FedEx Hiring

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I had 11 years between my last associates and my only bachelors. There is a question on the application that asks something along the lines of "is there anything else you would like us to know about your application." Type in a narrative of a reasonable explanation why there was a gap. Especially if it involves something like financial troubles, taking care of a loved one, or funding your spouse going back to school.
Good to read these replies...there’s still hope for some of us lol! Now just to get them to count helicopter time, and I’d be sitting in a much better position TT wise
Hoping the time I’m spending at Atlas will help offset the lack of overall FW time, but we’ll see.
Quote: Any other wanna-be-newhires notice the references tab on fedex.pilotcredentials disappeared this week?
The Tab isn't there, but you can still click on the hyperlink on the checklist under profile summary...and it seems to have the same functionality.
Thanks. I didn’t even know those were hyperlinks.
1000 PIC turbine
For all.... recent visit to FedEx Pilot recruitment confirms 1000 hr PIC turbine is required to be competitive.... I went to check on the person I have endorsed (he has less than 1000) to see if that was going to be a showstopper. It is. Keep updating if you have less than 1000. G'luck..
I think the removal of the 1000 PIC was simply for a handful of guys at places like Ryan at Atlas that were 767 captains but didn't have 1000 PIC yet. They had a ton of hours in other planes, however, and were now current, qualified and just about "that much" short on the PIC.

I also think the company thought they might be able to offer them a shorter course and some kind of consolidation waivers. That's just some schoolhouse banter I am claims on the validity. The point is the 1000 PIC waiver was for a very, very small subset of the pilot world. It was not designed to bring in Regional FOs, T-6 FAIPs, or younger pilots. It was designed to (perhaps) help work around the cluster that was the 767 program kickoff.

Someone may be much better datapoints than me. The youngest guy I know hired at FedEx was 26, but was at two regionals previously and was a check airman.
So would a current Atlas pilot still squeak in minus the 1000PIC? Or am I understanding you correctly in that was a one time deal for those guys at the time?
I understand having it would be better than not, just hoping maybe the 76 type and time in type, would help offset that for someone looking to work there.
Quote: So would a current Atlas pilot still squeak in minus the 1000PIC? Or am I understanding you correctly in that was a one time deal for those guys at the time?
I understand having it would be better than not, just hoping maybe the 76 type and time in type, would help offset that for someone looking to work there. impression was this was a pseudo desperation move to get the 767 Hong Kong domicile fleeted up with a minimum of fuss. The training syllabus we got approved, however, really didn't give any advantage to previously qualified guys. There were no waivers or changes to consolidation requirements. In fact, we don't even have an abbreviated 767 FO to 767 captain program--you get the full monty (at least when I was going through...). So--I think any advantage the company sought in hiring current/qualified 767 pilots was negated by training requirements. Remember that at the time we started with the 767, we didn't even have a working sim. I never touched a 767--jet or sim--until I flew one to Vegas with an LCA on my checkout. I didn't do a simulated 76 V1 cut until I'd been in the jet about 18 months and our first sim was on line. All our training was in the 75.

Now--we have two sims, and more to follow. I don't think the company feels as much pressure as they did 3 years ago about the time the requirement changed. Thus--speculation only--I really don't see them hiring guys with less than 1000 PIC unless there are some really odd circumstances. IF they have a shortage of volunteer new hires for CGN or HKG on our next bid, maybe they'd consider an FDA volunteer that was close but just shy of the requirements.

I will also add that the interview process has been brutal lately. There are plenty of good pilots who have been turned down. I don't think the company senses any "shortage" of pilots wanting to work here, so I don't think they will have any compulsion to lower requirements anytime soon.

All of this is purely one guy's opinion. I do not converse with the hiring folks, and deliberately keep my distance out of respect for what they do. Your sponsor or friends here who approach management probably have more precise and accurate info.
Appreciate the info! I doubt any of the “big boys” are going to have any trouble getting pilots in the doors anytime soon..but ya never know if ya don’t ask!
Quote: anyone that has recently received a call for interview complete their 4 year degree in more than 5 years???

I ask cause this seemed to be an unwritten requirement. If someone took 6 years to complete their degree they were pushed out of the pile.

Also talking to people that have asked in the past, turbo prop time (c130, dash 8, shorts 360) were looked at as substandard qualification. They were also pushed to the bottom. (Info I received from others trying to recommend former coworkers)

Anyone care to comment? Experience, education, TT (civilian experience)

I am wanting to help with a recommendation for one of several friends but these are the concerns we all have. degree req, type of experience. I want to recommend the friend that has the best chance to get a call. All 3 are great pilots and hard working but that can not be displayed to a computer selection program.

(our crew force has no information or no way to get this type of information. We are as clueless to the selection process as everyone else out there!)
I was hired just over a year ago with 6 years to complete undergrad and a mix of turboprop and turbojet. I had an easily explainable gap in college due to life circumstances - luckily FedEx saw enough good on my resume to bring me in for a shot at the dream job.
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