble to resign from your current job, but not so long that it gets frustrating. There isn't really a true pool correct? Theyre hiring to put people into the next available class?
Quote: Would one expect some sort of communication post drug test/fingerprinting or should we just wait patiently?
No comms since the drug test. Other than trading emails with others in my interview group, last word official word was the email to set up the drug test.
Quote: 4-6 weeks sounds like the perfect wait time. Not so soon that you have to scramble to resign from your current job, but not so long that it gets frustrating. There isn't really a true pool correct? Theyre hiring to put people into the next available class?
There does seem to be at least a small pool. The late June and early July interview groups have had some folks placed in class thru late Sept, but the rest of us are still waiting to be slated. Typical wait was 4 weeks but some in the pool are between 5 and 8 weeks post job offer/drug test.
So I guess what I'm wondering is how much lead time for class is everyone getting? Is there some sort of, "Hey your class is starting in 4-6 weeks" or is it more of a, " You start next Monday"

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Quote: So I guess what I'm wondering is how much lead time for class is everyone getting? Is there some sort of, "Hey your class is starting in 4-6 weeks" or is it more of a, " You start next Monday"
Most recently, they offer you a class about a month prior to indoc.
Great to hear, thanks!

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I did the video upload on August 24th, got the email asking for additional info on August 26th, and nothing since. I'm wearing out my "check email" button. Has anyone with this similar timeline heard anything? Do they ever ask for additional info, but not give the personal interview invite?
Quote: I did the video upload on August 24th, got the email asking for additional info on August 26th, and nothing since. I'm wearing out my "check email" button. Has anyone with this similar timeline heard anything? Do they ever ask for additional info, but not give the personal interview invite?
I'd concentrate on something else for a while..Its been running over a month between Additional Info request and the invite to the F2F. One of a couple times you'll have weeks to scratch off items on the honey do list. It'll happen again after the F2F and after the Job Offer. Good time to catch up on your favorite TV series..
Is there a class starting this week? Will the S80 draft continue?
Quote: Is there a class starting this week? Will the S80 draft continue?
Yep another class on the 9th
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