L-ASA (ExpressJet CRJ side)

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Quote: Minor corrections; the Colgan Beech 1900's were already long gone by the beginning of the merger, but the 16 Pinnacle CRJ900's were parked early on in the merger.
I believe the 900's went to ASA, and I know several of the CRJ-200's ended up at SkyWest. The Q400's tried to go to Republic but couldn't be staffed and some are still sitting unused in YYZ. Some of the Saabs ended up at Silver, some are sitting in BGR.
Last I saw Endeavor is about 1600 pilots now. The pilots have paid a very heavy price for the recent pay gains.
Much of the above is factually wrong. For example, ALL of the Q400's went to Republic and flew for over 4 years. The biggest problem with them was they were maintenance hogs (partly due to the lack of maintenance they received at Colgan). Most were sold to Flyb prior to the Republic bankruptcy and the remaining 4(?) disposed of (shed) in bankruptcy.

There are also several other errors above. If you're going to correct someone, get your facts straight.

Or do you prefer "alternate facts"?!

Thus endeth today's internet scolding/spanking!

Have a lovely day!

Quote: Minor corrections; the Colgan Beech 1900's were already long gone by the beginning of the merger, but the 16 Pinnacle CRJ900's were parked early on in the merger.
I believe the 900's went to ASA, and I know several of the CRJ-200's ended up at SkyWest. The Q400's tried to go to Republic but couldn't be staffed and some are still sitting unused in YYZ. Some of the Saabs ended up at Silver, some are sitting in BGR.
Last I saw Endeavor is about 1600 pilots now. The pilots have paid a very heavy price for the recent pay gains.
So you're telling me that all of those planes did in fact leave the fleet at some point and the pilot group did dissolve quickly from 3,000 to 1,800 (at some point)?

I was Pinnacle not Mesaba (Avroman). Colgan was purchased before Mesaba came into the mix, so yes I was around for the B1900's leaving. I said nothing about the merger in my timeframe (OP), because everything was in flux for years with the purchase of 2 Airlines (Colgan & Mesaba). I don't GAF where the planes went to. They left the fleet that's all that matters. Throw in the additional 16 CRJ 900's lost that Pinnacle purchased for Delta flying in ATL.

I was a part of that Pilot group as well, so I'm certainly familiar with the prices that were paid. Wish you guys the best!
Quote: So you're telling me that all of those planes did in fact leave the fleet at some point and the pilot group did dissolve quickly from 3,000 to 1,800 (at some point)?

I was Pinnacle not Mesaba (Avroman). Colgan was purchased before Mesaba came into the mix, so yes I was around for the B1900's leaving. I said nothing about the merger in my timeframe (OP), because everything was in flux for years with the purchase of 2 Airlines (Colgan & Mesaba). I don't GAF where the planes went to. They left the fleet that's all that matters. Throw in the additional 16 CRJ 900's lost that Pinnacle purchased for Delta flying in ATL.

I was a part of that Pilot group as well, so I'm certainly familiar with the prices that were paid. Wish you guys the best!
Wow, rough morning so far?
Quote: Wow, rough morning so far?
He's a fully assimilated delta pilot now. Part of the team of opinions now.
Btw, none of you have the fleet details correctly but that's moot. Have a good day haha
Quote: Btw, none of you have the fleet details correctly but that's moot. Have a good day haha
Right we don't want the facts to ruin a good story.
Back on thread topic.

I was merely illustrating for these guys that an Airline can survive/prosper after parking a significant portion of its fleet and losing a large number of pilots. Endeavor (Pinnacle/Colgan/Mesaba) is an excellent example.

Nope, not Delta TalkTurkey.
But can they survive with a parent company who wants to shrink them to nothing?
In a word... No. JS has deemed it to be so, and so it shall be.

Quote: But can they survive with a parent company who wants to shrink them to nothing?
Quote: Back on thread topic.

I was merely illustrating for these guys that an Airline can survive/prosper after parking a significant portion of its fleet and losing a large number of pilots. Endeavor (Pinnacle/Colgan/Mesaba) is an excellent example.

Nope, not Delta TalkTurkey.
In that case, congratulations to you.
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